


Well I could hardly be called Cinderella right?  So I’ll be Samarella (NO – not SALMONELLA!!!!!)  and tell you that it’s CLEANING DAY and you know how hard Cinderella had to work with housekeeping – I’m working my buns off here today too!   Thank heavens BROOMhilda came by to snoopervise!

Samarella, at your service!

Samarella, at your service!

Thanks for snoopervising today BROOMhilda.....!

Thanks for snoopervising today BROOMhilda…..!


We’ll get this place whipped into shape before you know it…………………..I have help…………….someone is in charge of dusting under the beds:


Someone is in charge of floors:


And Mom said she’d take care of laundry so at least my crew doesn’t have to do THAT little chore……………………

Before you know it, the house will be:


Then I can play……………and have fun…………and of course snooze………….it will all be a distant memory – this cleaning thing just happens once a week but I’ll be darned if it doesn’t seem like just yesterday when we were doing this!

Speaking of playing though – yesterday I read on Hailey and Zaphod’s Blog HERE that to celebrate Phod’s FIFTH Birthday, they’re having a FUN kind of fund-raiser!   They want to see the REST of us “foolin’ around” – a photo of us just plain having some FUN.   Now if that’s not FUN, what is?!   And on top of that, Hailey and Phod’s Mom is going to donate $1.00 for every photo submission they get AND $.50 for every comment made on Phod’s Birthday Post on April 1st.   Donations will go to the Ontario SPCA.    Why am I telling you so far ahead?   So you can look in your photo stash and come up with a photo of you foolin’ around to send to them at leeandphod(at)bell(dot)net !    I sent mine in – how about you??????


Cool huh?   Feel free to use the badge to help them raise some money for their chosen cause and remember to get your photos to them ahead of time!!    April 1st will be here before you know it!

Big Hugs,

Mr. Clean (aka Sam)



63 responses »

    • I hear ya….and I feel your pain (well……..maybe not “THAT” pain)….Sam is well trained – after 16 years of earning his keep, he’s got housework down to a fine science. He hides in the basement until it’s over with – that’s what I call “easy science”.



    • Oh yeah? I’ve never heard of Samarella but know something funny? We have a spray on oil product for baking here that’s called PAM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PAM and SAMARELLA could cook a meal together!

      Love, Sammy


    • Honestly my Mom’s office needs some HELP too……she comes in here and sits down and doesn’t even SEE the stuff around her – just the computer screen! Meanwhile the dust bunnies are multiplying as bunnies do and I think I’ll have to send BROOMhilda in here today to read Mom the RIOT ACT!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Haha…Puppydoc was amused by the previous comments so she googled “Samarella”….and found “CYPRUS TRADITIONAL FERMENTED MEAT.” Oh dear. I don’t want you to be a fermented meat, Sammy. That would be not so good. :-/ 😀

    But of course, if you were fermented meat, Puppydoc would still love you! ❤ ❤ ❤


  2. I must admit, Sammy, that when I first read the title of your post today: “Salmonella” did come to mind. EWWW…banish that thought!
    Have a good day – hope you endure the closet monster…
    Love, Sundae


    • Yeah I’m having trouble with that date too……….but I just KNOW Hailey and Zaphod wouldn’t tell a fib about Phodie’s birthday! Naaaa…..I’m going with it. I even sent in a photo of ME ME ME “foolin’ around” !

