It’s A Two-Fer Friday!!!!


We’re Filling In and Shopping Today!

First – let’s do some sentence filling in with McGuffy’s Reader

This is a super duper blog hop hosted by Ellen of 15andMeowing AND Annie of McGuffy’s Reader.   The FUN part is when everyone fills in the blanks and shares their responses – why is that fun?  Because we learn all kinds of interesting stuff about each other – that’s why!    When you’ve filled in your sentences, just pop over to McGuffy’s at the link on the badge above and fill in the LINKY tool to join in the fun.

This week I thought we’d share – I will do the FIRST two (BLUE), and my Mom will do the LAST two (RED).     Here are this week’s gems from Ellen and Annie:

1. I  would like to interview Santa Claus – just wondering if he has any pets at home and if he likes his work!.
2. I would like to be interviewed by someone who is interested in writing about the joys of being adopted from a shelter – does everyone know how great it is to find a happy home?.
3. Halloween night I will be in my traditional Halloween sweatshirt answering the doorbell with a big basket of trick or treat goodies to hand out while my husband sleeps in the recliner (his version of being HELPFUL!).

4. Once Halloween is over, we usually EAT all the leftover treats – not all at once of course – but over time – that’s why when I shop for Halloween treats I get stuff WE like!.


OK Mom – we did it!    We filled in together!    I hope you all will fill in the sentences and join in the Hop – it really is fun.   Thanks Miss Annie and Miss Ellen for hosting this fun Friday Hop!

Now for part two of this “two-fer” Friday post.   It’s the SHOPPING AROUND THE WORLD day hosted by Bacon of PIGLOVE, but this month is being co-hosted by Da Phenny!   The badge above will magically transport you to Bacon’s blog and if you play along, remember to link to his blog.

If you decide to join in on this Hop, you just need to blog about this month’s project which is “ANYTHING USING PUMPKINS OR OTHER SQUASH”.     Since it’s Halloween time, we’re making a pumpkin recipe.   SURPRISE SURPRISE!    You need to tell the recipe for your project, listing all the ingredients and most importantly the PRICE you paid for the ingredients – see, the fun part is seeing what everybody pays for food items in their local grocery stores all around the world.    Neato huh?

Here’s what Mom made – it was very yummy (so she says because I wasn’t interested in trying it out – I let her and Dad eat it for breakfast!)!



    • 1 can Pillsbury™ refrigerated classic pizza crust  (Cost: $3.29)
    • 3oz cream cheese, softened (Cost:  8 oz. $2.39 – I divided it in half)
    • 3/4 cup canned pumpkin pie filling (Cost:  $2.49 for 15 oz. – I saved what I didn’t use to put in my biscotti!)
    • 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar  (I had this on hand)
    • 1 cup canned apple pie filling  (Cost: $1.69 for 15 oz. – I saved what I didn’t use to add to my fresh apples to make a pie)
    • 3/4cup powdered sugar (you need this only if you want to make a little “drizzle” topping on it!)


  • 1. Heat oven to 400°F. Lightly spray large cookie sheet with cooking spray.
  • 2. Unroll 1 can Pillsbury™ refrigerated classic pizza crust on cookie sheet; press dough into 14×9-inch rectangle. Bake 8 minutes; set aside.
  • 3. In medium bowl, beat 3 oz softened cream cheese until smooth and creamy. Add 3/4 cup canned pumpkin, 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar and; continue mixing until combined.
  • 4. Spread 1 cup canned apple pie filling along one short edge of crust in straight line. Spread pumpkin-cream cheese mixture evenly over remaining part of crust.
  • 5. Working from the edge with the apple pie filling, carefully roll up crust, being cautious not to squeeze too much, so filling does not come out the sides. Place roll-up in ungreased 9×5-inch loaf pan, seam side down. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until outside is light golden brown. Cool in pan 1 hour.
  • 6. In small bowl, mix 3/4 cup powdered sugar and 1 to 2 tablespoons water until smooth, adding more water for thinner consistency if desired. Drizzle over roll-up. Slice and serve!

I didn’t EAT any of this but it sure smelled good!!!!!   

That’s it for our “two-fer” post this Friday.

My kitty cat “pumpkin-to-be” resting comfortably on Dad’s work bench waiting for the BIG MOMENT when Dad works his magic!

This is what it will probably look like after Dad does his thing…..Angel Sammy always had his own Halloween kitty pumpkin and I’m going to carry on the tradition this year for MY first Halloween………..

Hugs, Teddy

52 responses »

  1. that looks super good… and it would be a super addition for every howl-o-ween pawty, thanks for such a fab idea… a rool what really rocks!
    mark will be the doorman on tuesday…. while I have to take care for a probably upset pup who wants to eat the 87 witches, vampires, clowns and super heroes….sigh…I hope the ole moby dick movie will do the trick again… but the chance is low LOL


