Tuesday Teaser


Good Morning Class!

Today we not only have our Tuesday Teaser FUN but we will have a SMALL birthday celebration for my new Assistant here in Geography class, my little brother Teddy!    BEFORE we do anything though we want to remind you that whoever comments on THIS POST (yes this very post) FIRST will win a badge………..so hurry up and comment then come back to class ASAP OK?


OK – now that you’re back, how about we get the TEASER part of class done THEN we’ll have a little party for Teddy.    Today’s TEASER just happens to be a GUEST TEASER………a friend of ours sent this one in and we hope it gives you a headache moment’s pause as you try to figure out WHERE it could have been taken.    To WIN, you must (MUST MUST MUST) tell me what city/village/town and what State (if USA) or Country (if not USA) the photo was taken in – only if you give me both of those things will you WIN.

Shall we see what Suzie has to say this morning before Mr. Briefcase Dood shows the photo????



Hi Prof! I’ve got my “posse” here today – a TRIPLE THREAT!
Let’s do it girls!
CHEER CHEER let’s work!
Maybe we’ll do the twerk!
Kick up your heels!
We three are the REAL deal!
Shakin’ bacon cheer it
C’mon let us HEAR IT!
We’re all available to date
So don’t make us wait…..
Sarge, Bobby and Teddy

OK OK OK OK ————thanks Suzie……….I believe you got everyone AWAKE in class for sure………you ladies can leave now.   PLEASE!

Mr. Silver Briefcase – could you please bring the photo in………………QUICKLY…………….we need a change of pace and besides, it feels WARM in here after those girls did their thing…….!

I’m here Professor Sam and Assistant Teddy…..lemme post the photo for you on the board!

Remember – need town/village/city and what state or country………..OK?   

Tomorrow for the TELL ALL we will let you know who sent the photo AND who win the badges for bring FIRST RIGHT GUESSER:

Everyone ELSE who guessed RIGHT:

AND those who guessed incorrectly but TRIED!:

AND – whoever was the FIRST to comment (just a comment – don’t even have to guess!) on this post today will get this:

Exciting right?   Right!  Good Luck!

NOW – let’s have a little celebration for my Assistant – Teddy who turned ONE on Saturday!

Class Assistant Teddy!

It’s party time!   First Teddy wanted me to show you two cards he got since our birthday post:

From Nellie the Queen!

From Siddhartha-Henry and Sherri-Ellen!

We thought we’d just have a pile of delicious desserts to celebrate with since we already had lunch in the cafeteria here at school!

Fruit Juices of ALL kinds!

Hot chocolate bar

No shoving in line…..there’s plenty for everyone!


Professor Angel Sammy can I take some home to my Mom?? She likes cake!!!

Everybody can take some home – this is a BIG DAY!   

As soon as you’ve had your dessert

you get to go home early…….

I’ll see you at the Tell All.


See you tomorrow!  Angel Prof Sammy



83 responses »

  1. Happy Burfday Teddy! I sure like those cheerleaders! I want to be one too.

    Mommy said she wonders if it is “somewhere in France” ?


  2. Happy Birthday Teddy. We’re very happy to get to know you. We visit your blog every day and we’re really looking forward to hearing about your adventures in your furever home. We adore your family, you sure chose wisely!! We’re glad Angel Sammy brought you all together.


  3. Happy Birthday Teddy!!! Great cheer, I know Suzie has a crush on Teddy, but which one of you ladies has a crush on Sarge???? My guess is Puerto Rico, I know that is not very specific. Have a great day! Those are wonderful cards. XO


    • This is Birthday #2 – my REAL birthday was Saturday but my swell big Bro Sammy wanted me to have a “Teaser Birthday” too! I’m so lucky……….I don’t think any of the Teaser cheerleaders has a crush on Sarge but you never know – Suzie kinda likes TOUGH GUYS and I’m FAR from a tough guy……….. As for the Teaser – Puerto Rico is a darn good guess but I don’t know what the answer is so what the heck do I know?!?!?!?!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Hmmmmmmmm! Mes still mostly asleep. Wes gotted company last night and wes went to bed late and there is a strange dog in the house.
    Mes is stumped.
    Purrhaps mes will goes back to sleep and sees if where in the world yous is will come to me in my sleep.
    Kisses Your Nellie Bellie
    Ps the treats is fabulishious and me wishes Mes was young enough to bes a cheerleader!


