Fab Friday


Yes you heard right…..  

I’m not complaining about the sucky monster. 

Why?  Because I’m giving Mom

a break on my whining.

What? No noise complaints?

What? No noise complaints?

I’m always talking about how disturbing it is when Mom and Dad both have vacuum cleaners going on different floors of the house on Fridays and how much it disturbs The Royal Baconator.   The fact of the matter is that I no longer hear all that well so that these days sometimes those machines are going and I’m oblivious – so oblivious that when Dad gets about three feet away from me and I’m asleep he’ll CALL me to wake me up!    If he got any closer I’d hear him for sure and it would FREAK ME OUT.    So a gentle “Sammy” in my ear gets me awake and out of the way.

We call this the Grandma Chair - Sam thinks it's a great nap spot.

When I’m on the Grandma Chair in the guest room I’m high enough to avoid the vacuum but the noise would scare me!

I think Broomhilda the Maid LIKES to scare me though………heck, I’m scared just LOOKING at her sometimes!



Broomhilda knows all my hiding spots for toys…………….not fair!

I promise there's nothing behind the couch this week Broomhilda - honest!

I promise there’s nothing behind the couch this week Broomhilda – honest!

Pretty soon all that will be over with – doesn’t take Mom and Dad long – they’ve got the routine down to a fine art now………….zip zap zoom and every room is ship-shape!   The last thing Mom does is clean the litterbox………….



About yesterday’s blog post – so many of you were tickled to see me performing routine maintenance on my ginger fabulousness and particularly liked that one photo of me doing my impression of a “Senior Contortionist”………….this one:


Mom remembered that we have a very similar photo – from several years ago……..


Not QUITE as “athletic” as the newer photo but still, I am demonstrating my “elasticity” which is hanging in there in spite of my sixteen years!   Next time the circus is in town I’ll see if they need a contortionist – I’m not to old to run away to the circus am I ???

SAMMYCLOWN2015 SAMMYCLOWNAnybody need a clown?

Happy Friday!  Sam the Ham

Pee Ess………before I go, I want to wish a special BIG SIXTEEN birthday to my ginger pal Flynn at TWO DEVON CATS.  Here’s to many more big days for both of us my dear buddy!


76 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy! I’m sorry your hearing isn’t all that great, but not hearing that old monster is an advantage, I’m sure.
    Happy Birthday to Flynn!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Yes, I’m not complaining at all about the hearing thing – used to be the doorbell scared me but I don’t even hear it very well most of the time……..so I’m having more RELAXATION time because of my hearing loss – not a bad deal overall!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Friday, Sammers! You know you’re super cute and all…but I’m not too sure about the clown thing…Puppydoc thinks it may be a childhood issue of hers… 😀

    So according to the Cat Calculator…you’d be 81 years old in humanoid years…that means you are an 81 year old contortionist! Amazing indeed! 😉

    Puppydoc wishes you and mom a pleasant and cozy friday….one more day until bacon! 🙂

    Hugs and licks 🙂
    Puppydoc (and samantha)


    • Hi Puppydoc and Samantha! How are my two beautiful friends today? Hopefully ready for a quiet weekend……..we might have snow tomorrow – imagine that. I know what you mean about the clown thing – I’ve had several comments about that second clown photo – – – maybe a little FREAKY rather than FUNNY?!?!?! Lots of people have a “thing” about clowns. I totally get that!! Eighty-one and still hobbling along. Sometimes I have a devil of a time climbing stairs but other than that I’m getting along pretty well these days for my age. I’m looking forward to baconizing myself tomorrow……!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad the hoover-storm is over :o) I was in my wardrobe while the mama flew through my crib in the morning… sadly then she even entered my hiding place because I killed a sock while waiting there :o)


    • uhoh…..sock murder? Now that’s OK if it was your Dad’s but if it was your Mom’s and she feels the need to go shopping for socks to replace the one you ate, who knows what she’s liable to buy while she’s forgetting to buy socks!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy, I think you are more flexible now than you were back when the other photo was taken. You don’t have to dress like a clown to make me smile, you make me smile with your posts every day. That is a nice card you made for sweet Flynn. You two should start a senior club. XO


