Vrooooom With A Broom!



It’s that time again! 

Ah yes….the day we all love to hate unless you’re like me and no longer hear all that racket all the “cleaning machinery” makes.   I knew if I thought long and hard I could come up with something POSITIVE to say about my hearing loss!   HAHAHA

At least the cleaning crew is somewhat entertaining – Broomhilda has now introduced her helper/husband Mr. Broomhilda and the two of them are real work horses (oops I mean work bulldogs):

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mrs. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

Mr. Broomhilda

What a team………………Mom and I think that these two SCARE the dirt/dust away and don’t even NEED to use their cleaning equipment.   HAHA…….

I will make my rounds behind them making sure they do a good job…………….I won’t stand for any foolishness!   Everything MUST be done and done well!



I am a constant reminder to my Mom and Dad that having ME is a whole lot better than having things like dishwashers and refrigerators and stuff that need to be kept clean and tidy!


As for Mom asking me to help out the cleaning crew, or get out of the way because they’re coming to clean MY nap spots up – know what I say to that?????


SEE?  Monster Day is a piece of cake (with cat treats on top!)

Hugs, Sam the Snoopervisor


64 responses »

    • Oh Easy I was so happy to hear you were home and were feeling icky but no worse than just “tummy icky”………you had all of us scared my brother. Anyway, instead of using your house as a HOUSEpital with sick humans and Weim, how about everybody getting well and enjoying Spring? That is if you are lucky enough to have any of that (Spring….). We’re still WAITING. Please feel better soon………

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • So far it looks like it will be a nice day – the sun’s out, the wind isn’t windy (haha), and we MIGHT get to 60. Sixty is still cool for me but I’ve already been outside for one minute at a time at least twelve times this morning – my Mom is so patient……I squeak at the door and WHAMMO she appears from nowhere and lets me get a breath or two of fresh air then want back in. How about you? Nice there today?????????

      Love, Sammy


  1. Sammy you might wanna come here. My peeps are doing minimal cleaning and will continue…because in about 4 weeks there will be demo going on in the bathrooms and dust will be everywhere…then it will be daily sucky monster and dust rags. Mom really dreads this entire event but she says it is a necessary evil
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Oh my! More fun at the hacienda huh? Just when things are truly QUIET with landscaping and window replacement projects done and dusted your Mom decides to demo the bathrooms! Well, I say YOU might want to come HERE rather than vice versa. No demo work happening around here!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Cleaning days stink to the high heavens. Dad makes me drag my king size Egyptian sheet all the way to the laundry room. He’s such a slave master! Have a great day cousin. XOXO – Bacon


  3. I have this big silly grin on my face because you’re just too cute. Snoopervisor ! bahahaha.
    The kitty on the sofa listing all the shortcomings made me laugh too. That’s so typical kitty speak, I’m sure that’s what the Diva’s are thinking. ha! I should be chasing a broom around myself, right now. But it’s more fun visiting you before work. xo Kisses and hugs too K


  4. Wee laffin over Mistur an Missus Broom Hilda Bulldoggiess!!! They are adoorabull inn a bulldoggie sorta way!
    As fur cleenin day here…onlee thee dishess got dun. LadyMum iss still ‘icky sicky’ which iss sad butt it meenss no vroom with thee broom or frasess like, “Get outta thee way Siddhartha Henry! Mee has to cleen this or that….”
    Thee onlee perk havin a sick LadyMum 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  5. Aaaaaaaaaw Sammy, sorry you’re havin’ trouble hearin’ but like you say, at least you don’t have to hear da carpet monster any more. As fur da dishwasher, mommy’s make great dishwashers. Why would they need a machine? MOL

    Luv ya’



  6. Mes always moves from room to room, as soon as the sucky noisy machine comes in the room..mes vacates and HIDES. What mes hates the worst is when Mommy cleans my bed…that means my heater is off!
    Loves yous Sammy!


  7. Ah yes being “hard of hearing” has SOME advantages. Great meme of the self cleaning cat. If only there were more self cleaning appliances. 😀


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