Filling In on Friday!


Time To Fill In Sentences!

A FUN Blog Hop co-hosted by 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s Reader

Every Friday we get to complete some sentences “our way” – two from McGuffy’s Reader and two from 15andMeowing.  If you’d like to play along, just click the badge above and go to McGuffy’s Reader, use the LINKY tool and join in the fun!

This week’s sentences are below, and we let our Mom do the filling-in as the sentences are more “human-friendly” than animal friendly this week!   Mom’s responses are in BLUE!

1. The most interesting museum I have been to is The Natural History Museum here in Washington, DC on the National Mall.
2. The most interesting historical place I have been to is Rome, Italy.
3. Spring is back!    (just in time too – we were SOOO ready to get rid of the cold!)

4. I was surprised that I got the yard mowed this morning BEFORE we got rain….usually it doesn’t WAIT for me!

We look forward to filling in every week……Mom said that she had SEVERAL to choose from for #1 and #2 as she’s traveled a lot AND been to all kinds of interesting museums around the world.  It’s sometimes hard to “pick just one” !!

Teddy and I hope you all have a GREAT Friday and weekend…………….I’ll be busy at the Bridge on some projects and classes but Teddy will be terrorizing my parents and having fun all weekend I’m sure.   When you’re a youngster EVERYTHING is fun (except going to the vet I guess!).

Love and Hugs, Angel Sam and Ted


64 responses »

  1. Oh how lovely! Rome is one of the places that I really want to visit. It’s such a beautiful city and there is soooo much history to explore. Maybe one day I will!

    Yay! Happy to hear that spring is back for you!☀️💐🌸🌻
    As you saw on our bloggie, spring had left us and winter came back. The icy cold storm winds were even stronger yesterday, with speeds between 37mph (60kph) and 43mph (70kph). The temperatures in the morning have been a bit below freezing point yesterday and today, with 26.5°F (-3°C). But the storm wind had stopped blowing at night thankfully. And it’s even sunny and we have a beautiful blue sky! So hopefully is spring is on it’s way back for us as well now ☺️😺

    Hugs and love from Murli and I! We wish you a wonderful Friday!💕


    • WOW….hard to imagine freezing temps AGAIN…….we’re happy to be away from the cold for a while. We still struggle a bit – yesterday in the 80s and tomorrow in the 60s but most of the time it’s BEAUTIFUL with the trees budding and grass green again! Happy Friday!

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet fill-ins. Mom would’ve chosen a natural history museum, too. The one in NY. She’s been there lots – sometimes with her friends and sometimes on school trips with her class. I’m glad she never brought me there because – DINOSAURS!!

    Love and licks,


  3. Teddy, you are such a cutie. And thanks to your Mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I know she has been to a lot of wonderful places, I get to enjoy them through the Teaser photos. I am glad .your Mom got her lawn mowed before the rain. Have a nice weekend! XO


  4. Rome!!! Lucky you… I bet you did love that! I was overwhelmed by the Natural History Museum in DC but then I found DC overwhelming in all ways! Happy Dance for spring. CH hasn’t been able to mow because he had a tooth pulled Monday and our lawn guy hasn’t started mowing home lawns until his helpers get out of school AND I don’t mow! I used to love to mow but the riding mowers bounce and bump my back and makes it holler. We got us some high grass!!! Now it’s raining and going to be doing that most of the day!
    Enjoy your Friday and that fresh mowed lawn!


    • OUCHIE on the tooth pulling….poor CH. Hope he’s well by next Tuesday in time for the Teaser! HAHA Sounds like you might need that machete I was talking about. On the other hand, if the grass is super high nobody will see your house to stop by and bother you!!!!!!

      Love, Ted and Mom
      p.s. D.C. IS overwhelming and that’s why we haven’t been into town in over 20 years (!!!!)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kisses to you Teddy and Angel Sammy…mom did not do the fill ins today but she would have answered Pompeii, Italy as the oldest places she visited. IN fact she was there exactly 48 years ago this week. Hugs madi your bfff


    • It’s a beautiful city but back in Mom’s day it was also SAFE and not just beautiful – sadly things have changed in all big cities in the world. Museums are wonderful places to learn though!!

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  6. Well, rain has kept me from much-needed yard work. The weekend will be sunny, though. I would enjoy that museum, I think. But, Rome…I would really love to visit the Vatican! Thanks for joining us, Mom Pam & Boys. HUGS!


  7. Mom loves all the Smithsonian Museums in D.C. You could spend days and days going through them. Mau and Cooper are very excited about the Track Meet tomorrow. They can’t wait to see all their competitors. Should they bring the Hooligan Paddy Wagon? MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  8. Great fill-ins! We’d love to visit an important museum like yours someday. Hey! We had spring weather today! With sun and allergies and everything! Our Dad’s been sneezing all day but we got the most glorious sunpuddles! Have a good weekend! Our cold rain comes back tomorrow.


    • My Mom and Dad have been sneezing even though they don’t HAVE allergies! So much pollen you can barely breathe!!! We had sunpuddles AND rain yesterday – we’ll take both because we NEED both! Happy weekend!

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  9. It rains so much this time of year here that most people mow the water. I know it sounds weird, but many park their truck near the yard and prepare a wench to pull their mower out of the mud before they start. Our neighbor was standing in ankle deep water yesterday when he asked if he could borrow our mower.


  10. Ohhhhh! I want to go to Rome, Italy!! We’ve been to the Natural History Museum in DC – when we were playing ‘tourists’ in DC. We loved it!! It seems spring has sprung here, too – finally! And the hubby got lucky – we had sunny and 73 degree temps yesterday, so he *finally* cut the grass…just in time because starting today for the rest of the 10 day forecast a tad bit chilly and rain, rain, rain. I’ll be happy when we have warm sunny days several days in a row! 🙂 Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Friendly Fill-Ins with Historical Places, Museums, & more while we Celebrate the Small Things for Friday Fun!


    • Rome is amazing – or at least it was in 1990 when we were there on our honeymoon…..things are so different throughout Europe these days but Rome has so many unforgettable spots like the coliseum that you HAVE to visit. It’s cold here AGAIN at 51 and raining all day. Spring has taken yet another detour. We will be in the 50s all week then finally back to warm. Darn!



  11. We, well our peeps, have been to almost all the big museums in DC…that is where pawppy grew up! So many fun things to visit there for sure. Have you been to the spy museum? That is a intriguing place.
    We have spring here, though past couple of nights the temp went down to 31…Brrr! Poor farmers; they live in worry mode at this time of the year.

    We love to sneak out the doggy door and indulge in the grass here too…and then…well…um…then we decorate the carpet, MOL!
    Dog-guy is a cow-wanna-be too…


    • YES my Mom and Dad have been to the Spy Museum – not long after it opened in fact. What a totally COOL place. They saw ALL kinds of interesting displays in there including the James Bond car and all that interesting REAL spy equipment! It was one of the most FUN museums in DC. We have RAIN RAIN and more RAIN the next two days. Mom says she thinks she and Dad will be growing moss on their skin if we don’t get some SUN soon!

      Love, Teddy


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