    • Two Senior Sixteens – that’s me and Flynn! I am pretty flexible all things considered aren’t I !! Thanks for saying I make you smile every day with my blog – that makes me feel all warm inside!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy you as a clown creeps me out a bit but then I have a thing about clowns. I love that picture of you on the Grandma Chair! Sorry about your hearing but I understand how it could be a good thing, just a bit, because of noise. I hear ALL and it causes me to be a bit anxious about some things so I think if my hearing were to be not so acute I would be better off and so would CH because he wouldn’t have to hear me whine about Maniac Marv off in the distance. Whew… long sentence! Have a HAPPY Friday Sammy and Fam!


    • So many humans Mom and I know have an issue with clowns……must have been something that happened when you all were little ones and someone THOUGHT they were cheering you up by sticking a clown toy in your face but it did the opposite…………know what I mean? Clowns have rather outlandish and exaggerated faces and that could be uncomfortable for a kid (listen to me……Dr. Sammy, Psychiatrist here!). Anyway, the other photo of me as a clown isn’t too bad right? I don’t mind having a hearing problem……….life is much more peaceful this way. I thought Maniac Marv was finally FINISHED with his yard renovation!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Our mom is scared of clowns, the last photo in your blog post, may have freaked her out a little bit, MOL. Oh and its snowing, again, for the second time this week.


    • I’m so sorry!!!! I know several people who are truly afraid of clowns – they do have WEIRD faces – people think they’re happy faces but they are WEIRD faces and that can be very scary especially for a little kid!!! That’s something that STICKS with you!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Sammy, Mom thinks Lily doesn’t hear as well as she used to either. She can call out “treats” or “breakfast,” and Lily can sleep right through it. That is a very recent occurrence. We are surprised to read all the “horking” confessions in our comments this morning. Mau horks just about everyday and always as. He eats his food way too fast. Lisbeth is the other one that is a regular horker, which makes Mom suspect her from last night. Mau also doesn’t shed much. Anyhoo enjoy your day. Our humans are actually doing something fun today and going to the Norman Rockwell exhibit at our Art Museum. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • What is it with horking? So many of us hork SO MUCH……are we little piggies and gobble too fast? Are we finding that cat foodables these days aren’t what they used to be or should be? Are we just getting sensitive digestive systems for no particular reason? OR do we like all the attention we get when our tummies are upset?!!!!! Anyway, we are all lucky that our Moms are always there to clean up our messes and tell us it’s OK and don’t yell and have a fit – my Dad gets upset but Mom is the one who handles things. I hope that all of us horkers have a good Friday – maybe we can give our humans a present and try not to hork through the weekend? HAHAHAHA Hope your Mom and Dad have a nice time at the Art Museum – sounds like fun.

      Love, Sammy


  8. Phantom didn’t hear so well either, and mom said it was a good thing because he didn’t seem to mind the thunderstorms so much:). We think ther must be lots of times that our humans wish they couldn’t hear everything either.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  9. Aaaaaaaw Sammy, hearin’ ain’t always all it’s cracked up to be. You know da lawn crew might not be nearly as scary ifin me didn’t hear those big ole noisy machines. Yous look great.

    Luv ya’



  10. No Sammy, not a clown! Mum says it makes her think of Pennywise. I didn’t know who she meant so she told me. EEEEK!!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes and card.


