Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Greetings and Salutations!


Time for us to WAX POETIC and pull a poem out of our bag of creativity and come up with something SUITABLE for this week’s letter of the alphabet – the letter:



By Sammy Kimmell, 9/1/16

Love is all around

A sight, a smell, a sound

I feel it every day

In many different ways

The softness of a touch

From someone I love so much

The voice that never screams

To interrupt my dreams

A gentle loving hug

Lying with me on the rug

A wink across the room

A brushing to help me groom

My days are warm with love

I thank the stars above

My life has been long in years

My future I do not fear

I will take the love along

When I sing the “Rainbow” song………..

Now, how about you?   Did you write an “L” poem today?  If you did, you can share it with us in comments OR give us your blog link to your poem so we can take a peek and see what’s on your mind!!

I thought you might like to see the other photos Mom took of me on the front porch the other day – I used one for my Sunday Selfie at The Cat on My Head, but here are a couple of others!   These are RECENT photos as I said – not “recycled” ones!

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People have asked to see some “new” photos of me so there you are!

Know what else?   I only entered a couple of the Pawlympics events this year but one of the ones I did enter was one I simply couldn’t resist entering………..The Tuneful Farting competition that my pal Easy was hosting!    Of course those of us who entered, all won but who knew I’d get a BLUE RIBBON and a certificate??  Not me!   They came in the mail yesterday and I was so excited!


Here’s my entry photo for that INTERESTING competition!


AND, I also got a lovely medal from my gal pal Madi for having entered the event SHE hosted at the Pawlympics called Sunpuddle Napping!


Honestly I can’t remember which of my MANY snoozer photos I entered in that one but you’ve seen one photo of me sleeping, you’ve seen them all!    HAHAHAHA

Don’t forget to write an “L” Poem!

I’ll see you next week for “M” !

I feel my poetic side peeking out in this photo!

I feel my poetic side peeking out in this photo!

Poetic Hugs, Sammy


56 responses »

  1. Sammy I L O V E your poem!! OMCs you my friend used the bestest words to describe the love in your home for Y O U! We are lucky little kits that is for sure.

    MOLMOLMOL didn’t you just love Easy’s melodious (s)mell o dies and were so tickled you joined us for Sunpuddle napping.
    Hugs and love madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVE your poem! You are truly blessed to have such a loving home Sammy. Your new photos are cute, those toesies are great. You deserve a gold medal in poetry writing. XO


    • All of your kitties sure hit the jackpot when they found you and vice versa too!!!!! Glad you like my photos – I’m certainly a lot slimmer these days but that’s not a bad thing. I do enjoy squeezing out a poem one day a week! Thanks for pawticipating – it’s fun isn’t it?!

      Love, Sammy


    • Only Easy could have come up with that Pawlympics event……when I saw he was on the schedule to host that one I just KNEW I had to pawticipate!!!!!! Glad you liked my “L” poem today – next week is “M” and I bet everyone THINKS they know what I’ll write about so I have a week to figure something ELSE out! HAHAAHAH

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I REALLY loved your poem today too – you painted a picture of a unique, special girl who knows her mind and isn’t afraid to show it. I say GOOD FOR HER (even if there may be the occasional bitey or whap!). Thanks for pawticipating in my poetry day – it’s just so much fun to write them AND read them!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHA…..yeah, Easy had quite an interesting Pawlympics event didn’t he? Mom had that old photo of me having a bath and well it just seemed to fit the event so we submitted it! HAHAHA Glad you liked my poem for “L” this week and I bet you can figure out what next week’s “M” poem will be about! HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. sammy…dood……we LOVEZ yur poem bout lovez….N we hope de last line doez knot come troo fora veree veree veree long time ♥♥♥

    we rited two day bout fishin LINE

    holee cat fish
    therz a snapper on de line
    serve him with sum friez
    coz itz time ta dine

    wunder if de fiod gurl
    will let us have sum wine
    fish N friez fish N friez
    bee total lee fine

    pickull in big vat
    iz soakin in sum brine
    big stix oh butter.. boomer
    sayz itz all mine

    alarmz goin off
    coz itz quarter ta nine
    holee cat fish
    therz a snapper on de line


    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh you guys are such FABULOUS poets! I love this and of course it’s about one of my favorite (and certainly YOUR favorite) things – fishies! Boomer is a butter boy like I am…..but when it comes to fine dining – ALL OF US know that fish is/are the bestest! Thanks for pawticipting in my poetry day – you get an A-pLUS!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  4. Deer Unccle Sammy that iss a beeuteefull poe-em….
    Fur sum reason LadyMum bursted into teerss an left thee room???
    Shee iss in bathroom sniffullin a lot….mee must go to her… mee will do a quik ODE to Dusty Pigeon who went to Pure Land (see mee new bloggie post pleeze…)

    “Dusty Luv”
    ” Little pigeon, you were our Dusty Luv….
    now yur inn Pure land safe…
    An wee knowss you look down on us frum above.”

    bye Siddhartha Henry thee Poe-etick Purrince =^,.^=


    • I read about Dusty and I know what a good friend he was to you…..I just bet you will have many more friends like Dusty little man. I’m sorry my poem made your Mom cry but sometimes it’s GOOD to let your emotions out like that – humans need to do that sometimes and you shouldn’t worry. Your poem for Dusty is sweet and I know he read it and appreciated that you wrote it!

      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh Sammy, your poem is so beautiful YOu and Mom need to make a book of all your poems. One of these weeks we will get Mom to join in all the poetry fun.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • I might do a book for my Mom to keep but it really is so expensive to produce a book (Mom knows since she’s an author!) that it wouldn’t be practical BUTTTTTTTT thanks for suggesting it. I hope your Mom decides to join in the poetic fun on Thursdays soon – that would be fun!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


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