Tag Archives: excitement

Pre-Tease Monday



It’s that time again!


Well, of course you are! 

How dare me even ASK!!

Tomorrow we’ll have Mr. Silver Suitcase here with the MAGIC PHOTO………….we’ll have Suzie Q shakin’ her booty (oops I mean pom poms), and we’ll have a whole lot of you jostling for First Commenter, First Right Guesser and even – dare I say it – pretending you don’t know WHERE the photo was taken just so you can collect yet ANOTHER Greenie!!!!!!!!

So, I hope you’ve had your eyes checked this past week……………..

CATEYECHARTAnd you’re feeling PERKY………….



So you’ll be in good shape to work on the Teaser Challenge.   It will be a GUEST TEASER again this week too…………………..keep those photos coming in everyone – I may use one of YOUR photos for the Teaser and you can sit back and have fun watching people guess!     Send your possible photos to me at junekimm(at)AOL(dot)com.

We had an amazingly GORGEOUS day yesterday.  Seriously.   No weather complaints from this guy about yesterday.  I’m sure I’ll be complaining before the week is out (like Thursday for instance when SNOW is in our forecast), but yesterday – GOLDEN DAY!    Sixty-five and PURRFECT.

You know it's nice when Dad has short sleeves on!

You know it’s nice when Dad has short sleeves on!

I’ll be happy when the weather settles down and STAYS nice.   Anyway, it’s always NICE indoors and that’s where I’ll be tomorrow waiting for your guesses to come in!   Here’s the rundown on what badges you’ll get for being FIRST TO COMMENT ON THE BLOG, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER and (uhoh) HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE, GIMME ANOTHER GREENIE:

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So I’ll see you tomorrow right?   Can’t tell you what time I’ll be here, but I’ll be here – waiting for the FIRST COMMENTER because that’s always the first person who pops in on a Tuesday.  BE ready………….is this an easy Teaser?  I personally DO NOT THINK SO………..you may think differently but there’s only one way to find out……….

Be Here! 

Hugs, Sammy

Ready for a hug!!!

Ready for a hug!!!