Teaser Tell All Time!




Hello Class!!!!!!   I hope you’ve noticed I’ve been slaving away trying to create some new graphics for the Teaser blog posts!  

NEXT week I’ll have new badges for you to win too!!!!!   

In the meantime, yesterday’s Teaser photo gave you something to think about and we had a lot of interesting guesses but several of you guessed it RIGHT……..and I’ll give you the scoop on who won what, right after I show you the photo again which was – by the way – an old photo of my Mom’s Mom that she took well over 40 years ago on a trip she took WITHOUT my Mom along.  


This is Lisbon, Portugal and that building on the far right that looks like a castle is the Belem Tower area along the water.   Here’s some great information about this historic landmark……………..just CLICK HERE!

So who were our lucky ducky winners this week???    Well first of all, our very FIRST COMMENTER (within one minute of the blog post going live!) was our good friend Miss Csilla from KOLYTYI.    Bravo Miss Csilla!   This is for you……………


Who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?    It was our old friend and world traveler, EASY !    This is for you my buddy and pal:


AND, like I said, there were some other CORRECT GUESSERS in the crowd yesterday who figured it out and each of you gets this:


Even if you didn’t figure it out you are still a winner in my geography class – that’s right – you get a world famous GREENIE for your time and trouble:


Who knows what I’ll dig up for NEXT week’s Teaser…………it could be anywhere in the world!    So start studying your atlas, encyclopedia, travel brochures, and travel programs on the TV because Tuesday will be here before you know it!


Don’t forget mon amis, tomorrow is zee Thoroughly Poetic Thursday blog post and your poem should be about something starting with the letter “S” !!!   Oui?  Comprendez vous?   (Mom’s high school French was oh so many centuries ago!)


56 responses »

  1. Concats to Miss Csilla and Easy! As soon as my mum saw the photo she knew those houses had to be in Lisbon. At first she thought the building was the big arch, but when she looked at her photos she could see it wasn’t right. She looked again later because she was convinced she had seen it, and then could see it was the Belem Tower. She had always seen it from ground level before and that is what puzzled her at first.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My timing was perfect this time – I woke up from my regular zzzz-ing at the right moment. But I think Sammy should be more serious about HIS geography lessons so that he could give a helping (polydactyl) paw to geographically acutely challenged (ani)pals instead of being ignorant when asked for help!


      • Well I would HELP but then if I helped ONE I’d have to help ALL and I’d be giving out RIGHT GUESSER badges like crazy instead of one a week!!! Your timing really WAS perfect this week – but can you do that TWO WEEKS IN A ROW?????? We’ll find out next Tuesday!

        Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • The buildings look Greece-ish (!) I agree……..we had a couple of others guess Greece…………..interestingly, as Flynn pointed out, I had used a photo of the Belem Tower in May of 2015 which was Flynn’s Mom’s photo – so we had PART of this same photo in a previous Teaser! Cool!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Hi, Sammy, we are here for our Greenie. Mom’s never been to Portugal, so we had no idea where the photo was taken. Mom is working on our “S” poem now. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My Mom says she would like visiting Portugal like her Mom did…….I bet there are some spots – like this for instance – that haven’t changed in the 40+ years since her Mom took this photo!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Concatulations to the winners!!!! Once again, mes has a greenie…but that’s OK, my room looks best papered in green!
    Now, mes must gets back to carving!!! There are a whole bunch more punkins waiting…


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