Teaser Tell All


Let’s TELL It Like It Is!


Welcome back Geography students!    I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Teaser – I know I did (maybe because I didn’t have to try and figure out where it was taken….hahaha).   I’ll give you all the details after we THANK the person who sent in the photo………………..our Guest Teaser was the lovely Madi from DownHomeInNC !    We’ll spill the beans after we give Madi a surprise THANK YOU:


A new Thank You for our Guest Teasers!!

The photo was taken by Madi’s Mom of the Parliament Building in BUDAPEST, HUNGARY!    Here’s the photo again:


Wanna know who won what??????   OK – if you insist!

Our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday was Raz of FriendsFurever – this is for you Raz:


Our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was Ms. Caren and Cody at CATCHAT – this is for you two:


DID YOU ALSO GUESS CORRECTLY????????????   Did you know it was Budapest, Hungary?   Then those of you who did get this:


Did you have NO IDEA or did you guess and were WRONG?????   You get a GREENIE!




We had a fabulous poem posted in comments yesterday which I want to share with you – Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head gave me permission to reprint it here – I knew you’d love it!!!!


Teaser Lament

As the correct answer is above,
We are just going to shove,
Off and do some chores,
As we can’t be tortured any more!
We know Sam’s not a meanie;
Though, Kitties Blue get another Greenie.
But we only come for Suzie’s cheers
To see whose name she smears!
Today she was mostly a good kitty,
While still being funny and rather witty.
So we’ll return again next week
To give the new Teaser a peek.
We have won a couple of times,
But if we don’t, we can still rhyme.
We’re getting ready for our Thursday verse.
Where it doesn’t matter who is FIRST!
With a U for a prompt it won’t be easy,
So we better go now and get busy.
See you tomorrow for the big reveal
We know the winner is going to squeal!

© KITTIES BLUE 11/01/16

Thanks you all – I just love the poem!!

Next week we’ll have another fabulous Teaser photo to examine and try and figure out where it was taken……………………if you have a photo that might stump everyone and you want me to use it some time – just email it to me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com and we’ll let you know when it will be in the rotation.    It’s FUN to be the Guest Teaser and see the answers coming in.


See you in class next Monday and Tuesday everyone……….Suzie will be cheering you on next Tuesday!


P.S.  Tomorrow is Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and the letter is “U” !!! 



56 responses »

  1. See cousin. I can be the first in some postings. Snorts with piggy laughter. I would have never guessed Hungary. I’m so behind on my travels. Must study more…or travel like Bashful – ha! Love the poem. Have an awesome day like you are. Smooches. XOXO – Bacon


      • That is hilarious cousin. I gotta brush up on my traveling skills. It’s been a little crazy here this past week. Hopefully I can watch some television this week. XOXO – Bacon


          • You got that straight on the snout cousin. She is moving… not anyway near being a human yet… more like a zombie dressed up like my mommy. She is getting there though. Thanks for checking on her!! XOXO – Bacon


  2. Concats to the winners and what a great Teaser Lament poem! (We can identify!)
    But – we sorta got the answer right….we said it was out of the country!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Sammy thank you for the lovely surprise button I will display it with pride on my side bar. Alsooooo we have our U poem up today beclaws we are going to be playing in Dory’s Corn maze tomorrow.

    Congrats to Raz and CatChat
    Kitties Blues what a great cheer for Suzie Q!!!
    We love it Hugs madi and mom


    • I love your “U” poem and I’m glad you are pawticipating in the poetry fun today instead of missing it entirely this week!

      Love and hugs, Sammy
      p.s. concats for getting the FIRST new “Thanks for the Teaser photo” badge!!!!!!


    • Great poem is RIGHT…….! I love it too and how totally cool that the Teaser inspired a poem……of course Suzie is somewhat inspired by Teasers to write her cheers (eeeek), but a REAL poem? Neato!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Concats to Raz, and to Caren and Cody. I got it right, but thanks to mum forgetting it was Tuesday I missed it by 15 minutes! She is now on her final warning.


  5. ~~slaps paw to head~~
    Aunty Judith iss frum Hungary….you wood fink ladyMum wood have known where this was!! Pleeze pass thee Greenie bowl Unncle Sammy! An fankss….
    Conkatss to Raz an Miss Caren an Cody Kat!!!!
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Well Miss Caren and Cody said they just “pulled their answer out of a hat” (which is more comfortable than pulling it out of somewhere else I suppose). Everyone has a different method…..some just have traveled a lot and KNOW….some might use the “poop on the map” method that you tried without success…..and others I think cheat somehow but I don’t know how!


  6. Thanks for reprinting our poem, Sammy. Mom has not started our “U” poem yet. She had a really good line in her head when she went to bed last night but that is long forgotten. That is usually all she needs to get going. Pretty sure Mau will be helping. Love and hugs to all! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’m not getting inspired much by “V”…..Virginia? Naw…not fun enough………..Vacuum? Naw…..I hate that thing! Guess I have a week to come up with SOMETHING! Everybody loved your poem – especially ME!

      Love, Sammy


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