Friendly Fill-Ins


Time to do our weekly “FILL IN THE BLANK” Blog Hop with our co-hosts Ellen of 15andMeowing and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.   So much fun to share little bits of odds and ends about ourselves with everyone in the Hop.   Want to have some fun WITH us?   Good – click the badge above, fill out the Linky Tool and be ready for comments to come from those who have found out a little more about you.

This week Mom is doing the filling in and she chose GREEN for her words………..GO MOM GO!


1. I am the middle child in my family.

2. I have two siblings.

3. I am looking forward to seeing my perennial garden blossoming (assuming Spring ever gets here of course!) this Spring.

4. The first sign of Spring this year was seeing it on my calendar – just because it SAID it was Spring though didn’t mean we could SEE it because we had snow yesterday!!!.


Well Mom and I are wondering if we will ever really have Spring.  The snow we had yesterday is melting BUT snow is in our weekend forecast yet again.   We kind of think Spring got lost somewhere – like in the Bahamas or maybe Bermuda or SOMEWHERE but it sure isn’t HERE yet!

Happy Friday from ME and Mom!


81 responses »

  1. Spring seemed to appear here, but it was easily scared away by winter again. We have more snow forecast in the coming week or so. We’ve already seen more snow this winter than we’ve seen for years. I don’t mind, but the bipeds say they’ve seen enough snow for this year. As though there’s such a thing as enough snow! 😀


    • Well we had only two inches when we expected nine inches so I have no complaints. Still, I wanted it to melt quick because I do NOT like cold feet!!! I know you love snow so I’ll hope for your sake you get one more winter snow before Spring comes – walkies in Spring are GREAT too!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. MOLMOLMOL love the window message and OMCs that robin with his tongue stuck on the metal what a bird brain.
    Happy Friday and Teddy we hope you fee 87 x better today than yesterday.
    Madi your bfff


  3. I am hoping you feel better today, too, Mr. Bean. Spring is coming… I know it hasn’t lost its way to you. Spring does seem befuddle muddled this year. It is 47 here this morning. The Robin… cracking up!!!


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We are wondering where Spring is too, although the forecast shows much warmers temps next week-finally! I like that photo of the writing in the snow ) Have a nice weekend! XO


  5. Looks like just about everyone is waiting for spring. We don’t have it here either and I’m ever so ready for a little nice weather.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Teddy. ♥


  6. Love those memes…especially the robin one. With this delayed spring, we need a sense of humor. It’s getting old waiting and waiting. If that snowstorm comes this weekend, we hope Mom Pam can get to her tortoise care duties. Sending lots and lots of prayers and POTP to you Teddy and love to your parents as well. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Mom has already done her tortoise duty for today. Easy Peasy……and she only has to walk maybe 75 giant steps to get to where she has “duty” so even if we get snow (and now they say we won’t!) she’ll be fine!! Glad you liked that robin meme – we laughed ourselves silly with that one too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. We LOVED reading about your Mom. I let my Mom do the Fill ins too! And I must say, the robin cartoon made coffee come out Mom’s nose!
    This year, we have actually been having a nice spring. Today they are predicting rain, hail, thunder, lightening, wind, sleet and snow though. We are hoping that tomorrow things will be back to warmish.


    • Marv your weather report for day sounds like “ALL OF THE ABOVE” or a little bit of EVERYTHING! Goodness……..we have sun today but it’s cold and OH JOY they have removed snow from our forecast for tomorrow. Maybe – just MAYBE Spring is on its’ way soon…………hope you have a GREAT weekend Marv!

      Love, Teddy


  8. Each time Mom and I go looking for spring, we see snow. Where the snow has disappeared, there’s MUD. Lots and lots of mud….

    Love and licks and I’m tired of getting my feet washed,


    • Same here on the foot washing Cupcake….Mom makes me go through that indignity every time I come in too. I want SPRING and not just because I don’t like foot-washing but because it’s TIME!

