SPARK on Memorial Day


Although Annie at McGuffy’s Reader is taking a well-deserved break from hosting McGuffy’s Reader’s SPARKS on Monday, her idea to spread light and inspiration to start each week goes on.    We will continue to honor that idea and Annie by posting a quote that touches us and that we hope will touch those who see it as well.

Today is Memorial Day…………..and as a woman who grew up in a military household with an extremely patriotic father who spent his life serving his country, I have always carried in my heart admiration for those who choose to dedicate themselves to serving.    My Dad was a guy who would get teary hearing the Star Spangled Banner – who wore his uniform proudly every day of his active service and who was wholeheartedly patriotic.   I carry that spirit with me thanks to him.    I have his old footlocker which is filled with HIS memories, many of which relate to his career and once in a while I open up this treasure box and feel close to him once more and become “re-infused” with that love of country.   I’m sure I will do that all the rest of my days.

My spark is in the spirit of patriotism………………and love of my country…………and for him.

Love, Pam

40 responses »

  1. What a special post today, Pam. Your dad sounds like a remarkable person….a true patriot. We owe so much to those who serve and have served our country. How wonderful that you have his locker full of treasures.


    • Thanks Dianna my friend! My Dad was not a “perfect person” but he was my Dad and I am proud of his Air Force career. His footlocker is full of things that meant something to him and I guess that’s why when I open it up and go through his treasures it’s like having him around again even for a short time. Enjoy your Memorial Day!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Thanks Madi and Mom – a day of remembering. I hope you will be PRESENT in class tomorrow Madi? You know Sarge takes names of those who don’t show up and – well – he’s got a long memory for those who dawdle outside the classroom door!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Such a beautiful tribute to honor our heroes, especially your father. Too many today forget about all the sacrifices others made for us to have the world we live in.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Hi Annie! You and UNDER THE OAKS both were caught up in a WordPress error – I got word that the TT post had missed its’ schedule (THEIR fault) but it’s up now and both you and Pix at Under The Oaks are STILL going to be my FIRSTIES because you tried!! Concatulations!

      Liked by 1 person

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