Bacon Around The World: Australia


Hello friends!!!   Your King of Bacon is in Australia today – just to prove that so many places in the world have great recipes that use our FAVORITE ingredient – BACON.   This one is fabulous for breakfast and is much like quiche in the list of ingredients, etc. but it really is a MEAL IN A PIE as you will see.

Did you know that it’s WINTER here in Australia right now?  That’s right – hard for some of us who are baking right now in the hot summer sun to realize that where they are it’s cold.   Yes it sounds rather delicious to be cold when we’re burning up in the sun BUT here, it’s fireplace, heavy jacket, watch the kangaroos in the snow kind of weather.

So, here’s the photo of, and the recipe for, a fabulous dish that I think you’re going to REALLY love!    By the way, this is a recipe for TWO pies but they are smaller than the usual 8 or 9 inch pies we make at my house……you can adjust things for whatever pie tins you will be using.


Australian Bacon and Egg Pie


5 eggs

4 slices smoked bacon

1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated

1 large potato

4 cherry tomatoes, halved

1/2 white onion, sliced

2 packages 9-inch refrigerated pie crusts (each package should have two crusts)

1 teaspoon sesame seeds


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Boil the potato until it’s soft and then drain and cut it into slices. Set aside.
  3. Fry the bacon slices until slightly crispy and then drain on a paper towel. Break into small pieces. Set aside. Using the same pan, fry the onions on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Drain and set side.
  4. Beat one egg with a fork and set aside to use as egg wash.
  5. Open one package of pie dough and lay each pie dough on lightly floured work surface. Using one (4 x 5 inch) pie tin, place the pie tin on each pastry dough and cut a slightly larger circle around it. This is the top crust. Discard excess dough.
  6. Lightly grease 2 (4 x 5 inch) pie tins. Open the second package of pie dough and gently press 1 pastry circle into the bottom of each pie tin. Press the dough up the sides and around the rim.
  7. Line each pie with a slice of potato, then a layer of bacon and onion. Sprinkle on the cheese and add several tomato pieces. Crack 2 eggs into each pie.
  8. Brush the rim with egg wash. Cover each pie with the top crust and push it down with your fingers.
  9. Brush the top with more egg wash. Press around the rim of each pie with the back of a fork to seal.
  10. Using a sharp knife, make a small incision in the top of each pie to allow for steam to escape. Sprinkle on some sesame seeds.
  11. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes. Serve hot or cold with tomato sauce


Now, you’ve just GOT to admit – this would be a totally dy-no-mite breakfast or lunch………or WHENEVER.    I think you could actually use as much bacon as you want in this so go crazy if you want more!   Is there any such thing as TOO MUCH bacon?


Yep that’s what I thought you’d say!

You betcha guys……you definitely can haz……!!

Where will I bet next Saturday with a recipe for you?    Not sure – my Travel Agent hasn’t told me yet.   I can tell you one thing though – I love traveling but there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!

I haven’t found one single floor on my trip that’s as comfy as my floor at home for a “belly-up” nap!!

See you next week Baconians!


42 responses »

    • Good luck with scoring a bit of bacon Summer…..seems a lot of hotels are taking that OFF the menu these days. Sad huh? Have fun with your human even if bacon is NOT involved.

      Love, Teddy


  1. Glad there is no kangaroo in the recipe 🙂 It looks very tasty. And I want to rub that adorable tummy of yours Teddy. XO


    • Oh I’m glad your Dad tried one of the recipes – Mom has done almost all of them and Dad gave them all the “thumbs up”………..this one sounds good too and Mom is making one of these for breakfast tomorrow.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy, You have a potato in the directions but not in the ingredients. We are confused. Can you help us out. This sure sounds yummers. And you are so lucky to be spending a bit of time in a cooler climate. Sending love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Oh I must have been so excited to put this recipe down that I forgot to put the one required potato in the ingredients even though it’s in the directions – thanks for noticing. I fixed it. It’s just one large potato of any type. My Mom uses Yukon Golds but any potato will do. It’s nice to be in a cool climate for a change but I’m already missing the HEAT at home. LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Oh yes, very tasty sounding. Bacon and eggs in any form are a big hit with us. We were worried the recipe was going to have kangaroo in it, and Mom thinks Timber may be allergic to roos:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  4. I think winter in Australia means the temperature will actually go below 70 degrees! Because of the lack of land mass in the southern hemisphere’s temperate region, there are very few places that experience winter in July exactly like we do in January. It’s no wonder the earth tilts at 23 degrees since we’re hogging all the land up here!


    • One of our blogging friends in Australia posted a video view out her window with the most amazing hail storm I’ve ever seen……it looked like it had snowed. It gets mighty cold – fires in the fireplace, etc. but not sure it’s as “brutal” as some of our winters can be!!


  5. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Monday 23rd July 2018 – Irene Arita, One Spoiled Cat and Jill Dennison #International food and travel | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

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