Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday!


Double Blog Post Day!

Thursday is the day we are THANKFUL and the day we are POETIC so let’s get the show on the road………

First of all we can say that we are VERY thankful today – we’re thankful Spring is finally beginning to REALLY Spring after we had snow last week………we’re thankful that Teddy continues to keep all of us laughing our socks off every single day………we’re thankful that we got our brand new double wall ovens yesterday – that means Mom can make TWICE as much biscotti…….and we’re thankful that so many of YOU follow our blog and pawticipate in the fun like Saturday’s BACON HARVEST!    If you click on the badge below, it will take you to our host for Thankful Thursday – that’s Brian!!  You can go there and using the linky tool enter your OWN blog post to share why you are thankful.

Now for Part Two – our Thoroughly Poetic Thursday poem….

Today we are writing a poem about something starting with the letter “O” !

We are slowly but surely getting close to the end of the alphabet………..we might do something DIFFERENT after we make it to “Z” since we’ve done the alphabet twice now.    We can talk about that later though – right now let’s see what we can come up with for “O”!



By Angel Sammy Kimmell 3/23/17

Orange is a “lively” color, full of sunshine fun

Perfect for a kitten who lives his life on a full-out run!

The energy he has is amazing and so fun to see

Reminds me for sure of a very young ME.

He flies around the house, up and down all three floors of stairs

He has no regard for SAFETY so I keep him in my prayers!

For Teddy there are only two speeds – “rocket launch” and “sleep” –

His kitten brain is always working but his thoughts aren’t really deep!

He plays and eats and plays some more until he’s had his fill.

Mom has said she wishes the energy he has was available in a PILL !!

One thing’s for sure, our orange boy has brightened up the gloom

His “orange glow” lights up the night in every single room.

Adopting Teddy was OH SO RIGHT, my Mom and Dad did well…..

I set the stage for another orange boy…….now I can rest a spell…………

YAY – we squeezed out an “O” poem and I must say that I know someone ELSE who used “ORANGE” for their “O” today and it’s my new pal Cooper Murphy Blue at The Cat On My Head!   Cooper is a ginger boy like Teddy and the new boy in the household at Kitties Blue.    He also knows all about orange so we thought we’d both do ORANGE today.    If YOU want to pawticipate in Poetry Day, you can write your poem right here in my comments to share with everyone OR, leave us your blog link in my comments so we can come visit you and read your ODE TO O !!!

A reminder that my BACON BASH is Saturday………………..TODAY is the deadline to send in a photo of yourself in harvest gear if you want to but again – it’s not a requirement – just come to the party on Saturday and enjoy yourself and the “bounty” of the bacon greenhouse.    Those who want to send me a photo of yourselves in harvest clothes will be in the “HARVESTERS LINEUP” Mom and I will do so everyone can see you in your harvesting GARB!    We will be having a ton of fun and the party is ALL DAY so no matter when you stop by, you’ll be able to enjoy yourselves!

Questions about the Harvest Party?   Just ask……………we’ll get back to you!!    Meanwhile, HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYBODY!

Happy Thursday !!

59 responses »

  1. the mama said ooooooooh as they read the word orange… and she remembered the truckload of oranges we still have… today they will find a destiny or they find the trashcan hahahaha
    I’m thankful too that Teddy makes you laugh… and that he is there to make you happy efurry day…


    • Oh good luck with those oranges….something tells me you’d best have a lot of toilet paper on hand……(hahahaha just kidding!)…..good luck – can’t wait to hear if the oranges land on the pad of shame or your Mama does!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sam and Teddy


  2. Love that poem, Angel S. Mom says the same about my “thoughts” as you said about Teddy’s. But she says IF I have any thoughts, they’re not very deep. I think deep thinking is overrated. I keep it real – Let’s play. Let’s nap. Let’s go outside. Let’s eat. Everything else is just gravy! Gravy! Yum!

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake you’re right…..deep thinking takes too much time – we are too busy with other stuff for that right? Right! The only thing I’m thinking about right now is BACON. Tee Hee…..gravy? I’ll have some please!

      Love, Angel Sam


    • We’re on our way to read your O………..and yes, my Mom keeps saying she would LOVE to have a FRACTION of Teddy’s energy. He passes by her ten times on the stairs in the time it takes her to just go one way!

      Love, Angel Sam


  3. Oh goodness…what a great poem. I really should have tried on these. And I can’t wait to be here on Harvest Day! By the way, I LOVE that picture in the sidebar of Sammy and Nellie watching the youngsters at her birthday pawty!


    • I have some wonderful memories made with the lovely Queen Nellie…….as do we ALL…….I love that photo too – “the old folks” watching the younger generation………….!

      Love, Angel Sam


  4. Double wall ovens are definitely something to be thankful for! AND Teddy being a funny ginger boy and making you all laugh!!! Oh and the bacon harvest of course! I am thankful your blog is here every day to read and make me smile! A most excellent Orange poem. Angel Sammy! I can see Tedders tearing up and down those three flights of stairs… Z loved to do that too! Love the tractor Sammy! I will be here for the Bacon Harvest… Baaaaaaaacooooooooooooon!


