Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday!


Hoooo Haaaa….time to Fill-In !


Oh I do like Friendly Fill-Ins……………………thanks to our hosts, Miss Annie at McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing.    It’s one of those activities I look forward to every week!

So what sentences are we supposed to fill in today?   We have four of them and this week it’s MY turn to fill in as Mom did last week.   My fill-ins will be in BLUE this week.  Ready?

1. When I run out of sunny napping spots on the first floor of the house, I use the front porch instead.
2. My guru is my Mom – I still feel my old guru, Merlin from Cat Wisdom 101 whispering in my ear though from time to time from over the Bridge!!.

3. I am afraid of most strangers and VERY loud noises (they have to be VERY loud because I’m now hard of hearing!) .

4. I feel empowered by my friends…..the number of really GOOD friends I have through blogging keeps me feeling strong and capable of anything!.

So that’s it for filling in today……………………if you want to do some filling in and join the blog hop like I have, you can visit either of the host blogs……if you click on the cute badge above you will go to McGuffy’s Reader where you can join the hop OR you can CLICK HERE to visit 15andMeowing and do the same!    Either way, you can share your answers with the universe like I did above.

Now – other fun stuff!    My good buddy (and Cousin) Bacon the piggy who in charge of the Hotel Thompson at his blog PIGLOVE – surely you know Bacon right – he’s asked me to spread the word about something…….  Well whether you do or don’t know him yourself,  he has a fabulous feature “Spotlight Thursday” on his blog where he introduces his friends to us – sometimes NEW friends sometimes old friends – and we all love making new friends…………..he’s got some openings in his schedule starting in October for anybody who would like to be “interviewed” by him for this cool feature on his blog!    What does he need from you????
1.   Email Bacon with your “human’s name”, the anipal’s name, and your blog address!
2.  Bacon will then contact you to give you the interview information and VOILA – you’re a star!
Bacon’s email address is:
So what are you waiting for?   If you’ve not had the pleasure of being interviewed by my pal Bacon you’ve got some fun coming your way………..check out his blog and you’ll see what I mean!   If you already know Bacon but have never been interviewed for the “Spotlight” before?  GO FOR IT!   Tell him Sammy sent ya……………
I do love my friend Bacon (as well as the edible stuff as you well know)………………..
Thank heavens tomorrow is Bacon Saturday.....i'm feeling faint from lack of bacon....

Thank heavens tomorrow is Bacon Saturday…..i’m feeling faint from lack of bacon….

Love, Sammy

68 responses »

  1. I guess losing your hearing can be a good thing sometimes. It makes the world less scary. I pretend not to hear Mom once in a while when she calls me. Then if she unwraps a piece of cheese or opens a ziplock bag, I come running like a bat out of hell! She says who do I think I’m kidding.

    Love and licks,


  2. Sammy, your sweet face makes my mom smile every time. She would so wish to give you a small kiss right on top go your head.


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins Sammy, those are great answers. I think it is sweet that Merlin contacts you. You can get lots of sunny napping spots if you chase the sun all day.
    Phoebe is going to contact Bacon, she loves to be interviewed.
    Are the Broomhildas on vacation? Have a great weekend. XO


    • The Broomhildas were here earlier but I decided not to give them any more free “PR” – they say they’re so busy now thanks to my promoting them that they can’t keep up!!!!! I’m glad you’re going to contact Bacon – he’s needing interviews and Phoebe would be SUPER!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Great fill ins Sammy!! I don’t like loud noises either… As for strangers I’m ok with them as long as they are not in my house making loud noises like demo peeps etc. When there is just a regular stranger in the house 1 on 1, I’m 100%positive they want to meet me….in spite of some who say I don’t like cats…so I can be found meandering in the room walking the perimeter before deciding if they are worthy enough for my attention. MOLMOLMOL….yep can you say Diva
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Well you’re the NICEST kind of Diva my friend……..and I think it’s nice that you check strangers out – sometimes I will come to the top of the basement stairs where I’m hiding and PEEK/SPY at strangers. Once in a very great while I’ll make a very brief appearance but that’s RARE.

      Love, Sammy


    • I liked your fill-ins too Miss Stacy……….Selective hearing kind of helps us filter out the junk and concentrate on the important things people have to tell us!!!

      Happy Weekend
      Love, Sammy


  5. Whew Unccle Sammy mee had to run all thee way over here to visit today!! Sorry wee been abent. LadyMum had impawtent appointmintss an it iss hot again an shee iss ‘doggie’ tired bye 9 Pee Em an so wee not even online!!!
    Mee luvss yur answerss to thee Fill-Insss! An fankss fur thee tip about Unccle Bacon…mee will email him fur sure! Hee interviewed NYLABLUE a long time ago so mee wood luv to bee interviewed all so!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Well, I know one thing FOR SURE around here…..we will never run out of bacon……Mom knows how much I love it so we have it on hand ALWAYS!!!!!! I hope you have a fabbo weekend too gang!

      Love, sammy


  6. Sunny napping spots are always nice! Great mom’s are the best guru’s around. :-). I agree with you about strangers and loud noises, both can be scary and sometimes dangerous. I am hard of hearing too, so I now that makes us a little more fearful of what we can’t hear well. Friends are indeed empowering, they help us feel good about ourselves and let us know we are valued!


    • Good points Josie……having friends can be empowering – they can be a positive force for us…..some can also drag us down so we must be careful who we choose as our friends! I’ve become a lot less “scaredy cat” as I’ve gotten older……….a LOT less.

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy,
    Enjoy the bacon. Now we have Taco Tuesday and Bacon Saturday. We will have to add bacon to our Saturday routine. We don’t do much in the way of meat anymore.


  8. Sammy, excellent answers as always. Our mom says that we feel exactly the same way as your #4 completion. Sure hope their is bacon on the table for you tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I was like that for years and years…….Mom and Dad’s friends called me “THE INVISIBLE CAT” or “THE IMAGINARY CAT”………hahaha………..then after I got to be about 14 or so, I began to let my guard down a bit. I still run and hide in a safe place but within about 10 minutes or so, I will come out of hiding and peek around a corner to see who it is in my house and SOMETIMES I’ll come over for a sniff! Seems I got a bit less afraid in my old age!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Great answers, Sammy! I love seeing you participate! I always read the fill-ins on Friday and then get back to them to comment. Weekends are so hectic right now, but will settle down as we get into Fall. Thank you for participating in the Friendly Fill-Ins. We appreciate your participation. Hugs.
    Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~


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