    • Nellie my dear – you should be getting your rest dear girl – maybe when you dream you’ll figure out where the Teaser photo was taken – – – if I can sneak away from the Bridge I’ll visit and whisper in your ear! Tee Hee…..meanwhile, enjoy a snack from Teddy’s birthday desserts…..and SWEET DREAMS will come your way!

      Love, Angel Sam


    • hi Clowie!!!!!! That’s a popular guess today……..we’ll find out tomorrow at the Tell All!!!! I’m having TWO parties for my first birthday – I’m a lucky guy!

      Love, Teddy


  5. 1. EARTH – maybe SW USA.
    2. Happy birthday again, Teddy. Mom says this is her kind of party with dessert only. Why mess with the other stuff.
    3. If y’all don’t watch out those cheer girls are going to take over.
    Sending lots of love to everyone.
    XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • 1. MAYBE/MAYBE NOT! 😉
      2. Thanks!!! We kinda like sweets for the sweet too!!!
      3. The cheer girls will NEVER take over – we are MANCATS and MANCATS rule – girlie cats drool! 😉

      Love and hugs to everyone! Angel Sam and Teddy


  6. Well…we are a wee bit earlier than in other teasers, MOL!!! ah well…

    And how fun to have a repeat pawrty! Of course there was no class on Saturday so now all the students and pawticipant guests can have birthday fun and treats too. Petcretary had to bring treats to our unfurs classes too when they had BD’s in school…YUM!

    We thought at first that was somewhere in the SW USA…but then the radio inspired us with some Spanish music…so we went to that Mr Google and he said to check here:
    The Hermitage of El Rocio. Province of Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. Looks like a neo ancient design…the original being ruined in an earthquake, followed by another structure, which for some reason was taken down and this present opulent structure was started in the 1960’s. It has to do with a statue of the Virgin Mary and Pentecost. Its close to Doñana National Park.

    Now we are off to do other things until tomorrow…


  7. Ooooooooh my assistant probably will not be able to type much…her eyes are sugar glazed over with desserts.
    Mom says that photo looks like a scene from a Western movie maybe in Mexico.
    The peeps out breakfast out then took an 83 minute walk. They might not be able to move tomorrow.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Your peeps really know how to DO a breakfast out don’t they!!!! Well, it does look a bit like an old Pancho Villa movie…….or maybe The Cisco Kid?? We’ll find out tomorrow!

      Love, Angel Sammy and Ted


  8. I already know we’re not even close to be first, second or 87th but we just couldn’t allow another opportunity to slip by without wishing sweet Teddy a happy 1st! As for the pic, my first reaction was it looks like Spain but that’s as far as I can tell. ❤︎


    • Thank you! Teddy has had a LONG birthday since it started on Saturday and ends today! I think he’s expecting week long parties from now on! As for the Teaser guess – it may be Spain and if you tune in tomorrow you can find out!

      Love, Angel Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  9. That looks like a great nighttime shot of the Kentucky Reformatory For Delinquent Jockeys located just off the racetrack in Churchill Downs, KY. You won’t find the most heinous criminals there… the population’s just a bunch of small time offenders. Ha Ha! Get it…. small time….. because they’re jockeys…… you know…………

    Er, forget it! Out of my way, Bobby, I want some of that cake!


    • HAHAHAHA…….Oh Evil Squirrel Guy you make me and my little brother giggle. I have to admit, your guess TRULY has some elements of possible (note I said possible) truth in it – there are horses in the photo and while there are no bars on the windows I do recall a previous guess of yours about a prison we showed that was “honor system” when it came to the criminals staying in their cells so who knows – maybe Kentucky does that stuff too with their delinquent jockeys??? We’ll find out tomorrow!

      Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy


  10. Well LadyMum sayss shee finkss thee foto iss either taken inn Istanbul, Turkey or in Abu Dhabi (Dubai). Mee has NO idea what shee iss mee-yowin about so mee hopess you do Unccle Sammy or Teddy boy. Mew mew mew….
    That was sum deelishuss Cheezecake! Fankss fur a grate pawty!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


  11. Not here early but here. Nice spread that you have here today. I might stay and eat the afternoon away. I am going to say the picture was taken some where in Mexico though I don’t know where. Love to all at your place.


    • Mexico was a popular guess BUTTTTT it’s in Spain – close though!!! Enjoy the dessert snacks – we figured we’d done enough partying over the weekend except for dessert – there’s always room for dessert!

      Love, Teddy


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