Pre-Tease Monday


Yes indeed it is!   Welcome to class students………….

I needed more sleep but made it to class anyway…..

I coulda used some more shut eye but I knew I’d get in trouble if I wasn’t here on time!

YAWN…..I guess I’m ready for class too….

Well we’re glad you’re mostly awake………… you know the reason we get together for a class on Monday is because it’s our last chance to get you fired up for Tuesday every week – and that’s when it’s VITAL you be not just awake and alert but also SMART!

Well we TRY to be alert and smart…..some of us have to TRY harder though!

Here are the rules that will apply to tomorrow’s Teaser…….remember our blog post for tomorrow will not be posted at the same/usual time.   It will be a surprise time………..!

AND, you just never know what part of the globe the photo will have been snapped – it could be ANYWHERE so yes we know it’s tough to study for but hey – nobody said school was going to be easy right?

It’s NEVER Easy in this class!!!

All we ask is you DO YOUR BEST and if you do, who knows – you might win a badge from Teaser Class……..something you can show off if you want to………… of these in fact!

Yep – we have badges for being FIRST COMMENTER (or sometimes there are more than one in the first 60 seconds after we go live), FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER and WRONG GUESSER.   Badges for everyone!

Not only that but our FIESTY cheer team will put winner’s names in their cheer on Tell All Thursday.   Of course that’s assuming that Suzie and her crew are in a good mood.    There have been times when they weren’t as GRACIOUS as we might like.    Speaking of the cheer team – they are here this morning to cheer you all on and hopefully inspire you to study tonight so you will be successful tomorrow.

We are mighty, we are loud
We know how to please a crowd
We’ll fire you up with our super cheers
You’ll be so moved you’ll cry REAL tears!
Study hard like good girls and boys
So you can handle the Teaser with your usual poise
We’ll see you tomorrow dear Teaser Club
Even though we might be pruney from Sarge’s hot tub!

Thanks team………….I knew you could fire this pile of sleepy students up with your cheering.

Well MOST of the class anyway!

Now as usual, Miss Dingleberry and her cafeteria crew have prepared a lunch time treat for all of us so please STEP RIGHT UP and enjoy.    We will see you HERE at a SURPRISE time tomorrow…………………

How about a nice COLD fruit juice to go with that SAMMICH????


Study hard!  

The Professors


33 responses »

  1. I am first again today! I will try hard tomorrow but I have a feeling I may have to go shopping and will be late. I haven’t done a proper shop since we got home and things are starting to look a bit bare!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Getting food in the house again is WAY MORE important than being in class…….stop by whenever you can – we’re just happy you’re back and had such a grand time!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom too ❤


  2. And we are second!! MOL! And about as sleepy as that pup in his dish…

    Not sure if I can be here early on Tuesday, but never say never, right?!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s our favorite around here – steak and cheese and Mom makes those for her and Dad every couple of weeks…..WITH fries too of course!! See you in class tomorrow………

      Love, Teddy


  3. *Yawn* Goodness professors we are tired tired tired. But we will be at the Teaser to hear the cheer and nom the noms. Thanks Miss D for some great tasty treats today.
    Till Teaser Time Timmy


    • Well you guys always show up in class so I’ll look for you AND save some desks for you……………Miss D has FRIED FOOD on tap for today – you know how all that grease perks everyone up! HAHAHAHAHA



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