Remembering Sammy


Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day………

We couldn’t let this day pass without a special post in honor of my Angel brother Sammy.    He left for the Bridge on December 2, 2016 before I had a chance to meet him but he was the one who found me for my Mom and Dad and made sure I was at the same shelter where they got Sammy 17 years before…………..they walked in the door and saw me and that was the beginning of my wonderful life here this past February just a month before I turned one year old!

Angel Sammy was “bigger than life”…………through his blog here, he made so many friends it was amazing………and he loved each and every one of them (still does!).    Today’s Remembrance Day was started by another blogger friends, Deb Barnes, of Zee and Zoey in honor of Jazz who is one of their Angels now – – – this post here on my blog is part of their BLOG HOP today and if you’d like to join in just CLICK HERE.

Instead of going over all the wonderful memories Mom and Dad have of Sammy and telling all the stories I’ve heard since I’ve been here, we will just let this little slideshow do the talking for us.   It starts with a wee ginger boy and ends with his flying off to be with his friends and to wait patiently for the day when all of us will be together again………………..We hope you enjoy our REMEMBRANCE.    And for all of you who are remembering a special Angel pet today – may you be comforted in knowing they are young and free and IN OUR HEARTS forever.

Thank you Laura Strickland for this beautiful graphic

Love from us to all of you……Mom and Ted

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77 responses »

  1. yes bigger than life… that is so well said… he will be always in my heart… and I often watch the bestest photo of the universe (the one with the waterbottle) and I remember the bestest ginger boy…
    btw: the mama planned to hop on board of this bloghop…but she couldn’t … friday is Easys birthday, not sure how we will survive this day…

    Liked by 1 person

    • We have updated that link to the Hop at Zee and Zoey’s – try the link again! Friday will be a very hard day for all of you and all of us who loved Easy with all our hearts too. You know, your Angel brother and my Angel brother were such STARS in our lives, in the blogosphere and in the hearts of so many friends. They are together now and they are happy so we MUST be happy for them. STARS burn brightly in the sky and they will forever light up our lives with memories.

      Love, Teddy and Mom too

      Liked by 2 people

  2. We wish we had found your blog sooner because then we could have known Sammy longer. Sammy and Easy were our two biggest inspirations for blogging. Can’t see because of leaky eyes. We’re posting about our sweethearts too.


    • What a sweet thing to say……It was so sad that Easy and Sammy left for the Bridge within days of each other……and all of us today will spend some time remembering all those we’ve lost who wait for us at the Bridge. Hope you will enjoy looking back at your Angels too……….

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautiful slideshow for your beloved Sammy. While a sad day, his pictures brought a smile to my heart. Thank you for sharing a bit of him with all of us. Purrs of love from Deb, the Zee/Zoey gang, and Purr Prints of the Heart.


    • Deb we just loved your post today AND thanks for hosting this annual looking back at those we’ve said farewell to after sharing their lives with us. Glad you enjoyed our little slideshow – we have hundreds and hundreds of photos as of course all of us do who love capturing “moments” with our pets! I know your Angel Jazz is smiling BIG today………just for you!

      Love, Pam and Teddy too


  4. Dear Angel Sammy your life was filled with love and fun from day one…always in the loving hands of your peeps. I loved seeing photos of your sweet poly dactyl toes too.
    Sending hugs Madi your bfff


  5. Our Sammy. I always look at him in that way as “our Sammy. I truly love him and I feel as though I had known him all of his life. In a way, that is true. He always presented himself in such a way that his life was shared with each and every one of us, his loving friends. He does have a strong presence then and now. XXX to you Sammy. Teddy, you too. 💗


    • Katie, Sammy loved you too……..he had a big heart and loved everyone so much but most specially his Mom. My Mom has told me stories since I first came to live here about the closeness they had and she’s also told me I’m doing a GREAT job of filling that role now that I’m here. Sammy told me that I would have to “step up” but he does have big paws to fill!!!! I’m sure Angel Sammy will come by your house today and whisper in your ear……

