Pre-Tease Monday




Time to Tune Up for Teaser!

Happy Monday!  I hope you’re ready to face the music (well….ok….not music – just a PHOTO!) tomorrow and try and figure out WHERE the photo was taken?!   You know I try to find a photo for you every week that makes you THINK – makes you scan your memory banks – makes you go back in time to your high school geography class – makes you CRAZY trying to figure it out!   It would not be as fun if it was easy peasy every week.   I’m trying to help you keep your BRAINS tuned up!

So, having said that, remember that tomorrow my Teaser post will pop in and you’ll have a chance to get a badge for being the FIRST PERSON TO COMMENT on my blog tomorrow (as recorded by WordPress here), or maybe you’ll be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER of the photo (woo hoo!), or even if you’re not FIRST to guess right, you might guess right and that will get you a badge……..and as if that wasn’t enough in the way of opportunities to shine tomorrow, if you guess WRONG or don’t KNOW where the photo was taken – well you STILL get a badge for that!

All of this VERBAGE leads me to the point in this blog today where I say – TUNE IN AND GUESS YOUR BEST tomorrow………….you know you want a badge right?  I mean EVERYONE wants to show off their winnings on my Tuesday Teaser (or losing because I know some of you are AVID Greenie collectors….hahahahaha)

Don’t Hold Your Breath….. 

Tuesday will be here before you know it!


Don’t Get Mad or Grumpy…..  Save that for tomorrow when you’re agonizing over the Teaser!


Yeah....I'm grumpy!

See you in the morning Teaser Fans!  

The Teaser Guy, Sammy

I'll wait right here for you to show up on Tuesday morning!

I’ll wait right here for you to show up on Tuesday morning!

60 responses »

    • If you let your Mom get some rest today, I’m SURE she’ll be ready for TEASING tomorrow! Get those glasses nice and clean for her – I hope her eye and face are better from the UGLY CATERPILLAR INCIDENT!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  1. You are such a tease Sammy. I know we won’t be first and we won’t know the answer, but we will be here. Will you be wearing beads for Mardi Gras?


  2. Sammy my friend this is my pre-answer to the pre-teaser. I think the picture will be in Somewhere, USA.
    Hugs good buddy OMCs our Panthers forgot to bring their fangs and claws last night those Broncos bucked them good. Really and truly we were torn because my peeps like Peyton Manning a bunch and we love our Panthers so we were gonna be happy either way.
    Madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! Thanks for coming to the PAWTY last night and bringing that HOT chili and cornbread – AND of course bringing your lovely self! I was upset to see the Panthers not RIP the Broncos to shreds with their claws BUTTTT I was OK either way – I had fun and isn’t that all that matters anyway????????? The audience is entertained? Yeah of course it is!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy, the smirking kitty made Mom LOL, which is really good ’cause you know she won’t be laughing or smiling when she sees the Teaser tomorrow. When she gets her act together she has identified a couple of photos she thinks might be good for the Teaser and she’ll send them to you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • WOO HOO!!!! Tell Mom to send photos cuz we love having a “stash” of everyone else’s photos – it’s fun to KNOW the Teaser and watch the comments and guesses coming in! So I’ll see you in a little while…..we have a couple photo Teaser today!

      Love, Sammy


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