Teaser Tuesday


Time For School!

Good morning class!!!!



Good Morning!!!!

Time again for figuring out a photo – actually TWO photos today………………..BUT before we begin, remember to QUICK make a comment on this post so you can get a FIRST COMMENTER badge like this one:

This FIRST COMMENTER BADGE is much sought after far and wide and even on other planets (well…..I don’t know that for a fact but……..).    Go on – hurry up – Sarge will escort you there and back………..


Now that we’ve probably got a FIRST COMMENTER (or two or three), let’s move on shall we?

Today’s Teaser is – if you don’t mind me saying – a WHOPPER………………I think it’s tough.   I’ll just go ahead and come right out and say it!    TOUGH!    When Mr. Briefcase posts it you’ll see what I mean……………..but before we go that far, let me remind you of the rules!!!

  1. NO FAIR using Google Image Search!   That’s just WAY WAY WAY too easy to do – we’d much prefer it if you would try and figure it out without doing that!   OK????  OK!!!!!
  2. You must tell me what town/city/village AND what country (if out of the USA) or state (if in the USA) the photo(s) were taken in………where was the photographer when they took the photo???

Easy – two rules……………….I just KNOW you can handle that…………..so shall we move on?????    We will begin with our effervescent little princess of punk cheerleading, SuzieQ……….Come on down Suzie!

Hidey Hi, Hidey Ho
Teaser time so let’s GO GO GO!
It’s somewhere on Earth
the photo was taken
But where oh where was that camera shakin’ ?
Was it on a deserted isle in the middle of the sea?
Or maybe in Tasmania from up in a tree?
Was the photographer on Mars or maybe Pluto?
Or maybe in Italy – the land of prosciutto?
It’s up to you to come up with a guess
Be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER – faster than the rest!
Tomorrow’s the TELL ALL
When we see who has won
I love Teaser Tuesdays – they are SO MUCH FUN!

Well Suzie – that was well said………………you’ve certainly made everyone aware that this might be a doozy of a Teaser so why don’t we prove it by bringing in Mr. Silver Briefcast/Forest Ranger/FBI Agent/Secret Service Guy with the photos shall we?

Here’s this week’s photos Professor!


There you have it – the second photo structure can be seen in the first photo – right side of photograph…………………..just to orient you!   NOW WHERE THE HECK IS THIS????

If you are the first to guess correctly where this was taken, you win this:

If you guess correctly but are NOT the first to do so, you get one of these:

And if you are WRONG but you’ve guessed anyway, you get one of these:

SO what are you waiting for – turn on your brain and figure this little mystery out!   I’ll be patiently waiting for the first student to raise his or her hand who HAS GOT IT – tomorrow in class we’ll find out WHO you winners are!!

Oh look who’s at the classroom door – it’s Miss Dingleberry………………………….

Oh Professor??? I’ve got the cookies and milk I promised for your class today…..our theme was “unusual looking cookies”…….enjoy!

Can we have more than one????

Professor Sammy – my Mommy will be upset if you have those thong-cookies out in public!!!

Well, don’t tell her then……………..HAHAHA

Thank you Miss Dingleberry for your cafeteria crew’s creative cookie effort!  


We’ll see you tomorrow for the TELL ALL! 


The Profs

68 responses »

    • HELLO PHENNY!!!!!! Looks like you are FIRST today…………….guess you can go eat a few pounds of that new meat supply now that you’ve got your FIRST COMMENTER badge! Tee Hee

      Love, Teddy


    • HAHAHA….that’s so cute! You were certainly on the ball this morning and ready but ONE MINUTE behind Phenny today…………So figure out the photos and you’ll get FIRST RIGHT! WOO HOO!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Gosh, as always, mommy doesn’t;t even have a lame guess! Today’s refreshments are (pardon the pun) food for thought!! Haaaa. I think I’m clever…heeeee.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to guess Transylvania, Romania. Thanks for the thong cookies(!?!) Mrs. Dingleberry. See you tomorrow Professor’s Angel Sammy and Teddy.


  3. Miss Dingleberry your unusual cookies are show stoppers for sure. OMCs…decisions decisions
    do I want thongs or mouths full of wire? MOLMOL
    Love it
    Hugs madi your bfff
    PS No clue where the photo was taken but for sure not here. We don’t have enough acreage.
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m reading something into all the hints you dropped about other planets… and I think I have it! That’s not actually a building! It’s a rocket ship to Uranus disguised as a building so that the people of the village are unaware they have a giant launching pad in town! And what is the purpose of having a rocket go to Uranus, you might ask? To transfer prisoners to our penal colony there, of course! Everything always comes back to prisons…

    Oh heck, just give me my thong cookie and tell me to shut up now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We posted thong cookies JUST FOR YOU! hahahahahahahaha You may be right about Uranus – which reminds me – you didn’t use Uranus and all the infinite possibilities associated with that planet’s NAME, in your “parade of U’s” for your blog today. What’s with that?!



