Pre-Tease Monday!


Alrighty Then! 

Won’t you have a seat????

Good Morning class……….Teddy and I are here to get you warmed up for the MAIN EVENT which is tomorrow’s Tuesday Teaser.    It is going to be a GUEST TEASER (no groaning from the back of the room please!).


In my humble opinion it’s not as much of a toughie as those piles of salt were last Tuesday that NOBODY guessed.    So I fully expect us to have a winner this week.   Don’t disappoint us now!

Tomorrow morning at a time that only Teddy and I know, the Teaser post will arrive in your inbox and you will QUICK LIKE A BUNNY WABBIT come here and first thing you will do (if you’re smart) is immediately post a comment.   Why?   Well because you would get THIS if you were the first to comment:

See?  You know you want it so be alert……………….then after that you can read the Teaser post and see the photo of your challenge for Tuesday and start giving it some thought – you will need to tell me what city/village/town AND what state (if USA) or country (if non-USA) the person who snapped the photo was when they snapped it.    OK?

Shall we ask our resident Cheerleader, the ever-exciting SuzieQ to come in and give us one of her rousing cheers???   Oh yes – let’s!!!!

IT’s Tuesday Schmooosday
and it’s time to study
Even if you’re hungover and feeling cruddy!
I know you’ve got a headache and maybe worse –
Just please don’t croak because we don’t have a hearse!
Figure out the Teaser and you’ll be our winner
Maybe I’ll diet and become a lot thinner!
You just might get lucky – you never know!
Then I won’t have to step on your ingrown toe!!

Thanks Suzie…………..heaven only knows what all of that means BUT no doubt you’ve inspired legions of Teaser fans and we’ll be getting correct guesses left and right tomorrow!

Class?    Anybody have anything to contribute to the discussion before we adjourn for recess?

Professor Sammy, last night I got up to go to the litterbox in the middle of the night and saw my Mom in the living room with a strange man and they were smooching! Should I be worried?

Well Bobby perhaps it was your father dressed up in a Halloween outfit he’d bought and he wanted to try it out on your Mom?

He only had on his underwear…….

Oh – I see – well, I suggest when you go home from school today Bobby you have a little TALK with your Mom.    Tell her what you saw and see what she says OK?

Now if there’s no other business or questions, then let’s call recess – I’ll see you all back here after recess and we’ll have our Sex Education class – our guest speaker today is BOBBY!!!!



We’ll be looking for you!

Professor Angel Sam and Teddy too

41 responses »

  1. OMC…………what we feel afraid for little BOBBY. He may be traumatized forever seeing his mom and a strange man. We hope the teaser will take his attention elsewhere. Looking forward to tomorrow’s post.
    Scout Charles and his fur sibs.


    • Hi Charles!!! It was SO great having you with us on the Derby trip………AND as for Bobby – we think he made that story up to spice up an otherwise boring (except for Suzie’s cheers) Geography class!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Poor little Bobby! He is a delicate kitten with fine sensibilities. We must shield him from anything further that might case consternation.


    • We all think that Bobby was sleep-walking and THOUGHT he saw his Mom and some strange guy…..remember this is BOBBY we’re talking about! He might even have just had a bad dream!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yep – that’s what we think too………Bobby looks like a sleepwalker – just look at those eyes of his – looks like he hasn’t had a really DECENT Night’s sleep in forever!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Reminds me of the song “I Saw Mommy Kissiing Santa Claus,”, but it’s a little early to think Christmas. Hope Bobby isn’t too traumatized.


  4. Holy c@rp…Bobby teaching sex education. Can’t miss that. We are sure SuzieQ will want to chime in on that. We’re not certain we should return from recess. We know the boy is bound to embarrass himself. You know we’ll be back tomorrow…probably late and with no clue, but we can’t miss the show! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • No worries – we wouldn’t let Bobby (or Suzie for heavens sake) teach a Sex Education Class……..EEEEEEEEK! Tomorrow will be all about teasing and mystery photos – and maybe the students’ Moms will make cookies again for us (non-obscene cookies of course!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. WTG SuzieQ today our favorite verse is
    “Just please don’t croak because we don’t have a hearse!”
    Per chance Bobby, you had some bad food last night that cause that scene on the couch,
    Hugs madi your bfff


  6. OMG, Bobby, till that man has his Y-fronts on, and your mom her nightie, I think you should not concern your fluffy little self too much. At least, if that man did not try to jump on your mom’s back, as we have learnt from Easy’s mom.


  7. We might be there…then again highly unlikely to be at the first of the line. If that evfur happens we shall have to have the news channel broadcast about it…since as you can see its past 3am…what a crazy petcretary we have, she is a night owl, but conks out before you post your teaser. She has a job with hours that are not traditional, MOL!

    See you…sometime tomorrow…and who knows when she has to go to a couple appointments, too.

    And will she even sleep at al,l after reading all the rowdiness and um…censored stuff here…MOL, MOL!


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