Friendly Fill-Ins


Friday’s here so it’s time to fill in sentences!    Our co-hosts give us four sentences every Friday and we fill in the blanks – when we do, we wind up telling a lot about ourselves so it’s fun to do.   Would you like to play along?   Good!   Just click on the badge above and it will take you to McGuffy’s Reader – one of our hosts (along with 15andMeowing) and you can link up!!

Here are this week’s four sentences (two from McGuffy’s and two from 15andMeowing) – and this week I let my Mom be the “Fill In Queen” – her additions are in BLUE!

1. Before you get mad you need to count to ten – sometimes by the time you get to ten what was AWFUL doesn’t seem so AWFUL anymore!.

2. After someone has done something nice for you, always thank them – people should be recognized for CARING.

3. Winter seems so much longer than summer!.

4. Spring is my favorite season – things are coming back to life and growing – also people start SMILING again instead of FROWNING at the bad weather!


OK Mom!   Thanks……………I don’t think I would have done a very good job filling in these sentences…………….you did just fine and by the way – I agree about winter seeming like it lasts FOREVER!!!

Wake me when it’s spring will ya Mom????

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

55 responses »

    • It’s hard to WAIT when you feel yourself “boiling” with anger but sometimes – amazingly – if you CAN wait, the explosion just doesn’t need to come!!!!

      Love, Pam and Teddy too


  1. Sammy, my mom smiles every time she sees that pic of you! Well, she smiles whenever she sees ANY pic of you!
    Your mom did a great job with those fill-in answers, and yes, we’re ready for spring here too!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Teddy, that photo of you makes my mom smile all OVER her face. You are so totally adorable. I love your tightie whities too! Fresh and newly laundered I know. Mom said she loves Spring so much! And she also loves Fall. Both are beautiful and comfortable. Her least fave is Winter she said. And I know that for #1 she would have said— Before you rise in the morning or go to sleep at night, you need to be grateful/thankful for seeing the new day and for all that you have been given that day. XXOO Katie isabella

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tee Hee……my Mom always giggles when she sees me belly up. Her giggles don’t even wake me up. I just snore away airing my tum. Spring is close but not quite close enough…..we have snow in the forecast again but OFTEN they are wrong. We are hoping for more WRONG. Being thankful and grateful for anything and everything we have is important. It really is. We are a house full of THANKFULS here!

      Love, Teddy Bean


  3. You’re right–winter always does seem longer than summer. I am so ready for spring! And yes, it’s important to thank people when they do something nice for you. 🙂


    • More people should get into THANKING……I see it most often in restaurants and stores…..someone brings your food, fills your water glass, hands you your nicely wrapped package, WHATEVER, and they are ignored. Well, I really try to ALWAYS thank EVERYONE. They act surprised – what’s THAT tell you?!?!?! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Thanks to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. # 1 is a good idea, but sometimes tough to do. And I am a big fan of thank you’s 🙂 Winter does seem longer than summer. Have a nice weekend! And Teddy. you look so cute. XO


  5. Great answers I would agree with them. I love Spring when everything awakes from the long winter and baby animals are born I especially love to see the little lambs in the fields. You’ve got one gorgeous tummy and your so handsome. Hugs and Purrs.


    • Oh I bet seeing the baby lambs is beyond precious. They are so adorable and HAPPY. We have probably a month or more before we have “reliable” Spring. Some things are poking out of the ground like the dicentra but we will still have some freezes so if they are hardy enough to make it we’ll see all those pretty little pink hearts in a month or two.

      Love, Pam and Teddy too


  6. Teddy, you may be having a long nap. Snow on the way starting tomorrow. At least we will have daylight savings back. Maybe more light will make it seem more like spring. We’re so happy that you have heat again on your first floor. You and your fellow gingersnap are like little (maybe large) bookends. Sending lots pos love and warm hugs to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • The Coop and I would make great (and heavy) bookends wouldn’t we? We might have some snow but not much so they say. I’m hoping they have it right – I’m not in the mood for whining at the front door to go out only to find SNOW out there!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • The Coop and I would make great (and heavy) bookends wouldn’t we? We might have some snow but not much so they say. I’m hoping they have it right – I’m not in the mood for whining at the front door to go out only to find SNOW out there!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Great answers. Mom loves Spring too, but she says it goes by too quickly. We think THAT about winter!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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