Tuesday Teaser Time!


Yes!  It’s Geography Class Time!

Everybody find a seat, class is about to begin.   Time to test your knowledge of architecture, scenery, and geography with a photo from SOMEWHERE and you tell me WHERE!


Today’s class will feature a photo from someone who wants to try and fool you all – so you really have your work cut out for you today – you have all day to agonize over it though so take heart…….there is time to figure it out if you can!    However, if you CAN figure it out and you’re the FIRST to figure it out, you will win this little badge for your blog or Facebook or you can print it out and hire a helicopter to drop flyers all over your neighborhood to show them you knew!  

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 5/10/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 5/10/16

Even if you’re not FIRST to be right, you still get a RIGHT GUESSER award if you know where the photo was taken:

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 5/10/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 5/10/16

And of course you all know by now that even if you blow it – you didn’t study your geography or you just plain have no clue about the photo, you still get something – THE PAWSOME GREENIE!

I didn't have a CLUE on Sam's Teaser of 5/10/16!

I didn’t have a CLUE on Sam’s Teaser of 5/10/16!

BUT……………….if you’re the FIRST PERSON to just leave a comment on this very blog this morning – you get THIS award!

First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 5/10/16

First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 5/10/16

Our operator is standing by so comment NOW…………you know you wanna at least win THIS badge today right?  Right!


Ready for SuzieQ to cheer you on while you guess??

Geography class Is such a gas You get a tease Makes your brain just freeze You just can't THINK You have no guess You feel so bad You're such a MESS I'm here to cheer And wish you well Too much salt Makes your ankles swell.

Geography class
Is such a gas
You get a tease
Makes your brain just freeze
You just can’t THINK
You have no guess
You feel so bad
You’re such a MESS
I’m here to cheer
And wish you well
Too much salt
Makes your ankles swell.

Suzie – I think you’ve outdone yourself………….this truly is a mishmash of stuff that makes sense and stuff that’s in the “HUH?” category!    But anyway, let’s bring on the photo so we can forget about this cheer today OK???   Mr. Silver Briefcase?  You’re up!

Ask and you shall receive Professor Sam!

Ask and you shall receive Professor Sam!


(need country/state/city or specific location to win!)


I “removed” two signs because they may have been hints!



GOD LUCK STUDENTS!!!!  See you tomorrow for the TEASER TELL ALL!

GOD LUCK STUDENTS!!!! See you tomorrow for the TEASER TELL ALL!



98 responses »

  1. Argh whee are just stumped again. Mummy is guessing somewhere in Ireland or Wales based on the landscape whee can see but whee aren’t too sure!

    Can’t wait to find out tomorrow

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


    • Tomorrow’s TELL ALL will “tell all” about this photo including who sent it to me to use for Teaser this week! We all learn something by this fun with photos….we’ll see if Flynn is right tomorrow?!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I can tell you’ve been consulting your google maps and looking for clues in the castle…………..BUT you will just have to wait to find out what the scoop is on this beauty of a stumper photo tomorrow……not much in the way of information in this one is there?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy, you have got to be kidding us. Mom says that she has been to too many places like that. If somebody gets it, they are a genius. SuzieQ did get a bot off track today, but she’s still cute. We love us some one ringy-dingy! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I know what you mean about the photo – NO CLUES – no NOTHING – just walls and green stuff……….but we just HAD to use it – one of my fans sent it in and it’s a peach of a stumper – I have two shots from OUTSIDE this place to show tomorrow on the Tell All………….then ALL WILL BE REVEALED! SuzieQ is a force to be reckoned with in the cheer department!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. That’s the view from the fat man’s cabin in Santa Claus, Indiana (The signs you covered up were the nice and naughty lists). If you spent a good chunk of your life at the North Pole, even Indiana seems like a nice tropical getaway to have a summer timeshare…


    • You’re right about that – any place SOUTH of the North Pole would work for a GETAWAY……..we had a Teaser once OF Santa’ Workshop located in North Pole, Alaska and nobody guessed it. Go figure. Maybe this is “THE MAN’S” getaway – we’ll find out tomorrow! Looks kinda cold and damp to me though – those stone walls are not exactly HOMEY!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. I’ve got it! The picture was taken… INSIDE. Yup, that picture was taken inside an old stone castle or something, for sure. Maybe in Scotland? Could be England. Somewhere in Europe is my guess but definitely inside, looking out. Purrs, Seville.


    • Well Seville, that’s excellent deductive reasoning my friend…..I guess it’s the WHERE inside part we’ll find out tomorrow, not to mention the INSIDE WHAT? part…..it’s a toughie…..walls and trees……not much to go on is there?!?!?! Come see me tomorrow to find out the scoop!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Uh…..if you say so Kismet – I’ve never been there but I know you have VISIONS of Scotland every day and probably have special knowledge that a non-bird could never have of these things. We’ll find out tomorrow if you are the WINNER or if you’re destined for GREENIE-DOM!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. I see others have thought the same direction as this oinker. I’m thinking castle which led me to Ireland which led me to the Blarney Stone. See how this pig’s brain goes – snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon

    Liked by 1 person

  6. OMC! Mom was up early and could have been here way sooner but forgot it was Tuesday and worked on the computer for me.
    I will now go back and look at the photo to see where I don’t know where it is.
    Did that last sentence make sense?


    • We’ll be sending a big check to the shelter for all the comments left on the “Wags and Waves” blog post! It’s amazing how many people blogged for him today isn’t it?

      Love, Sammy


  7. Mee-you Unccle Sammy wee iss so late fur this berry impawtent date…..
    LadyMum sayss it iss thee Church of Turin inn Italy. Mee finks shee has a fixashun with Italy latelee, butt at leest shee iss guessin rite?
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


  8. LOL, to much salt makes my ankles swell. Thanks for the tip. I’m guessing the Coliseum in Rome Italy. I don’t remember this hallway, but it could be there somewhere. xo Huggies B


    • We LOVE the new laptop! Mom has to wrestle it away from Dad now but it’s definitely great to have it. Thank you again for the wonderful idea to honor Forrest – it was a HUGE success I think – lots of support for Bev and my commentathon raised a pile of money for the shelter.

      Love, Pam and Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  9. BAHAHAHAHA! Do you see all that green in that picture Sammy? That is the color of my badge again this week! Tehehehehe!


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