      Love, Teddy


  6. Very sweet slideshow… Sammy you will never be forgotten. We will remember you forever and remember all the fun, love, and humor you shared. Your gift for bringing us all together to share life with the joyful exuberant spirit of one ginger cat made me HAPPY and made every morning the start of a new day with hope. Your sense of funny and kindness lives on in your blog with Teddy and your Mom. Hugs and scritches to you Sammy ♥


    • Oh Miss Pix you made Mom and me leaky eyed… are such a sweet and good friend…..I am trying to live up to Angel Sammy’s expectations – he made it clear when he sent me here that I was going to have to keep Mom and Dad happy, continue making other people giggle and laugh, and bring as much sunshine to my friends as I could. Angel Sammy is definitely “around here” today – Mom has already felt his warm furry face brush her cheek this morning. Thank you for your sweet words!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Dear Sammy did gave so much love to so many and to you his family especially. He helped our family see the real wonder of the cat-blogoshphere is the love any d caring we give to each other. Sammy you showed this Ginger Fellow so many good times and allowed our family to join in all of it. Your heart was, and still is, as big as those huge paws of yours that I work each and every day to live up to. We have met so many great friends by joining in your fun events. We loved your collage and that second one of you was priceless. The tears are falling as we write this. Not tears of sadness but tears of Joy for the wonderful experience of being your friend. Thank You Angel Sammy. Rest assured that little brofur Teddy is shaping up into a fine young man-cat who follows in your huge pawsteps
    Love from all of us to you and your wonderful family
    Timmy, Dad Pete, Toby, Buddy Budd, Rumpy Bump, Miss Fitz, Mr Buttons and Einstein


    • Dear sweet friends…..oh how you made my Mom’s heart full (mine too!) talking about Angel Sammy’s impact on your family – it’s the highest possible compliment and I know Angel Sammy would be thrilled to know that he brought you even one minute of “happy”……the world needs MORE of it and it’s here in the blogosphere for sure. Mom and I cried through the slideshow preparation but once we watched it, we realized and remembered yet again that he’s gone but not forgotten and certainly FOREVER loved in our hearts – and even better, all his friends love him still too. We know you have a host of Angels in your own family and hope you have happy memories of each and every one.

      Love to all of you from Mom and me!


  8. We all miss Sammy, but especially Mau, who lost his best friend. We love the slide show. We are so happy he continues to write a poem each week and make the occasional appearance at Cat Scouts. We will love him forever, and he will remain in or hearts always. Sending love to all of you as you remember him today and everyday. 🌟🐈💖 We are so happy he brought Teddy into your lives. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Our Angels did us a HUGE favor directing Cooper to your home and Teddy to ours…..not only does their love go on and on but their CARING does too – Fiona and Sammy didn’t want us to be lost in our grief and let’s face it, Coop and the Bean are certainly making their mark in our lives!!! Every time I go to Scouts I remember the old days – with Mau and Sam and how much non-stop fun we used to have. I hope you enjoy your look back at precious Fiona and all the other Kitties Blue who have “gone before”………..

      Love, Pam


  9. We will always regret that we did not get to know Sammy better before he traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. But, you do such a wonderful job taking care of this blog, Teddy, and in helping us stay in touch with Sammy. This is such a beautiful post for Angel Sammy, and with such a sweet array of photos in the memorial slideshow.


    • So glad you liked the slideshow Mom and I did for Angel Sammy….today I guess everyone is remembering their Angels as we’ve traveled around the blogosphere seeing some old friends in remembrance posts…..sad but happy too because like Mom says, the years they had together with those “now-Angels” were SO happy it softens the edges of the loss.

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Sending you gentle purrs on this special day, for a very special guy… larger than life and so much fun. Let the good memories and times wash away the sadness… after all sadness isn’t at all what Sammy was about…
    Gentle purrs


  11. We miss Angel Sammy a lot, but we are so happy he found Teddy to help fill your lives with new memories. It is always wonderful to remember those who came before.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Yes – We knew the minute we saw Teddy at the shelter that Sammy had “made those arrangements” !!! He was a special boy who took care of us even after he was gone by finding a cat to fill our aching hearts.

