Teaser Tell All




OK – but first we have to take care of some business………like for instance a repost of the photos for one last peek:


Where in the big wide world is this????????   Why it’s NANTUCKET ISLAND, Massachusetts, USA.   Cobblestone streets and all…..and those buildings in the first photo aren’t on a washed out street, they’re on piers over the water……this photo is actually almost at low tide.   Mom and Dad took a ferry boat over to Nantucket Island on a vacation and LOVED the place.  Wonderful shops, wonderful restaurants and a whole lot of history!  Wanna know more?   Check out this Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce.

Now, wanna know who won what?   OK!


Sharon from Gentle Stitches

First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 4/12/16

First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 4/12/16


Jan from Wag-N-Woof Pets


I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser of 4-12-16


Yes we had a few others guess Nantucket Island so YOU all get this one

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/12/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/12/16

Guessed wrong or didn’t guess????  You still get this!

I didn't have a CLUE on Sam's Teaser of 4/12/16!

I didn’t have a CLUE on Sam’s Teaser of 4/12/16!

Everybody wins……..what a deal………….a lot of you didn’t think this was an Easy Teaser this week (which I had promised) but I thought in the scheme of things and considering how tough some of the Teasers HAVE been lately, this one would be one somebody would know – and I was right!   HOWEVER (you knew this was coming) we will have a GUEST TEASER next week……..and it just might NOT be easy…….or will it??????  HAHAHAHA    Love to keep you guessing and coming back every Tuesday to see if you can figure it out………………..I love my Teaser fans!

Until next week remember - I love you!!

Until next week remember – I love you!!



60 responses »

    • Oh Miss Csilla thanks for noticing that! I guess Mom was a little tired when she helped me get the Tell All posted yesterday. Maybe that’s because lately I get her up at 2AM every day……poor Mom…….*YAWN*……Special Hugs for telling me – it’s now fixed.

      (((((MISS CSILLA))))), Sammy


  1. Well, darn….if my pawrents hadn’t been out riding the roads yesterday, I think Motor Mom would have had a guess on this one! concats to the winners!
    Love, Sundae


  2. An wee luv you all-so Unccle Sammy!!!! An yur Teezer’ss are furabuluss…
    How could LadyMum not have a clue??? Mew mew mew ….
    Conkatss to Lady Sharon an Lady Jan!
    An a Greenie fur us!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ nefktty Siddhartha Henry~~~


  3. We are so excited to finally win that badge….yippee!!!! I’m not quite sure how I did it….just that both Cape Cod and then Nantucket popped into my head. I did a quick google of Nantucket and the pictures looked pretty similar. But I figured in the time it took me to do all that, someone else would have guessed it first!
    Wasn’t there a TV show once that took place in Nantucket? With Tim Daly and Steven Weber who played brothers? Maybe your Mom remembers it, Sammy?
    Thanks for the fun game and the cool badge!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seafood – UNBELIEVABLE……and that was some years ago so I’m hoping things are even more delish now (although Mom says the seafood industry “ain’t what it used to be”).

      Love, Sammy


  4. We love you to, Sammy. We didn’t even guess yesterday. We checked out the photo, didn’t know where it was, and Mom went back to working on Anya’s party. We don’t even know where it is when it’s in the USA. Pffft! Concats to the winners. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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