Friendly Fill-Ins Friday!


Time To Fill In!!

It’s Friday and  I’m joining up with the Friendly Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop and if you’d like to do the same, click on the image above to visit one McGuffy’s Reader and use the Linky tool to join up with your blog link!  Our hosts are Miss Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen of 15andMeowing. It’s a FUN hop and we just fill in sentences they give us and find out a lot of cool stuff about each other!

Ready? Me too!

Here are the sentences we got to fill in this week……………and I let my Mom do the filling in today – aren’t I nice to share????    Moms’ answers are in BLUE!

1. My favorite thing on my daily to-do list is go to the grocery store – I love to grocery shop.

2. My least favorite thing on my daily to-do list is go to a doctors appointment.

3. I could really do without commercial television – we watch PBS almost exclusively around here.

4. I would love to have more cats – well specially ONE more cat – as a friend for Teddy.
Thanks Mom!   I’m not sure I want to have another kitty around here – I like being KING……….I get all the attention and I can’t imagine sharing YOU and Dad with someone else!   So there!
I was a lazy guy today – I did manage to squeeze a few walks outside in the 100+ degree heat with my Mom and Dad but other than that, I kept cool inside – – – napping in the sink OR like this in my ratty old torn up red “tent” !!
Mom gets a big charge out of me sleeping inside that old thing…’s so torn up now from me playing rough with it that it can barely stand up on its’ own.   Oh well……….can’t say I don’t USE my toys around here right?
Hope everyone has a HAPPY Friday – we’re going to be staying inside again for the most part because of the heat……………I’m sure I’ll be doing what I do best………….sleeping on my back!

Love, Teddy


44 responses »

  1. teddy you know how to relax, that’s for sure ;o) we agree with your mom … the last thing is a dogtors appointment… and grocery shopping is pretty cool… eggscept there is a dude(tte) ahead who needs a life time to pack the stuff on the conveyor, pays with a cheque and has to go back to the car to pick up the id card…. while you have ben&jerry’s in your cart… aaaaaargh!


    • Now THAT would drive my Mom nuts for sure…..people should be PURRRPARED to shop and pay and get the heck out of the store instead of holding up the line right? Can’t have Ben and Jerry suffering as a result of carelessness!!!! It’s just CRUEL isn’t it?! My Mom is thinking she’d like to buy an ice cream making machine – I’m thinking I just might LIKE that idea!

      Love and Happy Friday


      • the mama had that idea too… butt the cleaning and the waiting… and there is a weird thing about making ice cream… if you know how much calories are inside you get a bad feeling and that can ruin the ice cream pawty…


  2. Hmmmm…. that’s interesting that your Mom would like to have a kitty furriend for you, Teddy…..! Mom says that sometimes about me, too, but she’s afraid we wouldn’t get along, and THEN what would she do????!!!!
    Those pictures of you in your old battered red tent are SO adorable!
    Stay cool!
    Love, Sunday

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks to your Mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I think I prefer going to the Dr. than going to the grocery store 🙂 Less people at the Dr. ‘s office. Sounds like Teddy wants you all to himself, but that would e great to save another kitty. Maybe they would be besties. 100 degrees!! Yikes, we had about 90 and that was bad enough. I love the photos of Teddy letting it all hang out, he is such a cutie. Have a great weekend! XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mom’s pretty much least favorite thing to do in the whole world is going to the grocery store. She hasn’t been in years. Our dad does all the grocery shopping. When Dad used to travel all the time, Mom would have to shop, and she hated it. Since we are doing our fill-ins tomorrow, we haven’t decided yet who is doing them. Thanks for joining us for our blogoversary. We love you all so much and angel Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Grocery shopping is one of my least favorite things to do!!! MOL! Teddy, we think that having more kitties is lots of fun! You would like it!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Omgosh, that last photo is so cute! Are you playing with your tail Teddy?! Your nap is so funny too. You’re a barrel of……nope, a ‘torn-up red tent’ of laughs ❤ ❤


  7. Hi Teddy it is I, Madi, I hope you didn’t forget me in my absence?! YOu are a fun-gi and you make us laugh in that cube too
    We missed you
    Hugs madi your bfff and mom


    • Welcome back Madi……….you know me – I worried about you while your Mom and Pop were gone but I hear you were treated royally at the vet’s and I know they kept a close eyeball on you! Were you treated to a spa day? Hair, nails, massage, etc.? I bet you’re happy your Mom and Dad are back and that you’re back in your home sweet home. Mom says she’s already having nightmares about leaving me in October for a few days….my first time to be AWAY from them….ought to be interesting right? Did they bring you anything fun from their trip?

      Love, Teddy


  8. Doctor appointments are not my favorite things to do either, but at this stage of life, that’s where we’re at. We’re dealing with wound care now on an every two weeks schedule for now. David’s foot is infected again. 😦

    I’m glad that you like grocery shopping. I don’t. You can have my turn. haha

    I think its cute that you sleep on your back, Teddy. And that last picture, oh so sweet! It reminds me of one of the first pictures I took of our Angel Xerxes. He was hugging his little tiger toy. You’re a beautiful kitty. That looks like a fun tent.

    Have a blessed weekend!


  9. Mom agrees with the doctor’s appointment fill-in. Also, she’d rather be clothes shopping than food shopping and usually does that online and has everything delivered. It’s the height of laziness, but I’m glad she gets to stay with me on delivery day. I LOVE your sleeping position, Little T. Belly up! So comfy!

    Love and licks,


    • My Mom does a lot of online shopping too – nice not to have to go out in bad weather to shop!!!! Belly up is the best for naps isn’t it Cupcake? Letting my tummy air out!

      Love, Teddy


    • Mom is on board with it but Dad isn’t……..maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be? Angel Sammy liked being an “only”………I think I might like that too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. We don’t watch any television around here, either. From time to time we will watch something on Amazon Prime. Have a great week.


  11. You look so cute hanging out of your cube! The adverts on the TV annoy me to. They seem to last longer than the programme.


  12. You made us giggle here, Teddy! You’re such a cute rascal!

    Grocery shopping is a chore that has to get done…but sometimes it can be kind of fun, like a treasure hunt, MOL!

    Glad that heat hasn’t cooked you through…yet…stay cool and enjoy an icecube…or sime ice cream…petcretary says she has an ice cream maker…and it makes yummy ice cream…but, its just as cheap or fast to get it in the store. Go figure. She only uses it to make sure she knows *what* is in the ingredient list…check out the lists on the store cartons, and you may soon no longer want it…though having said that, petcretary is at low ebb in will power when it comes to any ice cream, MOL, MOL!!!


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