    • YAY Miss Pix!!!! Glad you’ll be stopping by, and if you wanna be a harvester just put on your overalls and cowboy boots and head on over to the greenhouse (or send Mom your photo and we’ll post it!)……..we’re going to have some fun for sure. I’ll have to make sure Teddy doesn’t tear up the greenhouse with his running like a crazed tiger everywhere. Mom says she’d like to have ONE-TENTH of his energy!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam


      • If I still had my overalls I swear I would have CH take a picture and send it to you but I gave both of my overalls to a friend because I gained a little too much weight this winter and I thought I was over my overall obsession! Now I miss them! I could use some of Teddy’s energy, too!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Sammy, you are beyond cute on your tractor. Mom has done one photo with Cooper, Mau and Allie, and will send it later. Can she send two? The orange Teddy poem is truly purrfection. It’s obvious from both poems that these two boys are full of kitten energy. Here’s the link to our post and poem:
    Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We just loved your poem – I think the ginger boys definitely SHINED today! You sure can send more than one picture………the harvest party is gonna be SO MUCH FUN!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy


    • WOW! Was he on his own or with a human companion? Did you get to give him some pets? I bet he loved meeting you! No tail – wonder if something happened to it or if he was born tailless?!?!?!

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


      • He (or she?) belongs to the colony of kitties living in our small street. Most of them have no human but live in the gardens and get food from the peeps in the neighbourhood. I’ve met this ginger beauty when he was only a very young kitty. He is very friendly, comes when I call him and enjoys being petted very much! I have no information about his tail – is it possible that a cat is born without a tail???


        • Yes I think the “Manx” breed cats are mostly born with no tails….so your little ginger buddy may have some Manx in him, OR something happened to his poor little tail along the way. Sounds like he’s FLIRTING with you though – I’m glad that the peeps in the neighborhood help out the little feral colony that’s there. That makes my heart HAPPY!!!!!

          Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  6. Hi Angel Sam and Teddy and Miss Pam. Its me, Calvin. I wrote a little poem for my brother, Oliver. Since we don’t have a blog, I hope its okay to post it here. Its not very rhyme-y but I think that’s okay 🙂


    I have a big brother, his name is Oliver.
    He’s big and he’s fluffy and he has ginger fur.
    He was mom’s first cat, 13 years ago.
    She brought him home and he put on a show.
    Running around and climbing on things, he was in charge.
    He’s a very good big brother, a bit bossy sometimes.
    I adore my big brother, so fluffy and soft, he’s my best friend
    And I love him a lot.


    • Oh Calvin I think it’s wonderful you wrote a poem about your brother Oliver! We love it! Poems don’t always have to rhyme……we think it says just exactly how you feel about your brother and I’m SURE if he wrote a “Calvin” poem, it would be just as sweet as yours is for him!!!!

      Happy Poetry Day!
      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  7. Sammy that is one fine poem to bring in the Orange and the Orange fellow Teddy
    Being of the Orange purrsuasion we are behind that fun loving fellow one thousand purrcent!


  8. Yes….Samantha and I agree that orange is a wonderful color!! Especially when it can rocket launch! hehe. We just loved your poem, Angel Sammy! And we agree that it is wonderful Mom and Dad now have both you AND Teddy! It’s just wonderful! Hugs!! ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜


    • Mom says sometimes she wonders how I would have reacted if Teddy had been here with me before I went to the Bridge……….Maybe FIVE years ago I would have been happy to have him around (maybe) but the last year or so – I was so “not right” that I think a Wildman like Teddy would have been too much to handle. LOL

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Furabuluss Fankfull List Unccle Sammy an yur poe-em was pawsum. LadyMum gotted all teerye eyed at thee end. Today iss thee 11th anniversary of Mingflower’ss passin (kitty befur NYLABLUE) an fur sum reason LadyMum iss berry sad…..
    Mee tooked her out fur a nice walkie an mee iss beein a good boy fur her.
    Mee been a bit weerd all week an mee will blog about it tomorrow, so that iss why mee not been around this week….sorry…
    ***air kissesss*** an **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • I hope you’re alright Siddhartha….I know that we kitties “pick up” on our humans’ moods so maybe your Ladymum being extra sad made you a “bit weerd”?? My Mom says she totally understands about missing “those before” – that’s something that will ALWAYS be no matter how much they love us “here”.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy (and Angel Sam)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Teddy boy an Angel Unccle Sammy mee posted a new bloggie on Katurday about thee week mee had. Thee Feliway ran out Tuesday nite an LadyMum did not figure it out till Fursday nite. Once shee putted thee new one inn mee calmed down within a few hourss…
        An thee xtra sadss did freek mee out because mee was not calm to start with. What a ruff week!
        Mee mite take thee weekend to just rest Unccle Sammy an Teddy boy. Mee nervess are nervey! Good luck with thee harvest.
        ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  10. Guess we’re a little more than “fashionably late” commenting on this post. That’s a great poem! So happy that little Teddy has found his furever home and is making your pawrents to happy!
    Love, Sundae


  11. You are a funloving kitty, Teddy! You must make Angel Sammy dizzy!
    We remember those zoomie days too…but at 12, Pipo can zoom with the best of them if he gets a mind to. Minko doesn’t seem to have the desire…but ah well, he *is* a chronically sick kitty so any mischief is low key…but he does have his moments. He used to be the zoomiest kitty evfur! He was crazy…


    • I was a zoomer in my kittenhood but soon settled down into my happy life with Mom and Dad…….walks outside on my harness with my Mom every single morning before the sun came up……….comfy naps on the couch and really was very healthy my entire long life until about the last year or two…….I wouldn’t change a thing about my wonderful life and Teddy has found out just what I always knew – Mom and Dad know how to treat a kitty!!! Teddy is having so much fun……and I will forever be his guardian angel………

      Love, Angel Sam


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