Teaser Tell All


Ready For The Scoop on the Teaser??

Yesterday was a goodie wasn’t it?    We thought it was and we didn’t tell you that it was one of my Mom and Dad’s photos we used either did we….tee hee……but we’ll get down to THAT part of the update later.   First item of business is to let you know who the FIRST COMMENTER was (or in this case – COMMENTERS)!


Memories of Eric & Flynn, Friends Furever, and The Cat On My Head

Three Firsties! 

Congratulations Miss Jackie, Miss Sharon and Miss Janet from our FIRSTIES!  You each get:

I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser of July 3, 2018!

What LUCKY ducks those three winners are!!

Then we sat and watched the guesses coming in…………..we had a great variety of them AND some really good ones that showed people were really checking the photo out for any kind of clues.   We had blacked out a couple of minor things that we thought MIGHT be clues but the rest was up to YOU!    Here’s the photo again:

This photo was taken by Mom as she and Dad walked a side street in Heidelberg, Germany – WAY up above them and a bit behind them is the amazing Heidelberg castle……which HAS been featured on old Teasers here.     The photo below was taken from up where the castle is – the street scene above was taken RIGHT along the river you see in the photo fairly near the bridge on the left side of the photo.

Who was able to figure this one out FIRST?????    May we have a drumroll please????

Miss Csilla from KOLYTYI !

YAY for Csilla!  This is for YOU:

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of July 3, 2018! Lucky me!

There were a few others who guessed Heidelberg and if you were one of them, this is for each of you:

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser photo of July 3, 2018! Goodie!

AND of course if you guessed but you were WRONG…….well…..we’re sorry about that but at least you get to take home one of these of your very own:

Darn! I was wrong with my guess on the Teaser photo of July 3, 2018 but at least I TRIED! Maybe next week I’ll do better????

Let’s give everyone a hand shall we??

Now the cheer team wants to add THEIR congratulations to our winners!    Take the floor team!!

It’s the fourth of July and hot as firecrackers
But we’re here to cheer because we’re not slackers!
The Teaser was tough and there weren’t many clues
But you persevered and must have studied too!
Miss Jackie, Miss Sharon, Miss Janet – whoopee!
Then we waited a while for the guess that was right
We thought we’d have to wait until day turned to night!
But here came Miss Csilla who figured it out
We’re excited for her so we’ll give her a SHOUT!
YAY FOR EVERYONE on the 4th of July
We love Ding Dong School and that’s no lie!

Next week I do believe we have a GUEST TEASER lined up for you……………maybe those of you who got a GREENIE this week will have better luck next week – you’ll never know until you try – right?

There’s always next week!!!

So as you well know, today is July 4th here in the US of A and we’ve been going PATRIOTIC all week so far – today we have the grand Patriotic finale and then it’s back to our usual menu from the cafeteria and the cheer team’s outfits, etc.    All the fireworks will have died down and we’ll be BUSINESS AS USUAL at Ding Dong School.    Miss Dingleberry has our 4th of July meal all set for us today.    Since it’s just a half day of class – after you eat you are free to hop on your bus and head home!


Alright Ding Dongers – line up in orderly fashion and let’s EAT!  YES some of these are “repeat” goodies – your favorites but then you want us to SPOIL you right????  

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And now……….

Happy Birthday USA….long may you wave……

Your Patriotic Profs, Angel Sam and Teddy too


50 responses »

  1. Hooray! I was right! Now I can go to the festivities at the airport and know it was all good, even if I was late.
    Happy Fourth of July! Happy Birthday America!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yayyy! Congrats to Sharon, Janet and of course me being first commenters.
    Congrats to Miss Csilla for getting the right place too. I downloaded the photo, resized it with Lunapic (It comes out clearer than zooming in on the computer) and lightened it slightly….and I still got the wrong country. Even though it looked so familiar, it is not somewhere I have been.
    Happy 4th July!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! I had done a few edits to the photo too to try and make sure there were no hints…..it was a dark photo and I should have kept the lighter version but decided to use the original (with two blocked out signs) for the Teaser! It was a fun one…….we had a good visit in Heidelberg – that was our Rhine River Cruise and even though I was on cancer treatments at that time, I still enjoyed every minute of that beautiful river cruise.

      Love, Pam


  3. Congratulations to all the Firsties and to Csilla for being the first right guesser!
    A very Happy 4th of July to you and your Mom and Dad, Teddy. Enjoy those hot dogs! We are heading next door around five for BBQ with the 2 other couples we have been spending time with since March. Hot dogs, burgers, grilled chicken, CH’s famous baked beans, tater salad, slaw, CAKE, and there might, might be alcoholic beverages to sip. If it rains we are going to do garage BBQing and it rains every ding dang afternoon.
    Hugs to you Virgineeeeeeeeeeeeee!


    • Oh I hope you don’t have to BBQ in the garage but even if you do, I know you’ll have a BLAST (and some wine!) with your new friends!! So happy you have plans – and we hope you enjoy every minute of it. We’re having a quiet indoors picnic (burgers, potato salad) because it’s too dingy dangy hot outside!!!!! No rain – we WANT rain but we aren’t getting it!

      Love and Patriotic Hugs from ME and Mom too!


  4. Happy Independence Day to you guys! I hope that you Teddy, your Mom and Dad and Angel Sammy have the best one ever!
    Oh and Concatulations to the winners! I did NOT have a clue yesterday.
    Mom says we will have a regular day today, but I am hoping we can get out and around to see all my furrends and their celebrations.


  5. Nice going to all the winners! At least my (un)educated guess was the right country…but I was off a bit on the city. Still, Heidelberg is a lovely place to visit. Guess I never made it down that street, I was too busy stuffing my face at the best bakery in town. 😊 Happy 4th of July.


  6. So, we see that kolytyi guessed Heidelberg, Germany, right after Mom mentioned Germany. Do you think she took a hint from us? MOL. Stupid Mom for not sticking with her thought about Germany and doing more research. Anyhoo, we were delighted to be one of the first commenters. And thanks for all the great noms. We’ve been chowing down every place we go today. Happy 4th to the entire family. Love and hugs from Mom Janet and Dad Tom and angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. I would love to go there. I used to be a printer and I am very familiar with the Heidelberg printing presses. My wife and I are planning to go to Germany next year for our twentieth anniversary but we haven’t decided which cities to go to yet.


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