Sunday Selfie


Time To Do A Selfie!!

We start another year of selfies today with our good friends at The Cat On My Head!    Every Sunday we join their fabulous and well populated Selfie Blog Hop and spend some time visiting all our friends who have joined in the fun……………you can too if you click on their badge above and use their LINKY TOOL!    Don’t miss out – it’s fun – trust me on that!

My selfie this Sunday was made extra artsy by my Mom over at Lunapic using the NOUVEAU art effect then she popped it into Pizap and added a border – EASY PEASY.    Here it is – what do you think?

Mom says I looked like a stained glass window………………she also thinks it’s quite WEIRD that I have an interesting patch on my back by my right ear which was NOT in the original photo – maybe it’s a little present from Angel Sammy?   Just to let me know he’s here with me????

We hope you have a serene Sunday…………………….we’re going to have a nice cool one here – just a touch of Fall – Fine with me!    See you tomorrow for RAINBOW BRIDGE REMEMBRANCE DAY……………….

Love and Hugs, Teddy

62 responses »

  1. I like the stained glass effect. The border finishes it off very nicely. I love how you are looking up at your Mom. Maybe you do have a little present from Sammy, it’s a lovely thought! We have been not cool exactly but low eighties and less humidity. Rain tonight!


    • Yay for Lunapic! I don’t think Mom used that particular art effect before but it boggles the mind what kinds of possibilities there are using it…….we love stained glass windows! The spot on my back is interesting – a kiss from Angel Nellie? A pat from Angel Sammy? Not sure but I like it!

      Hugs and Happy Sunday!


  2. You do look exactly like a stained glass window, Teddy. We think that little spot IS angel Sammy sitting on your shoulder. In fact, just thinking it gave Mom chills, so it must be true. Wouldn’t it be fun if Mom Pam could find someone to actually turn this into a real piece of stained glass. Thanks for hopping. Have a fun day. We love you all bunches. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • My Mom has always wanted a stained glass window…..once in a while when she goes with Dad antiquing she finds some pretty ones but they are HUGELY EXPENSIVE……..she even thought about taking a class once but even that was too expensive……HAHAHA Maybe we’ll just stick with Lunapic! Marvelous Marv says he thinks that was not Sammy on my shoulder but Angel Nellie visiting me and leaving me a kiss!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Dear Mr Teddy, Wow! I too can see Mr Sammy’s Angel wings!!! Wait, Queen Penelope tells me they are hers! She is giving you a kiss! (My she loves to give kisseses)
    Purrs, your furrend Marvelous


    • Oh my! That’s even BETTER if Angel Nellie gave me a smack on my back! I like that……….I sure do like thinking of Angel Nellie and Angel Sammy with all the other Angels they both know having a SUNNY afternoon in a pretty field with flowers and butterflies. I’m so thrilled that was Nellie “visiting”!

      Happy Sunday Marv!
      Love, Teddy


  4. That sure made for a gloriously beautiful artwork of you and your selfie…and someother angelic one as well:)


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