Tuesday Teaser


It’s Time………..


Time for us to gather together and have YOU all try and figure out where the photograph I show you was SNAPPED………..what city/village/town and in what country or state.   You know the drill.   Some of you have been TEASING on Tuesday with me for a long time and know you need to study hard to look for any possible clues, then try to be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!   

Remember too, somebody will be the FIRST COMMENTER on today’s blog – don’t have to guess a thing – just comment and if you’re first, you win a badge to show off on your blog or FB or whatever page!  WOO HOO!!!!! 

SO, if you’re ready, let’s bring in little Suzie Q to get you all primed for the competition with a rowsing cheer!

Hit It Suzie!

Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong You Don't Look Like King Kong You Need To Study the Photo Or Winning Is A NO-GO!

You Don’t Look Like King Kong
You Need To Study the Photo
Or Winning Is A NO-GO!

Gee…..uhhhh……gosh…..thanks for that INTERESTING cheer!  (cough cough)

Mr. Silver Briefcase please display our photo for our guests????

Your wish is my command!

Your wish is my command!


WHERE did my Guest Teaser Person or Persons take this photo?????  

BE FIRST to COMMENT on this post today and this will be yours:


BE FIRST to be RIGHT, and this will be yours:


Be RIGHT but not FIRST and this will be yours:


Be WRONG with your guess and you are STILL a winner:


Isn’t this just plain EXCITING??????  Wonder who will win this week – oh I’m trembling with anticipation (or maybe I’m cold and need a fleece blankie???)

What Are You Waiting For?

I'm WATCHING you!!!!

I’m WATCHING you!!!!


Pee Ess   

Like my new blog theme? 

Time for a change I thought!  


88 responses »

  1. Good morning! It looks like a very pretty place, but we don’t know where it is! We were so anxious to get to the teaser photo that we didn’t even notice the new theme, so we’re glad you mentioned it, it looks great! You’re all freshened up for spring!


    • Hi Miss Jan! Glad you like my new look for Spring – it was about time we tried a new theme – WordPress has a bazillion of them and yet we stubbornly stuck with the FIRST look I ever had. I like the new one too!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Hey we love your new blog theme, it looks great. So our mom was on a work call and missed the email about the Teaser, so we’re not first, but we’re excited that its March and spring is that much closer, even though we’re supposed to get a huge snow storm starting today and lasting in to tomorrow.


    • Hi there! Glad you like my new theme……….we’re excited about Spring too but like you, we are expecting some snow but not until Thursday – hope you only get a TINY TEENSY bit!

      Love, Sam


  3. I like your new look, Sammy. I have no idea where it is, but it does look typically British with the bedding plants and park seats. I will make a wild stab at Wisley Gardens near London.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Flynn! Glad you like my new look. It’s the first time I’ve changed since the beginning……about time! Anyway, thanks for the Teaser guess – you may be right but Mom never tells me ANYTHING so we’ll all find out tomorrow. Happy Day dear friend.

      Love, Sammy


    • OOOOOH!!!! I bet a butterfly conservatory would be a cool spot to visit – I wonder if that’s where this is???? I’ll run and ask Mom…..oh wait….she won’t tell me until tomorrow anyway!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Our mom visited the butterfly conservatory, she loved it, BUT, she forgot her camera in the car and she was a lot younger then, imagine what would happen if she went back there now. This is a toughie Tuesday Teaser for sure.


        • Your Mom would probably take a bazillion photos if she was back there – – – – we do have a butterfly garden in Washington, DC but since you take your life in your hands going into town, Mom and Dad haven’t been in FOREVER. It’s not the safest place to go…..too bad though…..Mom LOVES zoos and it’s part of the zoo where the butterflies fly.

