Teddy’s First Birthday





I can hardly believe that this little guy is turning ONE today but he is…….and it’s HIS day to shine.    He’s brought so much fun and joy to our house and I find that I no longer have to ask for day passes from the Bridge just to stop by to cheer up our parents all the time – they have Teddy to do that now.   

So let’s stop talking and PARTY – OK?   How about some music?


Feel free to  kick up your heels (oops I mean paws) and dance! 

OR maybe you would like to have something to eat – we have a “loaded” buffet – purrrlease have your fill……

HELP!!!!!!! I can't get UP!!!!

HELP!!!!!!! I can’t get UP!!!!

Oh boy! Seafood!

Oh boy! Seafood!

Fresh sushi......

Fresh sushi……

Roast beast.......

Roast beast…….

Meatloaf with Bacon and BBQ Sauce!

Meatloaf with Bacon and BBQ Sauce!

Ribs, cole slaw, the works!

Ribs, cole slaw, the works!

Oh yeah! BURD!

Oh yeah! BURD!

Dessert bar with everything you can imagine!

Dessert bar with everything you can imagine!

Oh baby!!!

Oh baby!!!

A fully equipped bar – step right up and order what you like!!!!

There's always one who doesn't know when to stop! HAHA

There’s always one who doesn’t know when to stop! HAHA

OR fruit juices of ALL flavors!

OR fruit juices of ALL flavors!

Turning one is a big deal…..and Teddy will probably party it up and need a nap soon – you might too so feel free to park your tushie on one of the many sleepy spots we have for those “dozing off” moments you get when you EAT, DRINK and be MERRY too much!

Yep - it happens to the best of us!

Yep – it happens to the best of us!

uhhuh.....we know how you feel!

uhhuh…..we know how you feel!


If you need a ride home – we can do that!  

Yep - I'll be happy to drive you.......

Yep – I’ll be happy to drive you…….


Thank you friends for coming to my very FIRST Birthday Party!   I’ve had so much fun but I am POOPED!   (YAWN)  I hope you had fun…..I sure did!    Thanks to my big Angel Brother Sammy for my pawty – I will NEVER forget it – EVER



Love, Angel Sammy and Big Boy Teddy


I got some birthday cards!  Thank you!

From Miss Pix!!

From Miss Pix!!

From Pipo, Minko, Mr. Jack Freckles!

From Pipo, Minko, Mr. Jack Freckles!

From Kitties Blue!

From Kitties Blue!


From Da Phenny!

From Da Phenny!

From Gracie, Anya and Miss Stephanie!

From Gracie, Anya and Miss Stephanie!

Another one from Gracie, Anya and Miss Stephanie!

Another one from Gracie, Anya and Miss Stephanie!

From Raz and Allie!

From Raz and Allie!

138 responses »

    • Hi Miss Layla! Thank you so very much for coming to my birthday pawty. I’ve only been here in my forever home for three weeks and already I’m having a PARTY! I wish I could have been here longer like Angel Sammy was – he started out here with Mom and Dad at only a few weeks old and I was already 11 months old when I was adopted. I will make up for lost time though! Please give a hug to all your kitties for me.

      Love, Teddy


  1. Happy Happy Birthday dear Teddy!!!! isn’t that great that you can celebrate today with your furever furmily and in your furever home… that’s worth a wild ride in the red radio flyer wagon ;o)


    • Hi Mr. Phenny……….I am so excited – you will be too when you have your birthday! Everybody makes a big deal over you and you get presents and lots of yummy food and maybe even a BIRTHDAY CHEESECAKE (eeeeeeeek!). Thank you for coming to my pawty……….I love you!

      Hugs, Teddy


      • love ya too… it seems there is a special connection between us… planned by angels :o) I had a furst thing today too… I’ve got my furst greenie… I’m disappointed now… it was tooooo small ;o)))


        • I think you’re right Phenny…..we were DESTINED to be besties because we’re connected from a HIGHER POWER (Angelic of course!)……….you got a Greenie? I’m gonna have to go see…..I thought the only greenies were on my Teaser!

          Love and Teddy Hugs, Teddy


  2. WOW! Teddy! Happy first birthday to you and what better place than with Angel Sammy’s mom and dad! It’s a GREAT pawty, but then Sammy always knew how to throw a great pawty!! Have a great day, little buddy! xx


    • Hi Mr. Austin! Thank you for coming to my pawty! I’m really having fun meeting all of Angel Sammy’s friends – he had a lot of them but you of course were one of his most favorites………..thank you for coming all the way across the pond for some fun today. I hope to see you again REAL soon!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Teddy Happy Birthday big guy..One is a great age and the beginning of many more wonderful milestones..we send all our love and best wishes for a super day! Loves Fozziemum and the gang xxx😘😘


    • Hi Fozziemum and gang – thank you so much for the birthday wishes………I’m very excited today and my Angel brother sure did throw me a swell party didn’t he? Sending you love to the place my brother calls “DOWN UNDER” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Whoot!!!
    Happy First Birthday to YOU, Teddy!!!

