Sunday Selfie and Puzzle!


Time for the Selfie Hop!

Sunday is Selfie Day and who is the host?   Well it’s our old friends The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head!     If you click the badge above you will magically be transported to their blog where you too can join in the Selfie fun by posting your link to a photo of YOU, YOU, YOU!

This week I’m repeating a previously shown Selfie………why would I do that you might ask?    Because I have a special treat for any of you who are jigsaw puzzle lovers – I have turned the below Selfie into a puzzle.    If you click the “CLICK HERE” link under the photo you will have a chance to piece together a 140 piece puzzle of this very photo.    You use your mouse to click on to pick up a piece then place it in the center space to “build” the photo.    My Dad just tried it and – well – it took him 55 minutes to do it.    WHOOPS.    Anyway, don’t feel obligated to do it but I know there are some jigsaw fans out there who MIGHT have fun with it so go for it.    There’s a “clock” that will show your time.    If you choose to do the puzzle, let us know in comments how long it took you.    It’s NOT an easy puzzle.   Trust me.    We do puzzles at Cat Scouts and I am using that same software which is on    Very cool!


CLICK HERE  (for the puzzle)

NOTE:    You need to click on “START A NEW GAME” at the screen…I did the puzzle twice with different numbers of puzzle pieces…… but YOU should click on START A NEW ONE!

Sunday Hugs, Teddy

59 responses »

  1. I love to do these puzzles! It takes me forever sometimes, though. I will try later and give myself time to wake up… I am having trouble spelling much less a puzzle. Love this picture of Teddy… it’s Spring!


  2. Teddy that is a lovely selfie. we’re gonna try the puzzle too
    55 minutes..yikes mom’s attention span is only about 15 min
    Hugs madi your bfff


  3. eddy, you look totally smoochable. Better turn any tunnels away from you…Mom will try to stuff and gouge her way into mine (Fat chance!) (get it?) and get through to smooch that Teddy Tummy.
    XX Katie


    • Mom got yet another tummy photo of me this morning – I was hanging out with her in the office and when I say hanging out I mean hanging out. The old tum likes being UP and not DOWN!

      Love, Teddy


  4. I love that picture of you, Teddy. I like doing puzzles but am hopeless at them. Bionic Basil’s take me nearly half an hour and they only have about 90 pieces! I have got an hour before Dancing on Ice starts so I have to try and get it done by then.


  5. What a colorfull Selfie Teddy an Lady Pam!! LadyMum tooked a look at thee puzzle butt shee said shee wood take fur ever to do it, mew mew mew….
    Happy Sunday mee furend, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  6. We love that selfie, such pretty colors!!! Mom is a big fan of jigsaw puzzles. She will come back later this week to try yours. It looks like a lot of fun.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  7. As we reported yesterday, our mom does puzzles all the time and has mad ninja puzzle skills. 19 min and 47 sec. for her. Is there a prize? MOL! This was one of our favorite art creations of Teddy, and it made for a terrific puzzle and some extra fun on a cold, snowy and icy day. Sending lots of love and hugs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • You all are definitely the PUZZLE-MASTERS! That’s an amazing time. We’ll have to do that again – maybe next week – just for the challenge for your Mom the Ninja! LOL

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


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