Tuesday Teaser


Time for Class!

Remember today we are lucky enough to have pizza being delivered for pre-recess pizza by our Cafeteria Snoopervise Mrs. Dingleberry.    If there’s any funny business in class, well, we may have to ask her to take those back to the cafeteria and serve them to some students who are BEHAVING in their classroom today!    OK?

First thing to do is COMMENT on this post – go on – you better snap to it – we won’t stop class for long and you don’t want to miss anything BUT if you are first to comment today on this post you win a badge!

Now that’s done – we’ll let you know who was the FIRST COMMENTER today when we do the TELL ALL tomorrow……………..maybe you will win the badge if you were ALERT and AWAKE when we went live this morning!

Today we have a GUEST TEASER………………..and in order to win, you will need to tell me where the photo we’ll show you was taken………….what town/city/village and what state (if in USA) or country (if not in USA) you see in the photo.   Easy right?   You just have to study the photo and see what you can determine then go out on a limb and GUESS.     If you win, here’s what you will get:

Cool huh?   Even if you aren’t the FIRST to guess correctly we have other badges so you could win one of those……………..we’ll show you what’s up for grabs tomorrow.    Meanwhile, shall we see if Suzie is ready to bring in a breath of fresh air and happiness to start things off????

Are you talking about “OUR” Suzie? Fresh air and happiness?????

Yes, Suzie is a “trial” sometimes but overall she give you a rousing cheer and a giggle or two right?   Right!    Suzie???

Welcome to the class
Where you get a dose of sass
I get your blood a-boilin’
While your brains begin a’toilin’
Now concentrate and examine
While the school band does some jammin’
If you can figure it out
Then you won’t have to pout!
Pizza’s about to be eaten
Don’t let yourselves be beaten!
Make a guess and WIN
And maybe Sarge will grin!

Well done Suzie………as for Sarge grinning – well – that may not happen – he’s been practicing being grumpy for a very long time.    We just happened to find this photo in an old yearbook here at school of a younger (and hairy) Sarge and as you can see he’s NEVER been a SMILER!

EEEEK…………………….well, let’s bring in our Security Guard guy with today’s photo and get it up on the blackboard so you can start trying to make Sarge grin (even though I think it’s hopeless).

I’ve got the photo here Professor Sam!


Just a moment…..our blackboard cleaner is getting things cleaned up first!

OK gang – WHERE was this photo taken?????????????   Remember the rules!

Now before we dismiss class for recess, I’ll help Mrs. Dingleberry get the pizzas set up in the back of the room for you all to enjoy………………we have smoothies too…………..!

Oh these pizzas smell delicious Mrs. Dingleberry!  

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AND of course we have fruit smoothies so please kids – help yourselves then go outside and work it all off in the playground – be nice – no pushing – there’s plenty for EVERYONE!!!!!!


Teddy and I will see you back here in class tomorrow!  

We’ll see who wins and who gets the GREENIES!  


99 responses »

  1. Hello! Shucks…We’re early but not early enough…
    We think it might be nice and cool there at least compared to us here…its stinking hot. 92F is above our comfort zone…

    Will come back later to give a guess…gotta get ready to go to a funeral at our church…


  2. Let the bells ring out and the banners fly! ‘Tis I!
    Its a beautiful town on the water…which is NOT where I am vacationing..today is another travel day, I shall leave Calgary and head to Midway where I shall be entertained by Cinnamon, Kozmo and Jo Jo for a few days.
    Wish I was at the mystery location!
    Love Barb

    Liked by 1 person

  3. WTG SusieQ: “Where you get a dose of sass
    I get your blood a-boilin’
    While your brains begin a’toilin’ we loved it”
    OMCs Mrs Dingleberry is the cafe snoopervisor….is she strict?
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. Wow, Sarge was really tough when he was a youngster. As our Mom would say, “Who peed in his Cheerios?” Now we can tell you, that ain’t Alcatraz. Mom doesn’t think it is Corfu…she’s been there and this is too flat. St. Peters Port? Maybe! So we have no clue, as usual,…we just came for the pizza….eight pieces of pepperoni, please! Good luck to all the guessers! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHAHA……..Well an awful lot of peeps think it might be Alcatraz that’s for sure……we don’t know but Kismet’s Dad “did” 10 to 20 there and said it’s not Alcatraz and HE ought to know right???? HAHAHAHAHA Have some pizza – we have lots of pepperoni – that’s the most popular!

      Love, Teddy


  5. It is a lovely sunny and warm day here at last! The sky is as blue as in that photo, maybe bluer. I wish I was there, wherever there might be.


  6. aaww gosh oinks! I’m late to the party. Is there some pineapple left? AND I’m thinking it’s Alcatraz too. I’ve seen it on my television in specials. Yawns… I think I need another nap – snorts to a great Tuesday cousins. XOXO – Bacon


  7. **pant pant pant**
    Whew mee made it!!
    OK LadyMum an mee looked at thee Teezer an shee sayss it iss thee Isle of Malta of off thee coast of Corfu!
    It iss so-o cute when shee sounds so sure; which meenss shee will purroablee bee wrong, mew mew mew…
    As fur PIZZA>>>MMMMM>>>make mine a ‘Canadian’ pleeze!!! (It has bacon!) 😉
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • You and a few others thought maybe a Greek isle……..it might be and we’ll find out tomorrow but even if it’s NOT a Greek isle, you can still have as much pizza as you want!

      Love, Teddy


  8. Hi Angel Sammy and Teddy! I thought I would pop by for the teaser!! MOL Of course I know exactly where it is! It’s errr ya know, it’s somewhere where there’s water and stuff!! 🙂 Because no one so far has said it I will say Fowey in Cornwall UK, just because, well, just because!! have a great day! hugs Austin xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Austin my friend, “just because” is a perfectly good reason to guess something or even to DO something…….I use that one all the time with my Mom. She wants to know why I’m screaming at 2AM and I tell her “just because” and she believes me!!!! I’m so happy you dropped by – I miss you……Angel Sammy said you were always a good friend and I hope we will be too!!!!!!! If you come by tomorrow Angel Sam and I will tell you if you’re right or not OK?

      Love, Teddy


  9. We finally are allowed back on here…and we looked and hunted and researched, esp that special little lighthouse. And the old building with a point in the middle some spire or antenna or who knows…but we think this is a teaser picture of St. Peters Port. Guernsey. Not the cow, the island! Guernsey’s are pretty though, even though Holsteins are more along the lines of petcretary;s heritage, MOL! The low set of buildings with that ‘spire’ is Castle Cornet.
    At least we think and are giving this as our not too edumatcated guess… And we sure think its a pretty spot, and maybe good for a cooling off dip!?


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