    You sure throw a fine pawrty!!

    We helped petcretary make you a card/memento:

    Just copy/paste that code , then you can save/post it anywhere.

    We hope you will have a wonderful day and many more birthday catabrations for years to come!! MIAOW!!


    • That did not show up as a link, but if you click on it, it does work to see the card…We will get petcretary to send you it in an email…sigh…always something, MOL!!


    • I am one very very excited one year old today………I’m running around the house super fast like the wind…….carrying my white mousie……….I’ve never been one year old before (hahahaha)!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Happy 1st birthday, Teddy! You are officially a mancat now. Your dear brother, Angel Sammy has thrown a lovely party for you. I am on my way with some fresh Devon mousies to play with.


    • Hi Flynn! It’s so nice to meet you officially – my brother Angel Sammy loves you like a brother and now I will too if that’s OK? We both remember you AND your Mum in our prayers every single night! Devon mousies? Oh boy! I think I might like them!!

      Love, Teddy


      • Of course it is okay. I will be honoured to have you love me like a brother too. Thank you to you and your mum for including me and my mum in your prayers.


        • Flynn, I’m so happy that I can consider you an honorary brother. I had a most amazing birthday party yesterday – my brother made sure I had fun and I met a lot of new friends too. I was very tired last night and slept with my white mousie (which was my brother’s favorite toy) all night long. Today we’re all going to rest up!

          Love and Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy, Happy, Happy FIRST Birthday, Teddy! What a pawty! Your big brother, Angel Sammy, sure knows how to celebrate. So nice that you’ve cheered up your pawrents, so he doesn’t have to make so many trips from the Bridge (although I’m sure he didn’t mind at all).
    Be sure to catch some kitty naps today and rest up from all the pawtying.
    Love, Sundae


  7. Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Teddy. We are so happy you have given Angel Sammy’s mom and dad so much joy and relieved many of the worries Angel Sammy had when he had to leave to get his wings.

    Scout Charles and fur sibs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Scout Charles! Guess what…..I joined Scouts today (shhhh…it’s a secret until later today at the Patrol party!)…………I am excited to have my first birthday – I didn’t know birthdays were special but they must be. I feel so lucky to have found a forever home here – Angel Sammy has been the best brother EVER and my parents love me. Mom explained to me that you lost a sister recently and I send you all a TEDDY HUG. Thanks for coming by!!!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy First Birthday, Teddy! Your party is delightful and I have my eye on that meatloaf and the roast beef! CH would love the ribs! Enjoy your day… pace yourself… you are going to be a busy boy! Loves and scritches from MissouREEEEEEEEE!


  9. Happy 1st birthday little buddy. The human here just goes nuts over you because you are orange and also cuz you are a kitten yet – well maybe you just left kittenhood now that you turned 1. Happy Birthday and enjoy your special day. Oh, this facility we live at is full of sicko’s also.


    • There surely are a whole lot of people who have the flu or bad colds or bronchitis or other icky stuff aren’t there??? So far Mom and Dad have escaped……….Thanks for the birthday wishes – I can’t believe I’m ONE! ONE is cool!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Teddy happy first bday! Oh my cats Angel Sammy did a great job supervising and planning this extravaganza! Sushi is was delish my first ever. I love your exhausted photos too.
    Hugs Madi your bffff.


  11. Happy birthday cousin Teddy. Let’s start the Congo line and have a blast. We hope you have a fantastic day our sweet pal. Sending you bunches of hogs, snout kisses, puppy licks and high meows from the Hotel Thompson. Much love ❤️ XOXO Bacon


    • Hi Brian! It is EXTRA WONDERFUL to be able to start a whole new year with my forever family………I wish I’d ALWAYS been here but I found my way just in time to celebrate turning one!

      Love, Teddy


  12. Happy First Birthday dear Teddy! What a delight you are and so happy you adopted for folks. Wishing you many more years of birthday party fun and adventures to enjoy!!!! Love to you on your special day and every day too.


    • Thank you so much – I am really excited to be one whole year old today! WOW…………and this party is wonderful – my big brother Angel Sammy knows how to do things RIGHT!

      Love, Teddy


  13. Happy Birthday Teddy. Wow, that some party. That food is going to be so good and we are all going to dive in and eat ourselves silly. And have some nice drinks too. We so hope you have a wonderful day Teddy and many more.


