Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday

Sunday means Blog Hopping our Selfies with our hosts at The Cat On My Head……I know you want to be one of the Hoppers so why not click on their badge above and join in the fun!

My Mom did her usual tricks with a photo that I would much rather she NOT have taken…..she caught me in an awkward moment up on her bed…..I was taking care of business (aka bathing) and was just finishing up my best bits (tummy) when SNAP there she was.   I didn’t even have a chance to put my FULL POWER LASERS on her – they are just half power!    I can’t believe she’s using this silly looking photo for my Selfie but there you have it.  At least she used her Lunapic magic and colored it up and framed it with Pizap so maybe you’re distracted and dazzled by the colors and don’t see that I’m BATHING!

Here’s the before and after:

AND of course he had to turn this into a puzzle for you jigsaw-puzzle-maniacs like SHE is……… if you have nothing better to do this Sunday morning or afternoon then GOOD LUCK!!!!     Mom promised me she’d not capture my bathing activity on camera again but we all know that’s just plain NOT TRUE!   HAHA

Just click the itty bitty picture of me to begin the jigsaw!

Hugs, Teddy

50 responses »

    • Thanks ER…..! I suppose considering some of the photos of cat-bathing I’ve seen, this isn’t as bad as it COULD have been….but at least she didn’t catch me with my tongue out!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Oh, Teddy….our humans can do some silly things, can’t they? (Pssst….I think we’re just so adorable to them, they don’t notice if some of our poses are a bit “off”!)
    Love, Sundae


  2. Whether she caught you unawares or not, it is still a lovely selfie. The arty effect really brings the colours out. I will be off to do the puzzle later today. Dinner time now!


  3. Your Mom did good things with the edit… FUN!! Thank you for the puzzle! Raining in Mizzzzourrrreeeeeeeeeee! Not raining in Floridaaaaaaadeeeeeeeeee… yet! Wait for it… we are going to have company around wine time-ish today. LOL!


    • I bet I know who the company is too…….! Rain stopped here this morning just long enough for me to go out and mow the lawn FINALLY – it was one long pain in the tushie getting through all that thick long WET grass but it’s done. Dang! Glad you liked what I did with Teddy’s bathing beauty photo. Tee Hee

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you look great, it looks like you are stretching. I love the art your Mom made with it and you know I love puzzles so I am off to do this one. XO


    • She didn’t even ASK ME FIRST if she could take my photo while I was bathing. Wonder how she’d feel about that if I had a camera with ME and visited HER in the bath??????

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Mee-you Teddy yur bathin selfie iss sorta funny *giggull*…LadyMum says yur so adoorabull bathin…Hu’manss are odd creeturess aren’t they???? Do wee take fotoss’ of THEM bathin?? Mew mew mew…..
    Now Lady Pam yur Lunapic foto of Teddy iss BERRY artsy fartsy an looks grate….an Teddy it does NOT look like yur bathin inn that foto!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


    • I know! I think we are all well compensated for the indignities we suffer due to our humans having a penchant for capturing us in all sorts of embarrassing situations with their flashy boxes! Food, treats, shelter – I suppose it’s a fair exchange but oh my – when I’m BATHING?

      Love, Teddy


  6. Half lasers work just as well for us, Teddy. Love your lunapic’d selfie!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  7. Well, that was just plain rude of your mom to take that picture of you, Teddy, in a compromising position. But it did make for some nice artwork.


  8. We think this is an adorable photo and the art is particularly nice. We love the colors and the frame. Your Mom didn’t catch you with your tongue out or mid wash, so we think it was okay to snap this cute pix. Thanks for being a faithful friend and hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I think it makes me look FAT. You know how we kitties don’t like to appear in embarrassing positions – although I have to admit, as much as I like to sleep on my back with “it all hanging out” a photo like this PALES in comparison!!!

      Love, Teddy


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