      Love, Teddy


  9. I am lucky there is a storm coming tomorrow but; it’s going to miss us. I have seen lots of robins. That’s my first sign of spring. Have a great weekend.
    Sue B


    • We are seeing all kinds of birds – and Mom is going through bird seed like “there’s no tomorrow” !! The birds are here now if the weather would just get here too we’d be happy!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Oh Teddy, you are not alone. The Tribe of Five has yet to see a flower or any other sign of spring (unless you count the fact that snow is melting in the front yard). We’re ready for the Humans to get out the pop up catio and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine (but it’s gonna’ be a while, the ski area just extended their closing for two more weeks). We don’t care, felines don’t ski and we’re not that fond of snow.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver & The Tribe of Five


    • Hi Gang! Thanks for stopping by our little corner of Virginia. We were supposed to get more white stuff today but SPRING won that battle because we’re having a sunny day instead. Hope to see more of the POWER OF SPRING instead of the yuck of cold weather – maybe the Easter Bunny will bring Spring finally?????

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I will do my fill-ins here Teddy.
    1. I am the baby of the family.

    2. I have two siblings, brothers.

    3. I am looking forward to me and my Nikon DSLR heading out in Spring and Summer to photograph wildflowers and landscapes.

    4. The first sign of Spring this year were the jonquils starting to bloom…wilddaffodils.

    XXX Katie Isabella


      • That would be wonderful. I hope you get those signs of Spring, too. 🙂

        I remember back home in South Carolina, no matter what day Easter came, the dogwood trees were always blooming in time. It was a beautiful sight. My daddy’s property was loaded with dogwood trees. 🙂

        Have a blessed weekend.
        Love, Suz


        • Dogwoods are so beautiful – we have two pink ones in front and a cream colored in the back…….we look forward to seeing them every year….so far no buds but we need several days of WARM weather and I think we will finally see Spring!!

          Happy Sunday
          Love, Teddy

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          • Oh what a beautiful yard you must have! I haven’t seen a dogwood tree since we moved here to Texas. It is one of the things that I miss most about South Carolina.

            I hope that you’ll get your warm days very soon. Have a blessed and beautiful week, Teddy. 🙂



          • Our yard USED to be beautiful but as the years have gone by erosion has taken a toll on our yard I’m afraid. Our trees have gotten bigger so there’s more shade and many things that thrived have more of a struggle. Add to that the fact my parents aren’t as young as they were when they had this house built (eeeeeeek!) and they don’t have the energy to keep up with things as they once had. In other words, our yard has seen better days! Dogwoods are so BEAUTIFUL though – we are happy to have three of them!!

            Hugs, Teddy

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          • It happens to all of us eventually, this aging thing. Shady yards are great and not-so-great. I understand completely. Our yard is, I think, between a quarter and a third acre, and it has more tree canopy than yard, literally. We have so much cover here at this house that we can’t go solar. We aren’t willing to sacrifice this trees for mor sun exposure. I have been sitting out here for the last hour enjoying watching the trees dance in the wind. But, all that cover comes at the cost of sun-loving plants being a thing of the past.

            Maybe something will come along to re-energize all of us.😊. Have a blessed day.


          • I do love shade and plants that grow in the shade too like ferns and hosta, etc. but flowers always make me smile. Thankfully I have a good imagination so I can PRETEND I have my flower garden anyway!

            Hugs, Pam

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          • Thank you for this comment. I’ve been wondering what might work in this yard. I will investigate hostas. I often pretend that my roses are still out there. 🙂 A good imagination is a wonderful thing!

            Have a blessed night.



          • I love hostas although the deer do too so I don’t have as many as I USED to have before the deer discovered the “all you can eat buffet” in my yard. I also love buying different kinds of ferns – they are fascinating. Yes a good imagination is a wonderful (and necessary) thing these days especially!

            Hugs, Pam

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          • Oooh you have deer in your yard? How wonderful! We used to back home in SC, but we’re living on the edge of town now. We get raccoons and possums and snakes and birds and frogs, and the neighbors’ babies, but no deer in our yard.
            Have a blessed Easter. 🙂


          • Hope you have a wonderful Easter too. We get quite a lot of deer – the woods behind our house extends through our community and there’s a stream so the deer have “cover” and water and of course access to our plants AND bird feeders for sunflowers seeds which apparently are like candy for them. We love seeing the little ones with their Moms coming through the yard……….

            Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

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