Friendly Fill-Ins


HAPPY FRIDAY!    Time to do some filling in of sentences……one of our favorite Hopping activities around here.   Each week we get two sentences from our co-hosts, Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing and we put words in the blanks they leave in the sentences.   What happens then?  Well we learn something NEW about each other – that’s what!    Want to join in?  Please do – just click the badge above – it will take you to 15andMeowing and if you fill out the LINKY FORM you’ll be IN with the rest of us!

I am letting my Mom take over filling in today – when I read the first question I KNEW it was meant for a human instead of a “human-like-cat” which of course is ME!   Mom’s words are in GREEN.


1. My favorite subject in school was Art – oh how I loved that class!
2. An extracurricular activity I participated in was NOTHING – that’s right – I didn’t do any extracurricular activities because there were none at my high school.
3. I want to learn some new stretching exercises – I’m thinking about taking yoga.
4. It takes courage to make ANY kind of a change in your life because we are all comfortable with the familiar but change can also be EXHILARATING!


There you have it – words of wisdom from my Mom.    Well maybe “wisdom” isn’t the right word – maybe “words from an over-70 lady” is a better thing to say.   GO MOM GO!
It was a sunny day today so I got to go outside several times on my harness.   The only complaint I have is that Mom and Dad applied Holly Tone to some of their trees/shrubs in the yard and that stuff STINKS.   That’s right – I said STINKS!    I’m sure it will fade with time or the first rain but right now, it’s interfering with my usual pathway through the yard – I have to take detours around some of the landscaping.   The worst thing is that I WAS NOT CONSULTED ABOUT THIS STINK-IFYING procedure before it took place!
I guess if that’s my biggest complaint, then I’m still a lucky guy right?

Happy Friday!

Hugs, Teddy

44 responses »

    • My Mom used to be very nimble but that was 45 years ago and probably 45 pounds ago too (don’t tell her I said that). Holly tone is quite stinky but after we get rain this weekend it may de-stinkyify it a bit as it’s washed into the soil……………….we hope.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • HAHAHA……well, I’m not crazy about it but I have changed my usual “hiking around the yard” pattern to stay clear of all the shrubs they STUNK UP with that stuff so I’m good to go! Want me to ship you the REST of the bag?? HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  1. P.S. The male biped recently spread out what he called ‘soil enhancer’ in a tired corner of the garden. I stuck my nose in it and he was sold a pile of rotting farmyard poop!

    Liked by 1 person

      • The bipeds said that it was so well rotted that it was only noticeable for a few days! Their noses are useless – I’m still enjoying the aroma! 😀


        • We animals have a heightened sense of smell and can appreciate the “nuance” of stink whereas bipeds really think “stinky” is bad…just another thing about them that’s TOUGH to understand right Clowie?

          Hugs, Teddy


  2. Love your Mom’s answers to the fill-ins, sweet Teddy. Aw, that’s a shame about the Holly-tone, but your pawrents just want to keep your yard beautiful for your many hikes!
    If your Mom starts doing yoga, perhaps you can join her….. !
    Love, Sundae


  3. That’s a coincidence… I think Sarge has a yoga class you can enroll in right now. Since the cheer team fears him, Miss Dingleberry had to volunteer to be his assistant. Have you seen Miss D in her yoga pants? It’s…… well, it’s a sight you’ll never unsee.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Somehow I think Sarge’s yoga class would involve a lot of yelling and screaming of orders and that seems like rather un-yoga-like behavior to me. As for Miss D in yoga pants – well – thanks a bunch; if I never had a nightmare before now, I’ll certainly be experiencing one tonight! ‘Spose she wears a special yoga hairnet???????


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Teddy, what is that stuff and why are they applying it? Does it keep the vishus deer away from munching the plants? Mom said her fave subject was English and then, Science. No extracurricular activities there either except Band. I know she also wants to learn more stretching. Older ladies seem to need that! Not ME! Ad 4. It take courage to walk against the tide of those coming at you with great force. XXOO to you, snuggly boy!