    • There are a lot of humans who do NOT like clowns……I was amazed how many notes I got after I posted that photo!!! HAHAHAHA I hope your birthday was absolutely FABULOUS my dear friend.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  11. Unccle Sammy Unccle Sammy Unccle Sammy!!! Is it true Flynn iss 16 today???? Woo HOO! Aftur mee iss dun here mee run rite over an leeve conkatss fur him!! Yur card iss priceless an LadyMum said “AAAHHHH” an got all teary eyed! (Shee iss such a softie!)
    An yur a furabuluss mankat who can do anyfing! Yur mee HERO!!
    ***nose bumpsss***
    neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Yes my buddy pal and almost twin Flynn is now sixteen just like ME! We are often “bookends” on the Selfie at Cat on My Head on Sundays and have been pals for a long time. We have the same thyroid problem too so we share a lot! I know he will be very happy if you wish him a happy birthday!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mew mew mew mee finks it iss kewl how you an Flynn end up side bye side on thee Selfie page!! An yur both the same age an mee new you both have thee Thyroid fingy so you can support each other. Mee purrayss ALOT for Flynn to stay healthee. Mee likess him ALOT!
        **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • Flynn is a special boy. I often think about how hard it must have been for him to lose his brother after SOOOOOOOOO many years together. I never had a brother but I’m sure it’s a nice thing to have. Anyway, I hope that Flynn and I have many more years together as friends.

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Flynn iss yur Brofur frum another Mofurr……..
            An it wood bee so hard to lose a Brofur as he did! Mee missess Tyerrone an wee not even livin together anymore… efurryone finks mee furgot him butt mee reememburrss……
            Mee hopess you an Flynn are here with us fur ever!!!!!
            ~~head rubsss~~


  12. Hmmm…Sammy, my ears is still pretty good, but being blind in one eye does cause some “walking into things” issues. Luckily our apartment is so small, it only takes Mommy about half a hour to vacuum the whole thing… Mes LIKES that!
    Spring has been sunny this week, mes actually spended some time out on the deck. Mes has even sniffed under the divider at the woofie on the next balcony. Mes not even hissed at him (or him barked at mes!)


    • Oh Nellie I didn’t know you had a woofie neighbor! Sounds like maybe the two of you have decided to sort of be friends since you aren’t hissing and barking! I’m glad you have had some sun so you can enjoy your deck a bit. I wish I could kiss your blind eye better but I also know that you are used to it…..and you don’t let it stop you for ONE SINGLE MINUTE!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  13. I remember that lovely cat. I got him confused with you once. Happy Birthday Flynn. I wish I had a Broomhilda or even a clown. I wouldn’t care, as long as they helped!


    • I’ll gladly mail Broomhilda to you – she scares me a little. HAHA Flynn and I are ginger buddies and now are the same age with the same health issues….We’re both hanging in there so far on our various medications.

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  14. At least there are some advantages to being older and not hearing as well…you get disturbed less! Our beagle Kobi used to get some pretty sound sleeps when his hearing started going and I think he enjoyed that.


    • Yep – that’s me too……….Mom usually has to come and find me somewhere to get me to do something now instead of just calling me. I think it’s good exercise for her (hahaha).

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. Mee onlee lost Tyerrone because mee moved here with LadyMum. Hee iss alive an well at Mumma MaryEllen’ss with Aunty Tinker Belle an Cuss-inn Leah. So mee iss not sad like Flynn; just a bit lonelee sumtimess wantin to play with Tyerrone 😉


  16. Yur rite Unccle! LadyMum sayss if mee went back to thee farm house shee figuress mee wood not want to leeve because Tyerrone iss there with mee Aunty TinkerBelle. An if mee stayed there mee wood bee abull to go to thee barn an see mee Pawentss (King George an Tori) an Aunty Shelly an Unccle Sir Blackie.
    So that put an end to THAT idea!
    So Mumma Mary-Ellen was goin to bring Tyerrone inn to us here butt hee doess not like to travel inn thee car.
    So now wee not know what to do??????


    • Well you at least know you have a family somewhere………..I don’t know that myself since I was found under an old house all by myself! It must be nice to know that you have a Mom and Dad and uncles and aunts AND a brother on the farm………..It has to be a good feeling having family but it’s an even BETTER feeling to have Ladymum in your life right?

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  17. You know Unccle mee knowss they are there because LadyMum tellss mee so….butt mee cannot reememburr them an that iss thee truth.
    Mee sniffss Mumma Mary-Ellen’ss pantss when shee comess to visit an mee knowss thee smells remind mee of sumfing but mee not know what.
    An NO ONE could replace LadyMum efurr! Mee knows this NOW! 😉


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