Tag Archives: kindness

SPARKS on Monday


Happy Monday!    Time to spread a little positivity, inspiration, light and a SPARK to start our week.    This is a super blog hop started by Annie at McGuffy’s Reader……Annie’s idea was that beginning each day (or week) with a spark might just spread that power around and bring light into the dark corners we all have lurking around us.  Our world can be a difficult place to maneuver through but together – and with some “light” – we can do it!    Thanks Annie for allowing all of us to contribute a thought that may strike a chord with someone else.    Want to join in?   Please do – just click on Annie’s badge above and add your link so we can visit you.

My Spark today is all about kindness.   Kindness is probably something many of us really don’t think that much about – either we experience it (giving or receiving) or not.    But have you ever thought about the POWER kindness has?  Not just to those who GIVE it but also those who RECEIVE it?

I always get a lot of joy out of seeing people’s reaction when I do what – for me – is natural.   Being appreciative of someone else’s kindness to me or for someone else……or even recognizing something that is really a “day to day” thing.   An example is thanking the person who rings up your grocery tab and bags your groceries for you.    They are doing what they’re paid to do but do you thank them for it?   I always do but this Sunday when I was at the grocery I observed someone ahead of me being rude to the checker – grabbed something out of the checker’s hand as she was scanning it to price it and saying “you’re so slow and I’m in a hurry”.    The checker was taken aback but apologized to this rude person anyway.    When it was my turn I didn’t make reference to what I observed but I did my usual thing of THANKING them when I was ready to push my cart out to go to the car.   She got a HUGE smile on her face and said “thank you for thanking me – you made my day” – it made me feel like my kindness MIGHT have made up for the rudeness of the lady in front of me.     It’s a simple thing to be kind – it comes from your heart and is received INSTANTLY by someone else.

Once, not long ago, I was at that same grocery and there was a VERY pregnant checker who really just looked tired and uncomfortable as she processed someone’s groceries……..I had picked up a bouquet of flowers to take home and they were in my cart…..when it was MY turn to be checked out, and after she’d scanned the bouquet I pulled a bright yellow mum from the bouquet and handed it to the checker.   I told her to have a nice day and the smile she gave me lit up the entire grocery store!

LITTLE THINGS MEAN A LOT……………..Be kinder than necessary – you will absolutely LOVE the result.

Love, Pam