Pre-Tease Monday



It’s that time again!


Well, of course you are! 

How dare me even ASK!!

Tomorrow we’ll have Mr. Silver Suitcase here with the MAGIC PHOTO………….we’ll have Suzie Q shakin’ her booty (oops I mean pom poms), and we’ll have a whole lot of you jostling for First Commenter, First Right Guesser and even – dare I say it – pretending you don’t know WHERE the photo was taken just so you can collect yet ANOTHER Greenie!!!!!!!!

So, I hope you’ve had your eyes checked this past week……………..

CATEYECHARTAnd you’re feeling PERKY………….



So you’ll be in good shape to work on the Teaser Challenge.   It will be a GUEST TEASER again this week too…………………..keep those photos coming in everyone – I may use one of YOUR photos for the Teaser and you can sit back and have fun watching people guess!     Send your possible photos to me at junekimm(at)AOL(dot)com.

We had an amazingly GORGEOUS day yesterday.  Seriously.   No weather complaints from this guy about yesterday.  I’m sure I’ll be complaining before the week is out (like Thursday for instance when SNOW is in our forecast), but yesterday – GOLDEN DAY!    Sixty-five and PURRFECT.

You know it's nice when Dad has short sleeves on!

You know it’s nice when Dad has short sleeves on!

I’ll be happy when the weather settles down and STAYS nice.   Anyway, it’s always NICE indoors and that’s where I’ll be tomorrow waiting for your guesses to come in!   Here’s the rundown on what badges you’ll get for being FIRST TO COMMENT ON THE BLOG, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER and (uhoh) HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE, GIMME ANOTHER GREENIE:

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So I’ll see you tomorrow right?   Can’t tell you what time I’ll be here, but I’ll be here – waiting for the FIRST COMMENTER because that’s always the first person who pops in on a Tuesday.  BE ready………….is this an easy Teaser?  I personally DO NOT THINK SO……… may think differently but there’s only one way to find out……….

Be Here! 

Hugs, Sammy

Ready for a hug!!!

Ready for a hug!!!

57 responses »

  1. Oh we can’t wait for short-sleeve weather :o) My mom feels with the kitty at the optician, she tried to avoid the glasses with wild guessings for the last row of the board .. and while she used the whole alphabet the optician interrupted her and said: that are no letters but numbers! uhoh! hope tomorrow we will have no wild guesses but the correct answer :o)

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA…..guess what….tell your Mom that MY Mom had that same experience at the optician – she was doing a lot of guessing and the guy just stopped her and said “OK, that’s enough!”…..HAHAHA Anyway, I hope we see you BRIGHT and EARLY-ISH in the morning for the Tease………….!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • I think I met the most talented eye doctor ever. She examined my eyes with her devices, shook her head and told me that my earlier doctors were completely wrong. And she started to put on the glasses she thought were appropriate for me. At the end of the process, I asked her for giving me also a prescription for a white stick. I was only able to see a bright spot on the wall – that was the board.


      • My granny probably visited the same doc. With that glasses she entered a wrong doctors office and waited 1 hour at a dentist. As she entered the treatment room, she said : oh man I need no dentist bjust an eye doctor… The dentist said: yes, that’s what I think too :o)

        Liked by 1 person

          • But it might be the case that your granny and me have the same dentist. When one of my friends sit into his seat of torture, he told him: “It is not your eyes you should open wide, please, but your mouth!” Indeed, he is a fantastic dentist with a really good sense of humour, too.


  2. Oh cousin – we agree that yesterday was absolutely beautiful – short sleeves and flip flops for mom while she was doing the market thing. Totally awesome for sure. I’ve got to watch some Travel channel now while mom/dad take another nap to get some rest from their guests last week. Can’t wait to start sharing some pics. They are awesome! XOXO – Bacon




    • NEVER trust a groundhog……..or a squirrel…….or a mouse……..or, well YOU get the picture!!!! Anyway, I’m so happy your peeps had fun on the coast. Nice that they had good weather! We do have the “S” word in our foreast for Friday now (changed from Thursday). It’s beautiful here today too! Makes me wish it really was gonna stay but I know better! Don’t forget Dr. Seuss’ birthday is coming at Scouts – March 2 – dress as your favorite character!

      Love, Sam


  4. Mee-you Unccle Sammy it ISS luvley there! Today started cloudy an now there iss a HUGE snowstorm!!! ladyMum will NOT let mee go out inn Condo; sumfing about a ‘sniffull’…..
    Seereusslee that iss thee best you got LadyMum???? Mew mew mew…
    An wee LUVSS yur new page look; it iss gorgeeuss. Can 1 mankat (mee) say THAT to another Mankat (You)?
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • You can say ANYTHING to me dear Nephew including that my new blog theme is gorgeous! I like it too…..nice to have a change once in a while and I’ve always had that other “look” since I started my blog! You stay inside when your Ladymum says you have to – you do NOT want to get sick that’s for sure! Remember: MOM KNOWS BEST.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur so kind……an yur rite about stayin inn….
        Today mee just HAD to go out an LadyMum let mee an it was snowin (an iss still snowin) an mee snuggled under mee blankitss inn thee Condo fur a while…not too long tho’….
        Mee knows when to come inn 😉
        An thiss new look iss purrty ‘snazzy’ Unccle!! Woo Hoo!!!
        ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


  5. Oh Meow Sammy, yous bloggy be soooooo different. It looks gweat. Yous daddy really looks like he be enjoyin’ da outside. Glad y’all got sum good weather. And we hope yous have a purrfect day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  6. dood…we setted a record heer on SUN day…it waz 70 degreez…..ina manner oh hourz we R lookin ta get freezin rain…….what de be jezuz ~~~~~~

    see ewe two morrow when yur out side sum at un dizclozed locationz ~~ ♥♥♥


    • SEVENTY?! WOWZERS MEOWZERS! We got close to that but not quite……today our high will be almost 25 degrees LOWER than yesterday so we’re back in “GROUNDHOG DENIAL” weather pattern, with some snow on Thursday. What’s with this stuff anyway? Can’t count on Mom Nature – I think she’s becoming unreliable – time to look for someone NEW to take over!

      Love, Sammy


    • I didn’t do a lot of leaping on Leap Day…….I dont’ do leaping on any other day either! HAHAHA We sure enjoyed the pretty weather but REALITY is back today. Too bad!

      Love, Sam


  7. Hi, Sammy…we like the new spring look of the bloggie. Isn’t this respite in the cold weather delightful. The humans got to ride there bike 22 miles yesterday. First ride of the new year. We sure hope that snow is NOT predicted for here as well. See you tomorrow to collect our Greenie. Love you all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Kitties! Yes, the little bit of Spring was lovely wasn’t it? Good thing we didn’t get TOO entranced by it because today the high will be over twenty degrees LOWER than yesterday……oh well…….snow showers in the morning on Thursday is something we can handle – the high that day here is to be 40 so if we have early snow – SO WHAT!!! Let’s keep concentrating on SPRING and I know your Mom and Dad would like more “tandem time” !!! See you later for the Tease……..tee hee

      Love, Sam


  8. Your weather givin’ you troubles, too? Here, it doesn’t know WHAT it’s doing! Warm one day. Cold the next. Super cold, another. Last Thursday we were the warmest place in Canada. Mouses, I tell you. MOUSES! A kitty can’t plan for sunpuddles or anything!!!



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