Teaser Tell All


I’ve Got Something To Tell Ya!


Hello everybody!    Yesterday’s photo was one I thought MIGHT just be a toughie but it really wasn’t….you all were right on top of things and not long after we went live – WHAM BAM THANK YOU SAM, someone guessed it!

But let’s start at the beginning……………..it took THREE whole minutes before someone chimed in with a first comment which is VERY unusual – most Tuesdays someone pops in within the first few SECONDS we go live.   However we had TWO who tied for the FIRST COMMENTER when comments did start and that was our good friend Miss Pix and my buddies Oliver and Calvin who are on Facebook but don’t have a blog.    CONCATULATIONS you guys – – – you commented in the SAME MINUTE to you both get one of these:


Now let me show you the photo from yesterday and we’ll give you the scoop on who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER……………….


This is a photo that my Mom found in a travel book she has……..it’s a great book and has “birds eye views” of just about every country in Europe and they are all spectacular.  She had chosen FOUR photos as “possible” Teasers and this was the one my Dad picked of the four.    Where is it?    It’s  a view of the Tara and Halebija Towers and the bridge over the Neretva River in the old Turkish town of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina.    TRICKY huh?   The town was built in 1556 but the bridge is a lot older – dating back to Roman times!    The history of this area is most fascinating reading and there are a lot of websites where you can research it……….Here’s the Wiki page for Mostar .

Who was the FIRST to guess this correctly?   It was one of my FIRST COMMENTERS – Oliver and Calvin (and their Mom Melissa!)………….concatulations you guys!   Here’s your badge!


Right after they guessed correctly there were SEVERAL other right guessers…………and then there were even more throughout the day………..and every single one of you who DID guess it correctly get one of these for your very own!


There were also more than a few GOOD guesses but they weren’t RIGHT guesses, so if you guessed but were wrong, you still get the fabulous GREENIE below!


So there you have it………another Tuesday Teaser conquered!    Who knows where we will be studying NEXT Tuesday but wherever it is, make sure and tune in because YOU might win a badge you lucky Teaser fans!!    WHEEEE!

I’ll look forward to seeing Class next Monday for the Pre-Tease fun with our new Teaching Assistant, “Sarge” and of course the irrepressible and somewhat frightening cheers from SuzieQ, our very own Teaser Cheerleader.  NEVER A DULL MOMENT………………….

Those of you who pawticipate in my Thoroughly Poetic Thursday blog posts know that tomorrow we celebrate the letter “G”.    Who knows what kind of poem I’ll write in honor of that letter of the alphabet………..Tune in and find out.   Also if you want to write a poem and show it off tomorrow you can post it in my COMMENTS or even better, put your blog link in my comments and we’ll all follow your link to read your MASTERPIECE!

Ya better be here NEXT Monday and Tuesday.........OR ELSE......get my drift?????

Ya better be here NEXT Monday and Tuesday………OR ELSE……get my drift?????

EEEEEEK!   Where did you come from Sarge?


Your Angel Prof signing off…….Hugs, Sammy


44 responses »

  1. We saw that guess by a few people. Good for them. You know us, we don’t mind Greenies. We come for the fun, and hope we might know where the photo was taken. Sending love and warm hugs to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  2. Well aren’t you ever so clever to take a photo of a photo. The area sounds so interesting. I was up till the wee hours of the morning doing Urban thangs but couldn’t think I was so tired. I love history and I’m fascinated by the fact that these bits of construction last thru the ages. Good going too, Oliver, Calvin and Mom Melissa. I’m always shocked when someone actually knows these places. Your wings reach far and wide my angel friend. xoxox Boomdee


  3. Another Greenie fur us Unccle Sammy!
    An mee will try to get to class on time Sarge…..
    **sighsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry 😦
    Pee S: LadyMum iss down with thee Flu’. Shee’ss inn pawfull shape so mee iss back ‘on duty’ Unccle…


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