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Samarella…so clever! The kitty who dusted under the bed cracked us up. Even though Chris was here Monday our mom has been on a cleaning frenzy today as well. She blames it on us. We had snow flurries this morning for the second day in a row. Pfffft! Hope your chores are now complete and you are snoozing. Mau says he’ll see you at the fish fry tonight. He’s going to bring some scalloped potatoes and some kind of nommy dessert. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Guess what! We had snow flurries too for about TEN SECONDS – no foolin’ – then they stopped and that was that – except for this wind – it’s AWFUL…..I can’t go outside or it ruffles my furs and doesn’t let me do sniffies so I can guard our house from dangerous introoooders! I’ll be at the fish fry later – scalloped potatoes sound DELIGHTFUL!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Sammy same thing here just a different kitty and peeps. Today is the dreaded mop the entire wood floor day. Thank goodness it isn’t often. It has to be done in sections so each section dries sufficiently and includes 3 rooms and the foyer.this kitty tries to stay out of the way!! MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • I can’t blame you on the “stay out of the way” thing Madi…….My Mom and Dad do that wood floor cleaning thing MAYBE once every couple of months……otherwise it’s just dusting the floors…….I don’t care for EITHER of those so I’m a goner!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. dood….hold de fone & de musterd & mayo tho we due like em both…mayo & musterd that iz…..what happened ta ” de baconater ” …that shuld be yur name for all week, like 25/8/366 ….all week…. kinda long….. all week….ya noe ♥♥♥

    heerz two a peppered corydoras kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • I’m READY for bacon tomorrow – Mom has promised me a BACON BONANZA…..Mom and Dad has sausage and eggs for breakfast this morning and I’m not a SAUSAGEONATOR…….just a BACONATOR. I’m already excited about it. Trust me.

      Peppered corydoras sound tasty – are they?
      Love, Sammy


  6. We do try to help our Mom with the cleaning but she seems to think we make her have to bring out the vacula monster too often:).

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Hi Flynn! Your Mom shook things up and cleaned on a different day huh? Once in a while my Mom does that too…….kind of throws my SCHEDULE off! I bet you have some photos of you foolin’ around…..I know Hailey and Zaphod would love to have you send in one!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Mew mew mew it doess seem like yesterday youss’ were cleenin Unccle Sammy!!! LadyMum did a lot of cleenin as thee werkemen were here twice this week. Mind you, they are berry cleen (fur workmen!!)
    So far thee vacuum has been silent butt mee knows either tomorrow or Monday it will bee out doin its noisy fing…..
    LadyMum was uppy at Aunty’ss an did a bazillion dishes an potss an tooked out reecyclin an garbage an picked up fingss. Tomorrow shee iss doin thee litter fur Cuss-innss Purrsia an Kashmir plus mine….shee iss so busy mee hardlee saw her this week it seemss…..
    Whew mee hopes Aunty gets better soon so mee can visit propurrlee again…
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Well little one, your Ladymum helps a lot of people – and in return they help her when she needs it – so I guess sometimes you just have to be patient – she loves you and WANTS to spend time with you but she’s sometimes just busy. We have to let our Moms do what they have to do even if it means we wait in line for some attention!!!!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yur rite Unccle Sammy an mee must bee good fur her. Inn fact, mee iss reelly proud of her fur beein so kind! Ferst Aunty iss LadyMum’ss ‘YODA’ an lissenss to her when shee needss sumone to talk to an shee gives grate advice to LadyMum.
        Seckond Aunty iss a shoopin buddy of LadyMum’ss an shee takes her to Post Office an errands….so they are all takin care of each other…..
        An last nite LadyMum could barelee move shee was so-o xhausted! So mee snuggled beeside her an wee watched “Innspecktur George Gently” an had sum qualitee time together.
        LadyMum onlee spent an hour at Aunty’ss doin thee litter an dishess an choress. Wee played sum an now mee iss goin fur a ‘happy nappy’ 😉
        Fankss fur beein mee ‘YODA’ Unccle…mee wood bee lost without you……
        ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


        • Siddhartha you have had so many wonderful people in your short life already – helping you and guiding you and wishing the very best for both you and your Ladymum… will always have angels on your shoulders to help you……and I’m proud to be one of your many Uncles!!

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Fank you Unccle Sammy fur yur werdss of whizz-dom! Mee has had so much help an guidance! An yur mee Numburr #1 Unccle an Unccle Austin Towerss iss seckond…Unccle Bacon an Kuruk are Honorary Unccless….
    Yur mee ‘Go-To’ Unccle 😉
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • I’m proud to be your “Go-To” Uncle… are a smart and handsome young Nephew and I think you have a terrific future ahead of you with Ladymum and LIFE. I am proud of you.

      Love, Uncle Sammy


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