Sunday Selfie Snoozer


Sunday Selfie…..

Doing what I do best!


Yes I have a lot of snoozer selfies – what do you expect for a 16 year old??

We’re joining The Cat On My Head Selfie Hop today – aren’t you?  

Just click their badge to see more selfies AND add yours!



King of Snooze

Pee Ess

And last but not least I am posting my entry in Evil Squirrel’s “THIRD ANNUAL CONTEST OF WHATEVER” – which requires that entries feature the murder (eeeek) of Evil Squirrel’s cartoon character creation “Buster the Possum”……….yes – scary isn’t it?   There’s  a prize involved for the winner – what can I say?  I’m a sucker for a contest!!!!   So if you’re SQUEAMISH, do not look further on today’s blog……………OK?    OK!!!!!   This is for you Evil Squirrel!


82 responses »

    • I wasn’t too crazy about gory either but I had no choice!!!!! Still, it’s a hilarious contest and all the entries ought to be pretty fun to see! At least Buster the Possum is a CARTOON character! HAHA

      Love, Sam


    • Good for Mom!!!!!!!! Some of what the Geek guy may have done to save spaced is remove stuff like passwords that were saved on some sites…..they consider that “junk” and my Mom considers it “NECESSARY JUNK!”…..

      Hugs, Sam


    • Thanks a ton……I enjoyed googling “torture chambers” !! That was fun…… you did the unicorn thing too huh? Something rather satisfying about it in an “OMG” kind of way!!!!

      Happy Sunday, Pam (and Sam the Reluctant Murderer)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love your selfies whether you are sleeping or not. I will go check out this contest so I can vote for you. My husband is going to love this photo of the squirrel in the meat grinder- they drive him crazy at our bird feeder. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! Well, it’s not a voting type contest – The EVIL SQUIRREL himself will judge the entries – you have time to enter it yourself if you want to – it can be a poem, a graphic, a photo, a drawing – ANYTHING showing the murder of Buster the Possum! Glad you like my entry (evil giggle).

      Hugs, Sam


  2. OMC, Sammy, you must win that contest. Your entry may be gory but so creative. We haven’t heard about this contest. Your snoozy selfie is quite wonderful as well. Sending lots of love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • HA! THanks for the compliment on my possum murder idea. Don’t ask me where Mom came up with the meat grinder as a method of destruction – I worry about her sometimes! Anyway, The Evil Squirrel’s Nest is a hilarious blog…..we just could NOT resist entering this contest…….HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • HA! Actually we have a yard possum that comes up on our front porch and raids my outside water bowl once in a while – he’s kinda cute so I would never actually hurt a possum BUT this contest was too wacky NOT to enter!!!! Happy snuggle Sunday!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry I’ve been so absent Sammy, my human keeps stealing the laptop recently with her uni work and house hunting. I’m so behind with all my furiends. I hope you’re having a pawesome weekend my furiend. Bisous to you and your mum from me and my mum! =^.^=


    • How wonderful to hear from you Bailey! I know how busy both your Mom and Dad are…….house hunting can be frustrating sometimes….I’m sure all three of you would MUCH rather be sailing in the sun. I hope they find a nice spot to live soon……meanwhile, take care of yourselves – we think of you OFTEN……..

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


    • I know…..I was sort of worried that people would think I’d gone to the DARK SIDE but it was all in fun of course and was a challenge I was UP for to win something from EVIL SQUIRREL’s blog! Wonder if I’ll win…I’ll have to wait and see!

      Love, Sammy


    • Yes, I am an exceptional cat in that I try to contribute to the running of the household in a pawsitive way……although in my younger days I was a little hellion, now that I’m ELDERLY I’ve settled down and am more helpful and quiet and I sleep ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The Unreal Killers | Evil Squirrel's Nest

  5. Awesome torture chamber scene! Even though Buster is a old pro at gruesome deaths, head in a meat grinder has to be a new experience for him. And at the paws of a very handsome cat, no less. Well done!


    • Thanks a bunch… first attempt at murdering a possum. I enjoyed googling “torture chambers” and finding just the right setting for my possum-grinding scene! I think the entries in the contest are AMAZING. Glad you like mine!

      Hugs, Sammy


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