Friday Fill-In Fun


Time For Fill-In Fun!

This is a super fun blog hop co-hosted by McGuffy’s Reader and 15andmeowing and each week they give us FOUR sentences with blanks in them – we get to fill-in the blanks any way we want to!   Then we hop around and visit all our friends to see what THEY filled in – cool way to learn stuff about each other!  Wanna play with us?   Then click the badge above, go to McGuffy’s and fill out the LINKY FORM – that’s all there is to is!   Join the Hop!

Here are this week’s sentences and it was Mom who filled the blanks this week and she did it in LIME GREEN!

1. The best part of where I live is we are far enough from Washington, DC not to be in the middle of all the BAD traffic but close enough to visit if we wanted to.
2. The worst part of where I live is our town used to be a lot smaller but as people decide to move “out to the country” things have become more congested out here.
3. If I had  a cabin in the mountains, I would spend every weekend there and come back to the house during the week.

 4. My favourite article of cold weather clothing is my wool hooded cape – SO COZY!.

Now that’s super interesting Mom – I would love it if we had a cabin in the mountains to visit – I think I could even stand to be in the car for an hour if it meant a cozy cabin away from home for a couple of days!

How about this one Mom?????

Gosh Teddy – that one is not very “cozy” and probably costs 87 bazillion dollars!    Sorry – that’s not for two old people and a cat!

Well, how about this one then?????

Gee Teddy – I think that might be JUST A LITTLE BIT TOO SMALL for all of us……….but you’re on the right track!!!!!

OK – this is it – this is the one I want you to buy for us Mom…………can we have it pretty please, pretty please, HUH HUH HUH?????

Know what Teddy?   I love that house…….it’s got personality – love the turret and everything but we aren’t in the market for a cabin – IF we were, this just might be IT though!   One day – maybe one day little man.

OK Mom – I’ll be patient……………………………..meanwhile can I remind everyone that tomorrow is Saturday?    It’s the day I get to be BAKER in BACONIA!   YAY!!!!!    See you all there!!!

Happy Friday!!

Love, Teddy

P.S.   Today is the day we celebrate Veteran’s Day – tomorrow is actually Veteran’s Day but today is the Federal holiday.    It’s a day that we should spend thinking about all who serve their country…………we SOOO appreciate all veterans – we want to always be known as the land of the free and the home of the brave and our VETERANS help to make that possible…….at great sacrifice.  

Thankful for all the brave

My Grandad’s flag…..he was a Veteran

46 responses »

  1. Cute post, Teddy and Mom Pam! We love that little cabin, Teddy. My pawrents said they’d be sure to come visit if your Mom buys that for you!
    Tell your Mom that we appreciate her dad’s service to our country.
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If I had a cabin in the woods I would never come home! I am thinking Dee… a bit more than a cabin but how cool! Love your Fill-ins this morning… Yes!!! It is 22 degrees here this morning, Ima come sit by your fire! We had CHEESEBURGERS last night… no bacon, sad. Looking forward to BACON Saturday! We are thankful to all our military personnel past and present that have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Thankful to your Grandad and to my CH.


    • Tee Hee….my Mom actually said the same thing about a cabin in the woods and never coming home….and YES, Dee’s new house is perfection – on top of a mountain – surrounded by tall trees and incredible views – and SNOW…….can’t wait to get a virtual tour of that house when it’s finished!! You are welcome to come cozy up to the fire with us – We have a whole cord of wood to tear through this winter. We can do it. I’ve got an interesting bacon bake tomorrow………I like being a Bacon Chef! Please tell Mr. CH that we are proud of him for serving his country too……

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Great answers, my friend. I want a cabin by a lake, up North. Yeah, predictable, I know. This area used to be good, until, like your area, people moved “out to the country”…and then turned it into an urban area. Stores, big new houses, “manicured” lawns with invasive plants. It is ruined, now. And, of course, crime and taxes have increased. I will see if I can come over for some bacon tomorrow. I want to see your cape! HUGS!!


    • I’ll get David to take a photo of me in the cape…………believe it or not, I bought it at a HALLMARK store! Our Hallmark has a big “gift” area but the clothing line they carry is wonderful – creative/interesting/unique items and I saw the cape and fell in love with it. Warrenton used to be pretty darn sleepy as a town goes but after 21 years here, what used to be “OUT in the country” is now “SUBURB of DC” so things are a lot different. We still have lots of beautiful countryside – horse farms, etc., but a lot more development than we’d like. The mountains are an hour away though – so we can escape easily! One day maybe YOU and your hubby and me and mine will have our “castles in the mountains” in the form of a getaway cabin. Gosh it would be swell!

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Teddy, I think you need your own real estate show on HGTV like property hunters. That last cabin is perfect, I would put a telescope in the turret. Thanks to your mom for completing the fill-ins, great answers. A cabin would be so nice. Your cape sounds cozy and fashionable. Have a nice weekend! XO


    • The cape is my first one and I do love it – so much less “confining” than a sweater! Teddy would make a good “cabin hunter” wouldn’t he? I love that cabin with the turret – and a telescope would be PERFECT from the top!!!

      Love, Pam


  5. Gosh…I love your cabins in the woods. Funny, the house in Midway was our getaway for 10 years until we moved back in 2010!
    We will be going down to the services at the cenotaph in Vancouver tomorrow. My Grandfather was in the first war. First on the lines and then as an ambulance driver. It affected him profoundly. My Dad was in the services too, but was never deployed to any action. Up here in the Great White North, the holiday is Monday.
    Can’t wait for the baking tomorrow!
    Love Barb


    • Hi Barb……….I think anyone who has served their country whether in wartime or peaceful days will never forget doing so. But those who have served in war just must be profoundly effected – it’s scary, dangerous, has to make a permanent mark on your heart and your soul. Bless your Grandfather and your Dad…… Dad was in the Air Force in the Korean War and WWII. Hope you enjoy the services in Vancouver tomorrow and have a PEACEFUL holiday on Monday! The recipe tomorrow that King Teddy is making is SO DELISH….one I’ve made!

      Love, Pam


  6. Our mom also wanted all of you to get a cabin in the woods. The last one you selected was a beauty! Teddy, we loved the photos of you from yesterday. You are definitely the social Butter Bean. Sending lots of love and hugs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • I had a good time with Mom and Dad’s company and in fact I’m gonna share those photos on my SELFIE post on Sunday! That cabin they saw up where my Auntie lives would certainly have “worked” right????

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I know you have a turret which I think is absolutely totally FABULOUS! The first cabin is gorgeous – totally – and like Madi said in her comment, bunches of us could live there and hardly ever even SEE each other with all that room!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Mee-you that 3rd cabin iss purrty kewl Teddy…butt maybe less stairs wood bee better fur thee Pawentss…
    An wee will take thee mini-cabin rite next door, mew mew mew……
    Wee gotted 2 inchess of snow last nite. It will melt tomorrow when thee tempurrture warms uppy butt it sure was fun to watch last nite.
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


  8. Snow iss berry chilley Teddy butt it iss fun to chase snowflakess….mee likess to walk at nite befur bed when it iss not too chilley…iss quiet an peecefull.
    Mee iss cozy inn mee sweater snuggulled inn mee bed mee furend!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mom would love a weekend getaway place too, but NOT in the woods. She would like to be near the ocean:) But she says she could be talked into that beautiful Alpine beauty.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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