Friday Friendly Fill-Ins


Time For Fill-Ins!!!

That means it must be Friday!    We get to join the fun “fill-in-the-blanks” Blog Hop that is co-hosted by our friends Annie of McGuffy’s Reader AND Ellen of 15andmeowing!    All you have to do is click on the badge above and be magically whisked off to McGuffy’s where you can join the HOP – just fill in the LINKY form and you’ll be in the Hop with the rest of us………

I thought I’d be SWELL this week and let Mom do the filling in…………….Just a little treat for her since she’s my Mom and I love her!   TAKE IT AWAY MOM!!    (her fill-ins are in blue)

1. I can’t wait to eat turkey stuffing of ANY kind on Thanksgiving.

2. My favorite kind of pie is pumpkin – with whipped cream of course!

3. This year, I am particularly thankful for the fact we have our Teddy – we will be missing Sammy so much but Teddy will help us get through the holidays – he’s such a FUN boy!
4. A funny holiday tradition in my/our house is a rather “traditional tradition” of breaking the wishbone to make a wish – I almost ALWAYS get to make MY wish!

OK Mom – thanks.   I’m glad that having me will make you and Daddy less sad this year for the holidays.   I know that it will soon be the one year anniversary of Angel Sammy leaving for the Rainbow Bridge on his magical balloon tour.    I’ve heard that was the most amazing thing EVER.    I’m THANKFUL that you had him for company for almost 17 years and I hope I’m here for AT LEAST that long to keep you and my Dad smiling!
Seeing me playing in my totally torn up red play cube sure keeps you two giggling!!
How did my purple ribbon wind up on my neck?!?!?!
Please never throw away the red cube Mom no matter how torn up it gets……………it’s my favorite thing………..the blue one is still perfect but I’ve certainly done a number on the red one – it’s so much fun even if everyone who sees it makes fun of it!
These two photos were taken before I ripped my cube to bits (obviously)!
Thank you Miss Annie and Miss Ellen for making Friday and filling in so much fun…………..Mom and I will be back again NEXT Friday – the day after Thanksgiving when all of us will be full of Thanksgiving goodness!
Meanwhile, I’ll see you all tomorrow for BAKIN’ IN BACONIA right?    RIGHT!

Love, Teddy

43 responses »

  1. It would take a lot of work to get that blue cube into the same perfect state as the red one!

    I’m glad you’ll be there, Teddy, to make your pawrents smile. Sammy’s magical balloon tour was very special.


    • Mom thinks it’s funny how I treat the red cube vs. the blue. I will get inside the blue and take a QUIET nap but the red one is my “beat up/tear up/poke/prod/rip” FUN HOUSE!!!!!! The Magical Balloon Tour was amazing – it gave my Mom some beautiful moments in an otherwise desperately sad day.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great answers, Miss Pam! Motor Mommy loves stuffing too, but only the traditional kind! Teddy, I’m sure you are going to continue to bring lots of smiles to your pawrents and make their holiday season a happy one!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Growing up pumpkin pie was never a favorite. I ate it because it was a tradition. As I got older, pumpkin pie grew on me so to speak and now I love it, especially with lots of Reddi Wipp on top! Is there any better way to each pumpkin pie? Mez not think so! Have a joyful, blessed Thanksgiving!


  4. Teddy I love that tent! You really really REALLY did a number on it and I’d save it too if Katie had done so. See you tomorrow XXX


    • It used to be NICE like the blue one – Mom thinks I was just a little wild man when I first came here but I’d never had toys before so OF COURSE I was wild!! I’m sure you would have saved all of Katie’s “first toys” – it’s what Moms do!

      Love, Teddy


  5. It must be a dude thing. George tears up his “tent” (same as this one), but uses it in creative ways. He usually wrecks it during tent ball. Now, Clyde does, too! Bee is much more dainty!
    I am thankful that Sammy sent Teddy to you. Happy endings are wonderful. Sammy rocks. And, so does Teddy. Love you guys! And, “Mom”. HUGS!


    • It’s pretty funny because Sammy didn’t tear up his cube but he DID have what we called a “tent” – not a square thing like the cube but similar with openings and he DID wind up putting an extra hole in the bottom – he loved to shove his toys out the extra hole. We never did figure that out but we also didn’t care WHAT he did for entertainment (within reason of course!) as long as he was having fun – and he did! Is tent ball when you toss a ball into the tent for them to fetch? Teddy did that when he was little but I guess he figures he’s too grown up for it now. HAHAHA We love all of you too – you give us a “HAPPY” when we visit you!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  6. I am happy you are here for your Mom and Dad Teddy. I miss Sammy a whole lot but he is still here in such a wondrous way. He continues to make us laugh, inspires us with his poems, and gives us hope with his thoughts and outlook on life and after life at the Rainbow Bridge. Teddy’s Mom, stuffing is good but it can’t beat homemade noodles over mashed potatoes! Good Morning!


    • You’re right Miss Pix – Sammy is still hanging around with his poems, his Cat Scouts duties, and I am ever so grateful to be enjoying his old fleece blankies and some of his toys too! My Mom says homemade noodles would be PAWSOME but she has a feeling my Auntie Joan will have mashed ‘taters with turkey gravy. GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  7. That was sweet of you to let your mom answer Teddy. Great answers, I had stuffing for #1 too, it is special because I never make stuffing any other time of year. I am sorry the anniversary of Sammy’s passing falls on Thanksgiving, that makes it extra hard. I know Teddy will give you extra loving though, he is a sweetie and I am sure Sammy will give him a little nudge.You look so cute with your cubes, you play rough. Have a nice weekend! XO


    • Well Sammy died on December 2 so it’s just after Thanksgiving and before Christmas so it’s kind of a TOUGH PERIOD…but Mom and Dad are talking themselves through it so I think it will be alright – besides I have plans to keep them properly entertained through the holiday (wondering if I can climb the Christmas tree for one…..hahahahaha). My Mom will occasionally buy those boxes of STOVE TOP stuffing as a side dish with other meals during the year but THE REAL THING is the best she says!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Even though our mom is looking forward to an unusual Thanksgiving with family, she’s been thinking of Fiona a lot lately, knowing that almost an entire year has passed since her leaving us for the RB. We know she, Sammy and all their friends will have a great holiday, and that you and Cooper will be bright spots for our humans, but it is hard not to miss our beloved “babies” who have moved on. Sending lots of love to all of you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • It really is hard not to miss them….but we will just try to remember that he is with us in spirit – just as Fiona will always be with you all in spirit. There’s some comfort in that but it would be so wonderful to touch their soft fur and kiss their sweet little heads again……….. Angel Sammy is probably trying to get the official Rainbow Bridge Chef to stuff the turkeys up there with bacon for the holiday…….!

      Love, Pam (and Teddy too)


  9. Iss hard to bee-lieve it has been a hole year Teddy!! Mee had such a hard time adjustin to Unccle Sammy beein gone butt hearin frum him has reelly helped mee. An yur so luvley mee has a new furend inn you!
    An Novemburr 22nd iss 3 yearss since Aunty NYLABLUE went to Pure Land aka Rainbow Bridge. Wee keeps them alive with our memoreess an that iss good!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


  10. You sure know how to have fun in that cube, Teddy. Mom says she always loved getting to split the wishbone too, and now she lets the grands take turns each holiday with it.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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