      Love to you two!
      Pam and Teddy too


    • Brian what a kind and sweet thing to say……we were lucky to have Sammy be a part of our lives for almost 17 years…….and feel lucky to have so many friends who loved him too!

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Angel Sammy is EXTRA special to us because….it was because of him and his blog that you, Pam, and I met. And your friendship is a real treasure to me. Being fellow kitty-lovers is just icing on the cake. But your encouragement and our daily emails mean so much to me.
    Today is a bittersweet day for so many of us, sharing memories of our sweet kitties. They really do remain in our heart forever.
    Love, Dianna


    • It’s amazing to me sometimes to think of just how different my life is thanks to the pet blogging world……..I’ve met so many wonderful new friends who I hope to keep for the rest of my life…….and had the support myself from this community when I needed it. I’m glad we met because of Sammy! Remembrance Day is a sad occasion in many ways, but it’s yet another reason to LOVE the pet blogging world – every one of us who has a pet has a soft heart and a love of caring for a little fur creature who gives us unconditional love every minute of every day. That certainly is welcome in this world!

      Love, Pam


  13. I always feel your presence, Sammy – you are a permanent resident in our hearts. Maybe you visit your pawrents tonight in their dreams? Teddy surely will lend a helping purrr to them 🙂


    • Hi Miss Csilla! Angel Sammy visits all his friends and if you FEEL him, it’s because he is THERE. If you need a ginger Angel to talk to – he’s there……..if you need a gentle paw on your face – he’s there. He does come by our house – usually at night – to visit Mom. I’m sure if I could talk I’d be telling Mom about MY visits with him too (tee hee)………

      Love and Kisses, Teddy


  14. oh how we miss this precious boy!!!!!! I soooooooooooooo know how you feel and your lovely comment on our blog today had me in tears. Wish I could visit you and sit and look at photos of Sammy (and meet Teddy in person), with you…….it would be so special. I just love the photo where you are holding Sammy by your shoulder, sooo much love! xoxoxoxo Love you!


    • Hi Caren! That photo of me holding baby Sam is one of my favorites – not just because I looked so much younger then (!!!!) but because those little wide eyes and cute face were with me in my heart all those years and I still miss him every single day. I know you feel that way too about Bobo – our “heart cats” are forever part of us but we must admit, Cody and Teddy are doing a good job of taking that emptiness away!!!! We love you too and SOOO appreciate all that you do to make the blogosphere a fun place. We look forward to every post of yours and always will.

      Love, Pam and Teddy too


    • Hi CK! Sammy didn’t start blogging right off the bat…..he was something like 5 weeks old when Mom and Dad adopted him at the shelter and Mom was still busy with her own writing back then and wasn’t blogging YET. Then things changed and One Spoiled Cat happened and – well – that was THAT! He loved having fun and now I’m trying to carry on keeping some “ginger” in my humans’ lives! We hope you’re doing well CK – we send you HUGS.

      Love, Teddy


  15. Thinking of Sammy with love….we will never forget him. We are so happy he helped to find and bring you into your parents life, Teddy. He could never be replaced, but he knew they had much love to give.


    • Thanks for looking at the show – you’ve seen those photos a bunch of times for sure…….we just love seeing them again and again – he sure did have fun didn’t he? Hope you all had a good remembrance day – you have your own group of Angels watching out for you too!

      Love, Teddy


  16. This is a lovely remembrance post to Angel Sammy with beautiful pictures of him. He will be always loved and missed. I did a short post on Deb’s Memorial Day on FB.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Those were sweet pictures of your dear Angel Sammy.
    I wish I had known him longer…sending big hugs and lots of purrs to your Peeps, Teddy, and make sure you snuggle some extra time to help them feel better as they remember and miss Sammy. Of course I know you are a wonderfur kitty too. And you have made yourself a beloved place in this land of blogging, too:)


  18. **wipess leeky eyesss**
    What a luvley slide show of mee deerest Unccle Sammy! Mee was so blessed to have him fur mee Unccle an mee leeerned so much frum him Teddy boy….
    What a luvley tribute you did fur Unccle; fank you so-o much….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


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