SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday!    Time to spread a little positivity, inspiration, light and a SPARK to start our week.    This is a super blog hop started by Annie at McGuffy’s Reader……Annie’s idea was that beginning each day (or week) with a spark might just spread that power around and bring light into the dark corners we all have lurking around us.  Our world can be a difficult place to maneuver through but together – and with some “light” – we can do it!    Thanks Annie for allowing all of us to contribute a thought that may strike a chord with someone else.    Want to join in?   Please do – just click on Annie’s badge above and add your link so we can visit you.

My Spark today is all about kindness.   Kindness is probably something many of us really don’t think that much about – either we experience it (giving or receiving) or not.    But have you ever thought about the POWER kindness has?  Not just to those who GIVE it but also those who RECEIVE it?

I always get a lot of joy out of seeing people’s reaction when I do what – for me – is natural.   Being appreciative of someone else’s kindness to me or for someone else……or even recognizing something that is really a “day to day” thing.   An example is thanking the person who rings up your grocery tab and bags your groceries for you.    They are doing what they’re paid to do but do you thank them for it?   I always do but this Sunday when I was at the grocery I observed someone ahead of me being rude to the checker – grabbed something out of the checker’s hand as she was scanning it to price it and saying “you’re so slow and I’m in a hurry”.    The checker was taken aback but apologized to this rude person anyway.    When it was my turn I didn’t make reference to what I observed but I did my usual thing of THANKING them when I was ready to push my cart out to go to the car.   She got a HUGE smile on her face and said “thank you for thanking me – you made my day” – it made me feel like my kindness MIGHT have made up for the rudeness of the lady in front of me.     It’s a simple thing to be kind – it comes from your heart and is received INSTANTLY by someone else.

Once, not long ago, I was at that same grocery and there was a VERY pregnant checker who really just looked tired and uncomfortable as she processed someone’s groceries……..I had picked up a bouquet of flowers to take home and they were in my cart…..when it was MY turn to be checked out, and after she’d scanned the bouquet I pulled a bright yellow mum from the bouquet and handed it to the checker.   I told her to have a nice day and the smile she gave me lit up the entire grocery store!

LITTLE THINGS MEAN A LOT……………..Be kinder than necessary – you will absolutely LOVE the result.

Love, Pam

56 responses »

  1. I agree with you… our world became a cold and dangerous place and a thank you and a smile can do so much…. I’m always nice to those who are there to make our life more comforable… a lot of people think the street cleaner or the trashcan guys are like equipment, but they are humans like we too… and to thank them for their service costs us nothing but may be percious for them…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think I like this better than any I have ever read. Thank you. I believe in the act of kindness while away from family in the retail world… and I try to be like that wherever I am. I have occasionally seen some strong rudeness in checkout lines and why anyone would or even could, act that way is beyond my understanding. I always try hard to make up for it when I get to the checker. I want to be a small spark in someone’s life if I can.
    Katie and Mom


    • YES! That’s exactly how I feel – you feel it most when you see the opposite around you but when you have your OWN chance to bring a spark to someone ELSE, and you do it, you REALLY feel it deep down in your heart and it feels so good. GOOD FOR YOU doing the same thing…..if everyone just did that what an extraordinarily DIFFERENT place our world would be! 🙂

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • Once, a few years ago, I was in a Verizon store to get an adjustment to my cell phone. An old man, in his 70’s I would say was being extremely abusive,loud, rude and threatening to the salesman. The salesperson was calm, quiet in tone and tried to explain to the man what the issue really was but the old man kept up the abusive language. When it was over…something took over my feet and I rose, went straight to the young man and hugged him. I thanked him for his decency and his forbearance.
        I know I should not have down that. It turned out wonderfully well as the man appreciated my hug and thanks and appreciation. But it could have gone wrong as that was a bold thing to do. But my heart made me as he was in the general age group of my sons. We stayed “friends” until he went to another store a distance from my town. I always went to him when I went in, is what I meant by friends, and we were always happy to see one another. XXX
        Katie Isabella


        • That’s a great story of kindness and appreciation and that “spirit” is something we just have inside us – sadly many people “deny” that impulse because it can mean SO MUCH just to say “you did well” or “thank you for being so kind” – seeing someone trying to do their job in the face of a major obstacle (!) SHOULD be rewarded. I think hugs are wonderful ways to respond but you have to use your “radar” to know who will understand a hug and who won’t. You DID! Good radar…..and excellent example of just how much it means to be NICE.

          Hugs, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Standing ovation clapping from the choir and the entire pulpit!!
    Bravo Thursday their was a darling young lady trying to clean up the onion bin and pack up some onions on the shelf at the grocery store. I asked her if she would please hand me one because every time I touch them one runs away from me. For some reason she thought that was hilarious.
    She handed me two onions saying, take these so they don’t run away.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • What a very cool story….You probably MADE HER DAY – you made her smile and no doubt she told that story to others who probably smiled or laughed and so on and so on and so on. See how things like that can multiply? Bringing a smile to someone else can turn into an avalanche of “HAPPPY” !!

      Love, Pam


  4. Often we never know just how much our kindness meant to someone else. I love this post and I love this approach to being kind wherever you go.

    Have a fabulous day filled with wonderful acts of kindness. ♥


    • You’re right – we really don’t know how we impact others most of the time but if you thank someone you often get a smile and it just FEELS GOOD to have caused it!! Glad you like the spark today – I do too……

      Love, Pam


    • Ellen what a sweet thing to say… know what? I TRULY would say the same about you. You’re a sweet and very kind person and it was SUCH a pleasure meeting you in person!!!!

      Love, Pam


  5. That is a great Spark. I totally agree with you that kindness and “thank you” go a long way to make people feel happy and even special. And it is not just to strangers that we should act this way. Some people never think about telling their spouse or family member “thank you.” Thanks for a great Spark and your friendship. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I TRULY have noticed that a lot of people just never say thank you. Even when I see something done for them that they SHOULD thank someone for – they just don’t say it. I was raised to appreciate and thank people I think. It’s part of who I am. Maybe I’m expecting too much of others but to me it’s automatic to be thankful for things. Anyway, glad you liked the spark today that I found and isn’t the graphic beautiful? I wish I could embroider – it would make a lovely wall hanging!

      Love, Pam


  6. You are a lovely soul. I always feel I must make up for my self absorbed SO who pretty much ignores everything and everyone around him, especially if there’s food on the agenda. ~grin~ Be well!


  7. You are a very kind and thoughtful person. We can tell you have brightened many lives with even the smallest of kindnesses. Mom says it doesn’t really take much to do something nice. It doesn’t have to cost money, just a few seconds of loving thought.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  8. This is SO true ! After I retired from teaching I began working with the” public” for the first time ever. For a couple years I ran a small cafe in an Antique Mall. It turned me into a MAJOR tipper ! I had always tipped, but doubt if I could be accused of overtipping.


  9. Your stories both made me sad and happy. You are a kind soul and fortunate the person who crosses your path! I wonder if that rude woman was ever a checker? The same can be said for how people treat servers in restaurants as well. Be kind….you never know what trials the other person is dealing with.


    • That’s a kind thing to say – I just try to THINK before I SAY or DO…..which is more than you could say for the rude people I see in checkout lines and airport lines, etc. Impatience is rampant – and I think rudeness is an outgrowth of that impatience. Sad really. Your last sentence is exactly how I feel….

      Hugs, Pam


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