Friendly Fill-Ins Friday!


Fill ‘Er Up Please!

Mom says she used to say that to the attendant at the gas station – yes, believe it or not there used to be PEOPLE putting gas in your car at gas stations back in the old days (hahaha).    But this time filling up has to do with the Friendly Fill-Ins sponsored by 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!


Are you ready to see my “filling in” ??    By the way, if you wanna join in on this fun Friday exercise, you can – just visit McGuffy’s Reader and hook up with the LINKY TOOL and fill in the sentences yourself – it’s tons of fun and sure gets us to know each other better at the same time!

Here are the sentences this week and my Mom filled them out this time around – I like to SHARE them with her as a special treat (yes I spoil my MOM!).  Her answers are in BLUE.

1. It is good to have a spare key (to anything – car, house, etc.) !!.
2. I don’t understand why bungee jumping (hahaha) is/are so popular.
3. The spookiest thing that ever happened to me was many years ago I was using a Ouija board with my sister and that’s all I’ll say other than what happened was decidedly WEIRD.

4. My favourite Halloween tale is “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” – it came out in 1966 and I’ve watched it every Halloween since…..I love it.

So there!   That’s our story and we’re sticking with it!

Speaking of pumpkins, Nellie of Nellie on the Edge is making Halloween punkins for everyone like she did a couple of years ago……………she made one for me back then but I can’t find it so she sweetly made me another one…………….Don’t you just LOVE IT???????????   I do!


Thank You Nellie Bellie!!

I do hope that you all have a wonderful weekend…….remember tomorrow is BACON DAY………….how could anyone forget bacon right?   Right!

See ya !

See ya !

Hugs, Sammy

66 responses »

  1. And here i thought i’d be the only one who liked Charlie Brown that much! That makes a few of us so far. Keeping spare keys is a great idea, i wish i could convince my Sweetie.


  2. I agree with you… that ouija boards are eggs-tra haunted… the mama said she never ever will use one. That was a clever idea Mr. Elijah Bond had once, but I’m sure even he had no clue what this wooden spook pieces can cause…


    • It is rather spooky what can happen that’s for sure……….but nothing is as exciting (even a Ouija board) as that EURO-Tunnel you’re digging in your back yard! Why don’t you add a SIDE TUNNEL so that you can go under the ocean and pop up in Virginia????????????????????????? How cool would THAT be?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Great photo of you on the porch! And that is one cool pumpkin Nellie made for you. Thanks for letting your Mom participate in the fill-ins, I enjoyed her answers. I agree a spare key is important. I would never bungee jump or use a ouija board-scary. And I love The Great Pumpkin 🙂 Have a nice bacon filled weekend. XO


  4. Oh Sammy if you ever hear a tale that mom jumped from a bridge…call the Police…cause for sure she was pushed. Mom once used a ouija board (before she knew Dad) and guess what…it spelled out
    BRYAN…dad’s name. Oh weird is that. MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. sammy …dood…..we haz R charlie brown dee vee dee out N reddy ta play N hiz Christmas moovvee iz rite bee hind it…..we like de part wear snoopy iz seekin shelter afturr bee in shooted down.. then him popz up in de apple tub !! TA DA 🙂

    “I got a rock ”

    heerz two a pineapple fish kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥


    • I love ALL the Charlie Brown movies but those two are my FAVES. My Mom used to cry about the Charlie Brown Christmas tree when the needles fell off……she’s like that though – weepy – girls do that a lot don’t they! Does a pineapple fish taste like pineapple? Wanna know something weird my Mom says is good? Making tuna salad (yum) with pineapple chunks in it. Yeah she’s weird… me on that!

      Happy Friday


  6. Sammy, we LOVE your new pumpkin. It says it all! Mom put ours on our sidebar a while back. That last photo of you is precious. Mom had a Ouija board in high school. She doesn’t remember anything unusual or scary ever happening. Thank you, Sammy, for that sweet comment for Fiona on our post. She left you a message there, including info about the Supplical. You are such a wonderful and a dear friend. Sending love to you, Mom Pam and Dad David! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Nellie and her Mom are such good artists aren’t they? I have a good collection of Nellie memorabilia and one day I’ll do a slideshow with them…….in the meantime, I left another message for you dear Fiona……we have a deal!

