Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Double Post Day!

(First of all sorry for the confusion yesterday – Mom ACCIDENTALLY hit “publish” instead of SCHEDULE for this post and you got a notice a day early!   We quickly deleted it – but here it is again on the RIGHT DAY!!!!!!)  

First part of my blog today is for THANKFUL THURSDAY.    Today I’m VERY thankful – Why?   Many things but today I’ll tell you just one reason – Spring is popping here finally.   As recently as one week ago we had a frost/freeze warning but for the last several days we’ve had WARM temps and the little leaf buds on the trees are bursting open in leaps and bounds!    Our pink dogwoods have pink blossoms and the little dwarf Japanese maple has leafed out – the maple was my FAVORITE spot to stay cool in the summer and we think Teddy has figured that out now too!

Front Garden 2012

Want to share what you are thankful about?   We are sharing by joining Brian’s THANKFUL THURSDAY blog hop………..all you have to do is click the badge, go to his blog, use the LINKY TOOL and enter your blog address – SHARE with all of us what you’re thankful for.  EASY!

Now for PART TWO of this post and that’s my Thoroughly Poetic Thursday post……………….this week we are up to the letter “R” in the alphabet so the poem needs to be about an “R” thing!



By Sammy Kimmell, April 13, 2017

It’s a well known Easter habit

Watching out for the Easter rabbit!

He comes when everyone is sleeping

On bunny feet he does all his creeping

He hides eggs around the house

He’s QUIET as a mouse!

Kids will carry their baskets around

To see how many eggs can be found!

Sometimes the bunny leaves candy –

The basket will sure come in handy –

For carrying around all your treasures….

Such fun is impossible to measure.

Easter Rabbit makes everyone SMILE

Makes older folks feel like a child.

The Easter holiday would not be complete

Without those visiting RABBIT feet!!

Next Thursday we will celebrate the letter “S” as we make our way to the end of the alphabet for the second time here on the blog!    I hope you will join us – it’s not too late to join in today – you can write a poem and put it in my comments OR if you have a poem done on your blog – leave us your link so we can HOP over and read it!    Try some poetry – you’ll be glad you did!!

Love, Angel Sammy

36 responses »

  1. oooooh what a bunnyful poem… I will say it loud 3 times or 87 times , maybe then the easterbunny comes to me too? the mama said in the ole days the country eggs got their easterbasket today… on maundy thursday… butt I have to wait till sunday… not fair… I’m a country egg too…


    • Poor Phenny….well, Sunday is only a few days away! My Mom and Dad will be coloring the WHITE eggs she got today at the store – they’ll color them Saturday and the Bunny will hide them in the house Saturday night and Dad will crawl around with his basket in his PJs to look for them on Sunday morning! Tee Hee

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Teddy and Mom don’t beat yourself up over it. Mom has done the very same thing A L O T!!!!!
    Rabbit are so sweet and soft and I love your poem in honor of them. I have my very own bunny named Spring mom bought Spring at Borders a long time ago. She is gray and white and has a pink nose.
    Hugs madi your bfff
    our poem is at


    • LOVE stuffed wabbits here…….I have one for Teddy’s first Easter basket and a little yellow wind up “chick” too!!! I just felt so silly publishing instead of previewing the post……….DUH…….

      Love, Pam


  3. The dogwood at your house is beautiful! I wish we had some pink dogwood. I am glad Teddy is finding the wonders of outside time like you did Sammy. I remember when you said you used to go out early in the morning and your Mom held a flashlight. Always supervised of course. Has Teddy checked out the porch yet? Rabbit for R, yes! Easter would not be the same without the Rabbit! I have some great Easter memories with the Easter baskets and hunting for eggs! I wish I could tell you how many times I have hit publish instead of preview! Enjoy your Thursday Angel Sammy and Teddy!


    • We just love the pink dogwoods – have two in front and one “cream” color in the back. I really miss those early mornings with Sammy – it was fun and I think he looked forward to it as much as I did. Teddy wants to go outside in the morning but NOT with the harness so I just need to teach him that if he won’t wear it – we don’t go outside! Sammy wore the harness when it wasn’t light out for almost 17 years so if HE could do it, Teddy can! Teddy LOVES the front porch though – he goes out there with David and me when we have “evening porch/wine” time. I still hide Easter eggs for David every year…..yes I do…..!!!!

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Teddy HATES the harness but has been very good about only going out with one or both of us. He sticks close but I would MUCH RATHER he wear the harness. He’s so danged FAST!

      Love, Pam


  4. Hippity Hop!

    We thought your poem was fun…and we got to read it yesterday even if we couldn’t comment, MOL!

    Now that might have been a fun trick to do on April One, tee-hee!

    Have fun with your Eater preps:)

    Hippity Hop; its off to work she goes…


  5. awesum rabbit poem two day dood….N ted on nator; R you out side in fotoz two… pea sea iz havin a LOTTA izzuez two day N nothinz werkin rite…. any way hope ya haz a grate easturr; it bee yur furst one ~~~~ thiz weekz haiku iz deddy cated two ratz

    RATZ; ther bee pie rats
    then therz big fat mouz type ratz
    and thoz we can eat 🙂



    • Love your haiku this week – I haven’t seen any rats or mousies around here YET but I’m looking – chipmunks and voles but no other mousie type critters!!!! Mom hasn’t remembered to take the camera outside when I’ve been out but I’ll remind her – she’s old you know and can’t remember stuff….. 🙂 Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Beautiful blooms, Teddy. The early warm temps here made a lot of the flowering trees here blossom early and then the cold came back and most of the flowers didn’t last very long. So we are very thankful to see yours.

    We love the Easter Rabbit, but those pesky ones that invade our kingdom better watch out – steer clear of Sibes!!!


    • YAY – goodbye snow for another year and HELLO BEAUTIFUL SPRING! Every morning when we look out the window now we see BIGGEST leaf buds on the trees……..soon Mom won’t be able to see through our back woods to the houses on the other side and THAT’s when she knows FOR SURE Spring has SPRUNG!

      Love and HAPPY EASTER
      Angel Sam and Teddy


  7. I did that once with one of my Saturday Squirrel posts, which suddenly became a Friday Squirrel post since I hit publish instead of schedule. It seemed like too much hassle to fix, so I just left it. I don’t use email notifications, so I was blissfully unaware of the premature post…. and had I seen it, I would’ve just blamed Suzie’s Granny for it. She looks like she’s never up to any good…


    • You are right about Suzie’s Granny – having heard her attempt at a cheer perhaps everyone realizes where Suzie’s cheering “talent” (cough cough) came from??????????? Yes the uhoh post will go down in history as NOT one of my finest hours.



  8. Sammy, that is a most excellent poem. You really captured the fun and anticipation of the Easter Bunny. Our poem is about Mauricio Roaming. We’re a day late here (guess we made up for you being a day early…MOL). I bet anyone would love finding you in your angel bunny suit in their Easter Basket. All our dogwoods are blooming, and they look meowvolous! Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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