    • Good luck with fooling your little GOBBLING GOBLIN Phenny with a movie. I hope Teddy will watch that old movie “THE BLOB” which we have and watch as part of our HOWLOWEEN tradition. I wish David would be on door watch but as I said, he falls asleep and I’m always juggling a cat and the candy! The pumpkin roll-ups were SO EASY to make!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Great job on the fill-ins, Teddy and Mom! That pumpkin apple thingie sure looks yummy.
    And, Teddy, we cannot WAIT to see your very first jack-o-lantern! Your dad is sure talented when it comes to carving kitty pumpkins. You must be SO excited!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That recipe sure sounds yummy. Mo says she may have to try it. Your fill-in completions were superb.Interviewing Santa sounds like fun. Our mom and dad do exactly the same thing and buy a big bag of something they like! Have a great day, dear friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Mom actually has made this and it is YUMMY. Be careful when you’re doing the “first cook” of the pizza crust – needs to be “flexible” for rolling up! Mom will be getting Halloween candy this weekend – I tried to tell her to just load up on Temptations Treats because if the kids don’t take them as treats (tee heeeeeeee) I will be happy to get rid of them for her!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Oh dear! Mom may have to visit you just to try this delicious dessert – snorts with piggy laughter. She has not a baking bone in her body. It looks amazing cousin! XOXO – Bacon


  5. The pumpkin apple roll-up thing looks delicious, especially with some buttah! I enjoyed the Fill-ins! I don’t buy Halloween candy anymore because all the kids have grown up around us. CH did come home yesterday with peanut butter and chocolate M&Ms but I have a feeling they will be long gone by Halloween!


    • Oh YES! P-nut butter and choc M&Ms sound amazing. My Mom loves that combination. She’s trying to figure out if she can somehow work p-nut butter along with choc chunks into her biscotti recipes! HAHAHA The pumpkin recipe Mom posted today was ridiculously easy to make (Mom likes those kinds of recipes!). Buttah on it would be FABULOUS.

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. I forgot it was shopping day, we will squeeze that into the post for tomorrow 🙂 Thank you both for these great answers to the fill-ins. We never get trick or treaters, but I always have candy in the house, just in case- plus we eat it too 🙂 Have a nice weekend! And Teddy, I can’t wait to see your first official carved pumpkin. XO


    • Hi Miss Ellen and kitties! My cat pumpkin will probably look like Angel Sammy’s many pumpkins looked. BUT it will be MINE! Maybe Mom will get Dad to try something different with this one but he almost always just does an easy design. We’ll see. Last year Mom says we had the fewest Trick or Treaters EVER but we’re hoping this year we get tons. I think I will be VERY excited about it!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Wow…mom would love this roll! Delicious and you sure know how to get the most out of your ingredients. Scrooge would be proud….hehe…alright Kali, I didn’t mean that in a nasty way. Our mom does the same thing. She calls it frugal.

    Your fill-ins are wonderful. Mom and dad do the same thing with Halloween candy…well chocolate bars.


    Shoko and Kali


  8. Pumpkin and apple – two of our favorites – that recipe sounds easy AND delicious!!! Thanks for sharing

    Great answers too. We bet Santa has dogs and cats. Someone has to keep those reindeer inline:) And we just wish the peeps wouldn’t have so much chocolate in the trick or treat bowl because we can’t have chocolate:(

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • NO CHOCOLATE for pets – you’re right………Mom puts the chocolate stuff on TOP of the refrigerator well out of reach but the other things – well – it wouldn’t hurt to have a peek right????

      Love, Teddy


  9. I love the pumpkin, and have made many similar ones! Great minds. When you interview Santa, please do a post. I think that is a great idea! I am usually alone on Halloween…well, I have minions (Stella, Kenzie, Maggie, Grizelda, Chloe Jo, George, and now add Clyde & Bee)…but, it can be a bit unnerving. I need to get the treats this week! I get what Bill likes, as he will feast on the leftover treats for weeks and then some! HUGS!


    • We never know how many kiddies will show up so Mom usually gets WAY too many treats….then she and Dad have munchies for weeks! I told her perhaps little bags of Temptation Kitty Treats would be good for her to buy…..then I could help out with “getting rid of leftovers” !!! HAHAHA Mom says she’s seen some amazing kitty pumpkins on the internet – my Dad just does a simple one but this year it will be MINE so it will be special. I may try to interview Santa – I think he’d have a lot of interesting things to say don’t you????!!!!! I hope all your minions keep you company Halloween night……

      Love, Teddy


  10. I LOVE your thinking, Little T. Interviewing Santa is a wonderful idea. I am also curious about his pets – besides all the reindeer, of course! Mom likes this idea, too and has added it to things she might write about someday.

    Love and licks,


    • Would be a cute story I bet. I have a feeling that Santa has at least one pup and one kitty at the North Pole don’t you Cupcake? Life without pets would be – well – BORING even for Santa Paws!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Hey Mr Teddy, I liked you and your Mommy’s answers to the fillins! And WOW! What a coolio pumpkin! We are not going to have a homemade one…Mommy says says she does not have the time this year. I will be ensconced in my sanctuary at the top of the townhouse when the goblins come. But I will be able to watch all the activity out of the bedroom window. I am quite looking forward to it!


    • Have fun watching the goblins come and go Marv! We used to have TWO pumpkins around here on Halloween – one for the humans and one just for Angel Sammy. We will now have just one pumpkin – MINE! I probably will be forced to spend Halloween night in the basement because Mom thinks I will want to leave with all the kiddies who come to the door. I am WAY WAY WAY too social to be expected to just WATCH – I want to be petted and hugged too! H

      Hugs, Teddy


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