Sunday Selfie Hop



                                                                                                    Time to Hop!

Every week we join the Kitties Blue for their “Sunday Selfie Blog Hop” – what a great chance to strut our own personal stuff for all the world to see – some of us are talented enough to do a real SELFIE – taking a photo of US all by ourselves but some of the rest of us need help from Mom or Dad!     Sometimes we look right at the camera but other times – well – not so much!     Anyway, it’s fun and if you’d like to join in that fun, just click the badge above and go to The Cat On My Head, fill in the LINKY form and you’re in!

My selfie today is done from a photo Mom snapped of me as I was out enjoying the Fall leaves and cool day a couple of days ago.   I was looking right at Mom until she snapped the shutter……HAHAHA   I like to keep her on her toes!    I’m also showing you the “original” not messed around with photo……..Mom did use a Lunapic art effect called “Storytime” on my photo THEN added the green frame with Pizap.    That’s our story and we’re sticking to it!

So that’s it for another Sunday…………hope to see you showing yourself off next week on The Cat On My Head’s blog!    Is it a date????    Oh good!!!

                                                                                        Hugs, Teddy (aka Butterbean)

52 responses »

  1. At least you only looked away – M’s selfie was merely a tail and fleeing foot. For an elder, arthritic tom, he can be surprisingly spry when he sees a camera.
    BTW, I love that green with your ‘butterbean’ fur.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Teddy, dear furiend, we hope you and your family are having a wonderful Sunday, too.
        I don’t thin mom has ever taken a selfie… she avoids camera just like M. >^.^<


  2. Hmmm, Teddy, I think you turned your head away in order to produce a special effect: your shadow is nothing else but BATMAN!!! Or a llama, if we see the bigger picture 😉


    • I like this harness too Cupcake – I also like my blue one which is like a denim kind of stuff…..all I know is that if I put up with the harness thing I can GO OUTSIDE!!!! I’m loving playing in the leaves… it’s raining so I don’t think I’ll be partaking of the outdoors though!

      Love, Teddy


    • Good Morning Miss Pix! Did you get that bacon, gravy and biscuit breakfast yesterday? I hope so – how about an INSTANT REPLAY today?? Tee Hee……..Mom is going to fix breakfast for us when she gets back from grocery shopping…..we have plenty of bacon already so why does she need to shop BEFORE we eat??? Humans are tough to figure out sometimes! Glad you like my selfie today….I don’t think I’ll be going out again since it’s raining like crazy here AND it’s cold.

      Love and Sunday Hugs, Teddy


  3. I think you were busy looking at Batman’s shadow 🙂 You have such gorgeous ginger furs. Very nice photo and art. Hope you and your folks have a great day! XO


    • IT’s a cold and rainy day here so Mom says we should stay inside. However, having said that, I’m currently downstairs by the front door whining to go outside. Guess Mom will have to put boots and raincoat on huh??? HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Dear friend, Teddy. You definitely look like your nickname in this photo. We love to play that trick on our humans. Smile pretty for the camera and then turn our heads. We really like what the LunaPic effect did to your photo. Mom says that is one she wants to try. Wishing you all a great day and sending lots of love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  5. Flynn used to love the camera and I am sure he smiled for his photos. Eric was like you in today’s selfie and he always looked away.


    • I guess it does keep me a little warmish but Mom says someone told her there are sweaters that fit OVER the harness and have a hole for the leash – that will be NICE in the snow!!!! WHEEEEE!!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Hi Teddy! I LOVE your “selfie” today! I, Marvelous have to practice the “turning of the head at the right moment” trick. Nellie was a master at it. Me, not so much!
    Your Art picture is wonderful! I really like it, my Mommy likes it even more than I do!


    • Marv I think I have the “look away at the right time” move down pretty well……Mom goes nuts trying to capture me looking at her and I admit, sometimes I’m not FAST ENOUGH to avoid the flash…’s a game isn’t it?!?!?!

      Hugs, Teddy


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