Flowery Sunday Selfie


It’s still cold and windy and “raw” here, but

Mom thinks it’s time to break out the Spring flowers SO,

I let her have some fun with my Selfie today. 

Purrsonally I think it looks just a bit “GIRLY” but I do like

to indulge my Mom once in a while!  

We’re joining THE CAT ON MY HEAD’s Sunday Selfie blog hop – are you?  

Why not?  

Click on their badge and go see all the great SELFIES and while you’re at it – link up yourself!!

Patiently waiting for breakfast.......

Patiently waiting for breakfast…….



Love, Sammy

62 responses »

    • Hi Easy! I think Miss Spring MIGHT have taken the hint because our week’s worth of weather coming up includes some days in the 70s! YAY! Hope Miss Spring makes her way to Brittany too!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Sammy my sweet friend..i hope your spring calls our autumn and they can both visit..we have no cold here..would love some..over 40c all week it will be..i miss snuggling and being cosy 🙂 Loves Mrs Awol xx


    • Dear Mrs. Awol…..I know you miss snuggling and coziness BUT before you know it, your summer will be gone and autumn and winter will be back so you’ll get your cozy back! Meanwhile, you are able to get through your hot days with A/C and cooking/baking is OH SO MUCH MORE COMFY – and the critters are loving not being so darn hot they can’t play…….We have missed you that’s for sure!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Katie! I had breakfast and am about to settle in for my first serious nap of the morning. This is the life……hope you have a QUIET day too – maybe that couch will get covered again with that blankie that has “Katie-Furs” on it and your company will be gone??

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Aw, Sammy — you could NEVER look girlie! Have a great day, and hopefully, we’ll have some warm weather for those spring flowers this week!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Good morning Sammy…we are so happy to see you and we hope we see some real daffodils soon. We have a bunch that just poked their heads through the pine straw
    Madi your bffff


    • Hi Madi! Good for you seeing some signs of Spring. The minute ANY of our bulbs send up greenery, the deer munch them all off to the mulch……..THEN, the squirrels will move in and dig up the bulbs to eat. I tell ya, it’s a veritable ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet around here!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, how do you and our other favorite orange kitty continue to end up next to each other in the hop? We do not think the border is girly at all. It is just an enhancement to your handsomeness. As always, we are so happy to have you hopping with us. Mom also wants to say, “thanks,” for your excellent renditions of some favorite Sinatra classics at Scouts yesterday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Kitties! Flynn and I make a good pair of bookends don’t we? I love that we post close enough to be next to each other – it’s kind of a challenge now for us! HAHAHA Glad you don’t think my blue flowery border is too girly – I am a manly cat til the end! I thought it would be fun to do that Saminatra thing yesterday – just for the heck of it as a surprise……I loved doing it and loved posting it as a dedication to you, Allie AND your Mom……it was a fun event for CSU too…………tons of fun. Next up, March birthday party, then toga party, then St. Pat’s Day…….busy bees!

      Happy Sunday
      Love, Sammy


  5. Hi Sammy
    Our Mom has been out side too much and leaving us inside.
    She says there is so much to do!
    Happy Sunday Selfie!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping & Mr Jinx


    • I don’t have to worry about my Mom being outside – it’s still too cold for anything out there…..soon enough though she’ll be mulching and planting and I’ll be watching and waiting INSIDE!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Planting herbs is a LONG WAY off around here for sure…….We do still have our rosemary in the garden that’s green – Mom didn’t cut it back this winter like she did all the other herbs.

      Love, Sammy


  6. Glad you am getting that ornery puter fixed! The Mom’s puter went kaplooey too and still not back up and running yets… her had to buy a mew hard drive and change the mother board.

    We loves the flowers and we thinks real mancats loves to smell flowers… afterall how him gonna know what good flower to gives hims girlfriend?

    Purrrz, Katie Kat and Katie Kitty too


    • Yes there’s nothing like an ornery computer! It’s only 3 years old too so no excuses!!!! I love flowers too and I hope that by showing them on my Selfie today, Mother Nature will feel GUILTY about the icky winter and decide to bring SPRING and more flowers!!!!

      Happy Sunday
      Hugs, Sammy


    • I guess the flowers were actually OK – I mean after all, Mom does so much for ME, I should give her a break when it comes to “decorating” my Sunday Selfie right??? Right!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Oh Sammy it’s good to be in touch with your feminine side, don’t you know?. MOL And we’s sorry yous havin’ catputer issues too. We’s not sure what we’s gunna do or when we’s gunna actually have a catputer. We’s decided to visit today till it shuts us down. MOL It’s cold here too. hope we get some of dat spring weather we’s been purromissed soon.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • You know, you’d think we would be able to get along without our computers BUT then we wouldn’t be able to have so many fun friends and fun things to do! Your Mom’s idea to put ice packs around to keep the inside of the computer cool since your fan broke is a great idea. Hopefully you will be able to get a new fan installed. Until then, stay cozy and let’s hope like you say that Spring “springs” soon because I’m TIRED of winter!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. makes me think of “flower power”! You won’t believe this but it is true. It fashionable at the moment here for the young men to grow big beards and put FLOWERS IN THEM! FAIR DINKUM! LOL!


    • We’re hoping that Spring lands here this week too………..OR ELSE! Glad you like my little blue flowers…..I did too but felt compelled to complain to Mom about making a girlie frame around a HE-MAN like me!

      Love, Sam


  9. Mew mew mew Unccle Sammy mee all most used THAT berry same flower frame! Wee sure fink alike don’t wee??? You are rockin it grate Unccle!!!
    Sorry mee iss late; LadyMum got ree-sick an iss a mess! 😦
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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