  14. Happy Furst Birthday Teddy. I’s got one of those comin’ up in April. This pawrty stuffs looks like so much fun. We hope your day is as purrfect as you. Big huggies

    Luvs ya’

    Raena and Dezi


  15. Oh my goodness! I haven’t stopped by in a while. Has there been a new addition to the family?!?! 💗 Teddy, are you Angel Sammy’s new baby brother?! Happy Birthday!!!🎂


    • Hi Miss Lemony! Yes, I’m the new addition to the family. Angel Sammy found me and sent me to the shelter where Mom and Dad had adopted him 17 years ago so they could find me there……they did…..and I’m here now and yesterday was my FIRST BIRTHDAY! I turned one whole year old! I am also a ginger like my Angel brother….I wish I could have met him in purrrson but I know he will always be with me here in my heart. I’m so happy to meet you – my Mom and Dad said you visit a shelter and make a lot of kitties very happy when you visit them. I was only in a shelter for a few days before I was adopted but I do know that I was VERY happy to leave and many of the kitties you visit never leave. That makes me sad. Please tell them Teddy loves them!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  16. Woohoo!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TEDDY! You are such a cutie, and we couldn’t be happier that your mom and dad picked you to be a part of their family. We hope you have a wonderful day celebrating!!! And we will help ourselves to some party snacks!


    • Thank you for coming to my pawty! It was an amazing day…….turning one was HUGE and I was so happy to be surrounded by old and new friends (and tons of good food!). I’m so happy!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  17. Happy Birthday, Teddy! We are so happy and excited that we get to celebrate with you. What a great party and yummy noms. And look at all those terrific cards. We love you bunches as well as your folks and angel Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Thank you for coming to my party! I know that your Mom is very sick so it’s especially nice that you were able to visit me here AND at Cat Scouts too! Cooper and I had a BIG BIG DAY……….I will never forget my very first birthday……..I just wish Angel Sammy could have been here IN PURRRSON with me!

      Love, Teddy


  18. Woo Hoo – a great big happy Birthday to little Teddy!!! We are so happy for you, Angel Sammy, and your Mom and Dad to have found joy again. What a great party!!! We can’t decide what to have so we are going to have a bit of everything:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • Hi Woos! I’m so happy you came to my party yesterday and I do hope you enjoyed yourselves – we sure did have a lot of yummy foodables and I met a lot of new friends too! I’m so lucky.

      Love, Teddy


    • I think you might be right because that’s what I’ve heard my Mom and Dad say – that Angel Sammy made sure I was “THE ONE” they adopted from the shelter…….I am grateful for that………I’m having a ball!

      Love, Teddy


  19. Happy first birthday, Teddy! I am SO impressed you got the Rock Cats to play your party! They’re famous and my human has seen their shows several times!


    • Hi Summer! I know the Rock Cats are BIG – I think Angel Sammy must have had to pull some strings to get them to be at my pawty. Sure was a lot of fun – thanks for coming by dear friend!

      Love, Teddy


    • My big brother taught me all about HAVING FUN……I wish he could be here “in the fur” but he is always with me and told me that the first birthday was a BIG ONE and it was……thanks for coming!

      Love, Teddy


  20. Happy Birthday, Little T. Your party was a blast! I can see your big brother’s touch in the meatloaf with bacon. That was my favorite snack of all!

    Love and licks,


  21. Wow! This was a most spectacular spread and a Birthday fit for both you guys. Happy Birthday Teddy, we are so sorry to have been late, but bring you the very best wishes for a very happy year ahead. Purrs, ERin PS, was there any cream left over?


  22. Belated Happy Purrday Teddy, sorry we are late getting by and missed the party. Thank you for saving us some leftovers, they are delicious. Chimera is going to have some much fun getting into trouble with you at Scouts.


    • I’m so excited to be a Scout now…….and having a party on my blog and another one at Scouts all in the same day? I am SO LUCKY! The Patrol Party was so much fun wasn’t it Chimera? Us “kids” have to stick together at Scouts!

      Love, Teddy


  23. Woo Hoo Teddy boy that was a pawsum pawty mee new furend!
    Mee had sum roast beast an that bacon rapped meet loaf was THEE BOMM!
    Mee had a nappie inn thee BIG round brown chair (mee was worn out frum Prr-amedic duty).
    Fankss fur inviting mee to thee pawty!
    HAPPY 1st Birthday Teddy boy……wee are so happy yur a part of thee bloggie werld now!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx


  24. ted o natorz dood….sendin best fishez ♪♪♫♫♫♪ happee day wizhez ♫♪♫ N mice creem dishez two ewe fora most happee furst……we iz late ta de partee we noe….hope yur day total lee rocked, hope ya had cake that waz a mile long, hope ya getted sum pizza piez & heerz two a yeer a head filled
    with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥


    • Dear Tabbies-o-Trout Towne! Thank you for coming by my friends and there’s no such thing as LATE – the party is happening here whenever YOU are here!!! So I hope you had some nomables and drinkies and fish (I hope you saw all the fish!)………..I had a wonderful time for my first birthday – Angel Sammy planned a HECK of a party! I’m a lucky guy…

      Love, Teddy


  25. Belated First Birthday Teddy! That was quite the party, hope the buffet hangover isn’t too bad! You seem purty comfortable on the sofa! I love your pink toes, they’re like little jelly beans 😀 Kisses xo Boomdee

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