Thoroughly Poetic Thursday



Welcome Poetry Fans!

Today we are focusing on the letter “F” as we make our way through the alphabet each Thursday!  

“F” brings to mind many things…, fun, fur, FOOD (oh did I mention that already??)

butttttt in the end I decided for my “F” poem on this little ditty:


Friends love you always and forever

Friends will let you down – NEVER

Friends come in all kinds of sizes

Friends stick by from sunset to sunrises!

Friends are humans, and also anipals

Friends can be guys or friends can be gals

Friends live near but some live far

Friends visit us online or sometimes by car!

Friends are the BEST – I love them ALL

Friends pick us up when we have a fall

Friends are exciting or sometimes quite calm

AND my VERY BEST FRIEND is the lady I call MOM!

Ta Da!  I pulled off another one right?   And I got Mom’s name in there so I’m expecting lots of extra treats once she reads this little gem.   So – how about you?   Did you write an “F” poem today?  If you did, and you wanna show it off, you can either write it out in Comments here OR even better, put one on your blog and give us your link in comments so we can go to your bloggy and read your FABULOUS “F” EXTRAVAGANZA for THURSDAY!!!!!   GO FOR IT….trust me, if I can publish a bit of a lame poem like this one, you can too (hahahahaha).

Happy Poetic Thursday!

Ooh la la!   Monsieur Sammy, Le Poet Extraordinaire!!!!!

Ooh la la! Monsieur Sammy, Le Poet Extraordinaire!!!!!

63 responses »

  1. I love your poem- especially the last line, very sweet. You are an excellent poet Sammy. And green is your color, you look great in your beret. Of course, any color is your color, you are most handsome. XO


  2. You are a master poet, Sammy! You could publish a book with all your alphabet poems. We are sure your mom will love your poem – hope you got those extra treats!!!


      • Yeah – thank heavens my Mom and Dad are older than dirt when there was no doubt as to the meaning! LOL Seriously though I guess Mom and I need to be politically correct when we write poetry (or blogs!) so nobody’s feelings are hurt…………we should have said:

        Friends can be people of every persuasion………..of course then we’d have to make the next line end in something rhyming with persuasion…..vacation? Plantation? Variation? Damnation? Tee Hee


  3. Sammy OMCs each week we think your poems are beyond wonderful;; however, this week we think you struck gold! That last line is precious
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh Miss Caren and Cody we’re sorry that you’re having tough times……..we send you big hugs which I know don’t help much but they are coming from the heart!!!! Hope you are all OK.

      Love, Sammy


  4. That was a pawsum poe-em Unccle Sammy! Yur a naturalle when it comess to ritin!!!

    Here iss a funny littul poe-em frum mee:

    There iss a littul dish
    that iss made frum fish…
    Thee fish iss called TUNA
    an sendss mee over thee moon-a!!!

    What you fink Unccle???? 😉
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Tres bien, Monsieur Sammy!!!! We loved your poem and the topic was a great one. Life is always so much better when you have a good friend to share it with.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • It pays to keep Mom buttered up doesn’t it Cupcake? We know all those tricks! AND – speaking of butter – Mom gave me a little fingertip of that lovely yellow stuff as a special treat this morning!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Wonderful poem about friendship, Sammy! My pawrents value their friendship with your pawrents! (And even though you & I have never officially met, we’re the bestest of “virtual” furiends!)
    Love, Sundae


  7. dood…yur poem total lee rocks az doez yur fotoz !!!! AWESUM !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    stop bye trout towne N haza bit oh Fish
    just pleez dont ask for any burd on yur dish
    a perch bloo gil & salmonz iz R wish
    hay look therz a funkee bug….yep…squish

    heerz two a crocodile icefish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • You Tabbies simply do the BEST poetry EVER….you always make me smile and my Mom almost falls out of her computer chair when we visit you at your blog….never a dull moment that’s for sure! We just love you to BITS!

      Happy Week-end-o!
      Love, Sammy


  8. Sammy, that is a most extraordinary poem. Friends are the best! And we are so happy to call you and Mom Pam our extra special friends. Here’s our “F” poem.

    Celebrating Four Years

    We kitties are pretty incredulous to still be here
    Four years after our blog debuted in the blogosphere.
    Mom knew nothing about blogging when we began,
    And she has a ridiculously short attention span.
    We expected to be done after a year or two,
    Especially when our comments were but a few,
    But eventually we made some great bloggy friends
    On whose support our inspiration depends.
    So, please join us today as we mark four years
    With a giveaway of BlogPaws Conference loot and gear.
    Then join us again tomorrow and the following day
    As we’ll be back ’cause we always have more to say!

    Love you, Kitties Blue


    • Oh I loved reading this again – I read it on your blog and it’s a super WONDERFUL celebration poem about the joy of four years of blogging in this wonderful world of anipals. We love it too……and will be here as long as I’m around that’s for sure!

      Love, Sammy


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