    • Well Katie Holly Tone is VERY GOOD for plants that like an acid soil….makes them grow like mad. Especially our holly trees and rhododendrens. Doesn’t keep the deer away but we noticed this past year that the deer didn’t munch on anything but the TOPS of our azaleas anyway! I like your Mom’s answers to the fill-ins – My Mom had a tough time with a lot of subjects because part of her high school years were spent in Taiwan with “barely speak English” teachers and it was very difficult to understand stuff. At least that’s her excuse anyway. HAHAHA Mom thinks yoga will help her arthritis and inflexibility stuff. You’re right – older ladies need that!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks to your Mom for these great answers. That is a shame her school didn’t have any extracurricular activities, but I am glad she had art. Yoga is a good way to stretch, if she wants to test it, the tv has a lot on demand, well Comcast does, not sure who your provider is. Have a great weekend! XO


    • We don’t have cable BUT Mom can get some good yoga stuff from the internet……but what I think she probably will do is join a local class. They have classes at the gym. Back in my Mom’s day the high schools didn’t do extracurricular stuff for some reason. Glad that changed through the years!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Mom has an 8 minute tai chi video Movements for seniors she does every day. It is supposed to help with balance.

    Teddy your photo at the end is most handsome…I hope that stinky stuff goes away quickly
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • We are getting rain today and for the next several days Madi so I think the stinkiness will be GONE thanks to that! Tai Chi is really cool to watch and I’m SURE it helps a lot with balance and focus. Good for your Mom giving it a whirl!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, you’re such a sweet boy to let your mom answer the fill-ins this week. She sure did a great job! I absolutely love drawing, but if I’m to be honest, I had a hard time enjoying art classes. I think that might have been because I just wanted to draw all the time, but we were also required to do pottery, painting, and all sorts of art with which I just don’t have much skill. I just wanted my pencils and pens. You know, I’ve been wanting to start practicing yoga, too. I enjoy weight training and kickboxing, but I came to the conclusion the other day that I really need to work on my flexibility, because it’s pretty much nonexistent at present. And you are so right with #4! Our posts this weekend are going to relate to that. Happy Friday to all of you!


    • I thought Mom might have an easier time with answering those questions than me and besides, she needs something to do to keep her out of trouble (haha). My Mom has always drawn, sketched, then discovered pen and ink, watercolors and oil painting in high school. She also took lessons when she lived in Taiwan for two years while in high school….THEN she decided after some years go to BACK to art classes with the County and fell in love with oils again. Her work was displayed in a couple of local galleries and she wound up starting an online notecard business featuring images of her paintings. Through the years she gradually quit painting and focused on her writing. So she’s been around the block a few times you might say!!! Nowadays I’m her focus – well I suppose it’s ME and my Dad not just ME. You have a wonderful talent for writing AND artwork and you should continue down that road FOR SURE!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Back in my day there weren’t any extracurricular activities available but I’m really glad that changed through the years. It’s a great way to keep students bonded and grow friendships, etc. Yoga seems like a great way to keep in shape without leaping around and sweating a lot (hahaha).

      Hugs, Pam


  8. Cool info in the Fill-Ins. Mom’s extra-curricular was being president of the Spanish Club. Cut to MANY years later when she was a teacher, and she got a new kid in her class who spoke no English at all. She used her brain power to tell him he had to raise his hand if he wanted a drink. He laughed and laughed and laughed. Mom thought he was a wack-o. When Mom got home, she dusted off her Spanish dictionary and discovered she had told him to raise his monkey if he wanted a fire. Extra-curricular activities are not all they’re cracked up to be!

    Love and licks,


    • OH CUPCAKE THAT IS SO FUNNY!!! Well, your Mom TRIED to use her dusty Spanish but no wonder the new kid got a big giggle out of her attempt! That’s such a funny story……….!!!

      Love, Teddy


  9. Those are some great fill in answers from your mom, Teddy. We hope you get some more outside time this weekend.


    • Oh gosh I hadn’t thought of that – I bet it wouldn’t be too hard to make Mom lost her balance or fall over on her side or………..never mind……just kidding………..(sort of!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Change can be a challenge. If we can just keep moving forward, our lives can change for the better. Have a blessed week.


  11. Tom loves yoga. If I had balance, I would do it too. I’ve always wanted to do so. I did go to class with him one, and I could only do about half the poses. That was an excellent #4 completion. As we age, change is even more difficult! Sending lots off love, Janet and the gang.


    • I took yoga YEARS ago with my Mom. Learned about meditating in that class also. It was a County class and free and Mom and I enjoyed it so much. Then life came along with lots of changes and I just FORGOT about it…….now as I stiffen up with age I’m thinking “THAT’S THE ANSWER” !!!!

      Love, Pam


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