          Love, Sam


    • HA! Well, if you become inspired and figure out the Teaser – let me know…….I’m glad you like the new look! Back when we started the blog it was between THIS theme and the KOI theme that I’ve had for so long. We thought we’d try the OTHER one for a while!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Ya think??? It could be Ireland……but we’ll have to be patient and wait for the Tell All to find out…..looks like a good place to start a travel tunnel though doesn’t it? Or maybe leave some pee-mail???

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. My guess is Longwood Gardens which is near Philadelphia, Pa. It looks like Miss Spring is hanging around your house. Please tell her to come and visit me.


    • Miss Spring made a very quick trip here – like two days worth – and now it’s about to get COLD again culminating in SNOW on Thursday. Miss Spring is fickle……what a pickle!

      Love, Sam


  5. I gotta reason this one out. It looks like a place that is hot and humid. There’s mold all over those things. Those are fountains of youth? That would indicate that it’s St. Augustine in Florida. However the plants in the fountains look almost dead so it can’t be the fountain of youth. I’ll have to go with my standard of Scotland which will be right one of these years.


    • Well, even if you’re wrong you went out on a limb and guessed – and you know schnauzers should NOT be on limbs – carrying small ones in their mouth YES but “out on one” NO! We’ll find out tomorrow how you did on the Teaser!

      Love, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Snap! I got all confused popping in this morning, LOL Need I say, “looking good”. Feels like home Speaking of home, I’m guessing Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada, Earth. 😀

    Rama-lama–ding-dong…haha, crack me up Boomdee-poo out. Sending Love x


  7. dood…..yur blogz rockin awesum….way kewl…ewe did a grate job tellin yur mom how ewe wood like it dee signed !!! high paws…..N we think yur fotoz two day iz frum Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Gardens !! 🙂 ♥♥♥


    • Hi Tabbies!! Actually, I have to admit that it’s incredibly easy to change the look of my blog because all we do is pick one of WordPress’ themes, and “ACTIVATE” it, then WHAM BAM THANK YOU PAM everything is transferred over from the old theme to the new – no work to it! COOLIO huh???? Thanks for taking a guess – – – – it definitely does look Botanical Gardens-ish but is it the Berlin-Dahlem one???? We’ll find out tomorrow!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, you bloggie makeover looks great! Ummmm I really have no clue, but I’ll guess Busch Gardens in Tampa Florida…Is there a Busch Gardens in Virginia…maybe that one instead. Dang.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Geography Drop Out


    • Dear Drop Out……….HA! There is a Busch Gardens in Florida AND in Virginia so you’re covered either way – BUTTTTTT, is it right????? Tomorrow we’ll find out! Thanks for taking a STAB at it!

      Hugs, Sammy, Professor of Geography


  9. Wee ADOOR thee new bloggie look Unccle Sammy! Oh an it iss onlee 1:05 Pee Em an wee made it here….so LadyMum puzzled an wuzzled an shee says thee foto iss inn thee State of Georgia inn a State Park……shee all so thott Virginia….so inn other werdss shee iss clueless Unccle, mew mew mew…..
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


    • Think so?????? Well we’ll see if Ladymum’s “Georgia” guess is right when we read tomorrow’s Tell All! You can give her a cheer for arriving at 1PM! Is that a world record? HAHAHA

      Love, Uncle Sammy


  10. Congrats on the new theme, Sammy. And we are “par for the course”: have no clue where that beautiful picture was taken! But I bet you’re gonna tell us tomorrow!
    Love, Sundae


  11. His Sammy, We actually stopped by fairly early today, but Mom doesn’t know where this is. We are just taking a stab in the dark and saying Toronto, Canada Botanical Garden. We’ll be interested to find out where it really is. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi!!! Guess what – you’re actually “in the neighborhood” of being right but not quite! GOOD GUESSING – come see where it is on today’s Tell All AND who my Guest Teaser was! 🙂

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie Bellie! Good guess – it COULD be Mr. Hemingway’s place down in Florida BUTTTTTTTTT sadly it’s NOT! Glad you like my new theme…..thought I needed a NEW look!

      Love, Sammy


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