      Love, Sammy


    • WOW – not even one station around here has actual gas pumping guys – it’s all do it yourself!!!! I got two pumpkins from Nellie – bless her heart……The other is a One Spoiled Cat one which I will keep on my blog.

      Love, Sammy


  7. Sweet! Here in NJ, we can still say, “Fill ‘er up.” Thankfully, we still have gas station guys! Mom is afraid if she had to do her own, her hands wouldn’t be strong enough.

    Love and licks,


    • HA! My Mom was nervous when she filled the tank the first time – thankfully the nozzle has a little “lock” so you can ratchet it into place and it automatically STOPS when the tank is full so you don’t have to hold it. Otherwise Mom says she probably couldn’t hold down the “trigger” that long either! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. I like your pumpkin, Sammy! Nellie made me another one as well because somehow Windows 10 manged to lose it from mum’s external hard drive. She knows it has lost some of her documents too but thinks all the photos are okay. She has them on USB flash drives as well to be doubly safe.
    I like your mum’s answers.My mum said when she was in her early teens she went to a friend’s house and her mother had an ouija board. She got it out and it said some things that made sense to her and that her friend would not have known about, then it went crazy. Her friend and her mother swore they were not pushing it and my mum knows she certainly wasn’t. It scared the poop out of her and she has never had anything to do with it since.


  9. I remember when there was an attendant to fill the tank, check the oil, and wash the windshield every time we got gas. I don’t understand the appeal of bungee jumping either. Ouija boards are weird and scary. I think they all need to be trashed…not all games are innocent. Hurray for Bacon Day!


  10. Love the idea of bacon day. I won’t even write the name of that board, but, stay away from them. They are bad news. I remember mom telling the attendant to “Filler Up.” We used to work at a convenience store and see idiots talking on the cell phone while gassing up (this is VERY dangerous). We would also see people smoking while fueling up. Once we saw a higher level of stupid. A man was talking on his cell phone, smoking, and putting gas in a can on the tailgate on his truck. And, he is still alive. Stupid, but alive.


  11. Bacon day is the best. 🙂

    Those boards are evil. I don’t want anything to do with them. If we’re watching a show and they pull one out, then off goes that show. Who knows what even just watching them on TV could be unleashing into our homes? It just isn’t worth the risk. When I was a kid, I tried a seance with my siblings. We weren’t old enough to be messing with matches, so we used a flashlight. We set it up in the center and sat in a circle. When we went to hold hands, there was a clash of thunder and lightning like we’d never heard/seen before. That was a clear message to us that Heavenly Father was not happy with what we were doing and to stop now, which we did. I can’t speak for my siblings, but I have never tried such a thing again and do not plan to, either!

    I remember the full service days and wish it was still like that. My mama would pull up to the pumps and tell Mr. Brooks, “A dollar’s worth, J.D.” He’s say, “Yes, ma’am” even though he was older than she was. He’s start the gas pumping, clean her windshield, check the oil and tires, the works. It was great. It gave us more time to pester her for a Coke. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!


    • HAHAHA on the gas pumping experience – My Mom says she can remember that it was a major experience going to the gas station. All that activity going on while the gas was going into the car – sometimes TWO attendants doing stuff – checking tire pressure, checking oil…….those days are GONE for sure!! Although for the price people pay for gas you ought to get the “royal treatment” !!!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • HA! It was decidedly INTERESTING…..but ultimately my sister and I decided we’d better stop that particular session as it started getting uncomfortable………!

      Love, Pam (and Sam)


  12. A gas station attendant…why do they no longer exist. What do peeps do that can’t squeeze the pump? I loved your fill-ins Sammy’s mom. I must get mom to watch Charlie Brown and Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin on TV.



    • No station attendants means more PROFIT for the gas station owners……Some of those pumps ARE hard to squeeze – I bet someone would help if you asked but they expect our humans to do it all themselves. They even have window washing equipment out there so you can clean your own windshield. They don’t want to do anything but SELL gas. Charlie Brown is a CUTE movie for Halloween for sure.

      Hugs, Sammy


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