Pre-Tease Monday!



Well of course you’re ready! 

Tomorrow we will have another TEASEDAY Teaser for you and you’d better be ready………………… this one is NOT a Guest Teaser.   Whatcha think about that?   But no matter WHOSE photo it is, I always try to make it a toughie because I know you don’t want it to be so simple that 50 people guess it. 

Your Geography Professor Doctor Sam

Your Geography Professor
Doctor Sam

It’s more fun if you’re the only one OR you’re certainly first………….and you know that you wanna be FIRST especially if you’re usually receiving a GREENIE!    I’ve had email from some of you who have earned your first “FIRST RIGHT GUESSER” after trying for ages to get one and only getting Greenies.   Who knows – maybe this will be YOUR turn too?!


Wouldn't you be SO EXCITED???!!!

Wouldn’t you be SO EXCITED???!!!

I don’t want you to be grumpy…………….

Oh no.....we don't want anyone to be grumpy!

Oh no…..we don’t want anyone to be grumpy!

Maybe you’ll be the first person to COMMENT on the Teaser on Teaseday??



So – start studying maps, globes, internet, old photos, WHATEVER you can, cuz you just might be able to claim a PRIZE!

GOOD LUCK TOMORROW EVERYPAWDY!    I’m rooting for all of you!   

Professor Sammy

48 responses »

  1. Prof. Sammy OMCs you need to warn me before you appear all professorial in a bowtie.
    I nearly fell out of my office chair at all that handesomeness.
    Hug madi your bff


  2. Hi to my fellow bookend! I like your teaser to be hard so it makes my mum work harder. I won’t say we will try to be first tomorrow. What with WordPress giving me my notifications between 3 and 5 hours late and Feedly being half an hour late my mum has to keep refreshing your blog, then when you post she has gone off doing something else. I need a full time Teaser Watch secretary.


    • HAHAHA…..good idea – someone to just SIT at the computer staring at my blog until WHAMMO, up pops the Teaser!!! Flynn I’m loving that we have been bookends on the Kitties Blue Hop – it’s a nice tradition – when I go there to post our blog I always hope I see YOU right there with some space next to you…..we Gingers make such handsome bookends!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Oh this could be the week – this could be the week – squeals. One never knows Earth just might be the right answer cousin – snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  4. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee will try to get here tomorrow…if not it iss beecause wee iss preeparin fur our visit to Aunty’ss on Wednesday….wee mite bee offline fur a few dayss…butt mee will try to get here..
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


  5. We know we’ll just get another Greenie, but we’ll keep trying. We are a pack of stubborn cats! MOL! Besides we like to see that cute little cheerleader cat. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Suzie Q is an attraction on TEASEDAYs anymore – she does a pretty good job of shakin’ those pom poms. Maybe today will be YOUR DAY to shine on the TEASER????? Good luck!

      Hugs, Sammy


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