  5. Our mom was really surprised by those bun cookies. She says that we should stick with the others, as she doesn’t want us to ever bite anyone on the butt. (Mau knows how bad that is.) Anyhoo, Mom is back into that groove of forgetting what day of the week it is. So, we are super late getting here, and we don’t know where this is. Te best we can do is an orthodox church, probably in Eastern Europe. That narrows it right down. Losers again, but we’re used to that. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Say – you used your powers of photo-examination to figure out SOMETHING about the photos and that is a BIG undertaking on its’ own. Tune in tomorrow and I’ll tell you what the SCOOP is. Thanks for coming by – we know how busy Moms are!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Sarge we are running to get our comment in even though we know we are not furst we are in the mix. SuzieQ that was a cheer worthy of The Super Bowl,,, of Teasers which this certainly is!
    Now Miss Dingleberry what is going on with those, yes those, Kookies MOL You sure know the way to a Man Cats Heart!
    Timmy and Da Boys


  7. We throw in our towels. It is some sort of old style stylish building of some religious purrsuasion or the druther. It may be West of Chisinau but it could be on an island in the South China Sea too. Goodness those Kookies are winding me! Rumpy you better watch Einstein. You have purrsonal knowledge of that boys butt biting ability!
    Timmy and Da Boys


    • EEEEEEEEEK! So that’s what radiation does to the vegetation! Whoever our Guest Teaser was sure took their lives in their hands capturing that mushroom on film. It looks like a man-eater to me!


  8. Okay…my guess is generic, because it is a guess. It is probably an eastern European monastery. The architecture looks Serbian or Ukranian, something like that. We have a Serbian monastery near us that looks very similar, except for colours. Good one, guys. It is beautiful. HUGS!
    P.S. THe minions are really busy lately! So, I am, too!


    • Oh I’m sure you’re up to your eyeballs in animals (!!) but FUN right? Good -eye-balling” of the photos picking up clues – it’s a gorgeous building isn’t it……tomorrow you’ll find out how well you did with your sleuthing!!

      Hugs, Pam an Teddy too


  9. Lots of domes,
    but not any gnomes…
    Crosses abound,
    Towers in the background;
    Quaint lampposts;
    Hooray – no ghosts!
    A tall metal tower,
    Hmmm, for what kind of power??
    Green fences;
    Plenty of arches;
    Roofs black, red or grey…
    And all on a fall day…
    This teaser, this way;
    Is in no way-
    Easy. Its hard we say!

    And we have to agree with some of the answers above:
    Orthodox monastery of Capriana, Moldova.

    Căpriana monastery (Romanian: Mănăstirea Căpriana) is one of the oldest monasteries of Moldova, located in Căpriana, 40 km north-west of Chișinău.[1]
    Established in medieval Moldavia, Căpriana is situated in a picturesque forested area once called Codrii Lăpușnei.

    The first significant reference dates from a document issued in 1429 that gave Căpriana the status of royal monastery on behalf of Alexander the Good. In this deed the holy abode was referred to as “mănăstirea de la Vâșnovăț unde este egumen Chiprian” (the monastery of Vâșnovăț where the hegumen is Chiprian) and was given in the possession of Alexander’s wife – princess Marena.

    After a period of decay, the monastery was rebuilt at the behest of Petru Rareș, from 1542 to 1545.

    There are three churches on the monastery site. The Church of the Dormition (a stone summer church) is the oldest extant church in Moldova. The winter church of St George is a twentieth century building. The nineteenth century church is dedicated to St Nicholas. The Church of the Dormition contains the tomb of Metropolitan Gavril Bănulescu-Bodoni.

    So the big image of your teaser is of the so called “winter church” which was raised in 1903, in a different architectural style (Neo-Byzantine style) during the Bessarabia Governorate.
    The littler church off to the side is “The Stone Church” (1491–1496), built in Moldavian style by Moldavian Prince Stephen the Great.

    Can we have some cookies now?? Not the bumby ones, the others will be just as yummy, MOL!!!


    • Very good! And you are of course RIGHT – that’s where the photos were taken and it’s a most interesting place isn’t it?! Help yourself to some “non-bun” cookies – all you want – Miss Dingleberry’s staff went nuts making them!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Stick a fork in me…I’m done. No clue other than it appears to be some European locale. But it sure is a lovely spot and I’d live there in a NY minute if I could. 😍 Yeah, if only I knew how to get Google to ‘help’ me out. That’d be rich. LOL
    Technologically challenged


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