Monsterizing Is Tough!



It’s MONSTER DAY of course since it’s Friday but I was watching Mom today and I realize that at Christmas, there’s a whole different way the house gets monsterized!    Why?  Well, there are decorations all over the place and wrapped presents under the tree so the MONSTER has to be careful where it goes or ELSE.   Disaster.   Mom is very careful now that there’s a train and presents under our tree – she gets CLOSE but not TOO CLOSE.   At least our tree is artificial and she doesn’t have to try and vacuum up all the pine needles from a tree that’s drying out in the house.  Whew!

No dry needles with THIS tree!

No dry needles with THIS tree!

Then of course we have the other parts of the house that get monsterized but they aren’t as DANGEROUS as right around the tree.   Mom just has one other spot to watch out for and that’s where she keeps her Santa collection which is ON THE FLOOR in the living room.

Snowmen on a shelf - and one cat!

It was safely UP last year on a little shelf in the powder room but this year it’s on the floor in front of the TV!

She’s added to the collection since this shot too – like with about four more snowguys – EXTRA DANGER.

I tried to convince her to just skip monsterizing until after the holiday……………but would she listen?  Heck no.   She will listen to be sometimes though – like when I tell her I’ve used my litterbox and I need her assistance, or when I need some treats and I’m screaming at the top of my lungs to get them………..THEN she listens.  She can’t HELP but listen.  I may be little but I’ve got a pair of lungs on me!

Not me but it COULD be!

Not me but it COULD be!

Speaking of Christmas, we did a whole lot of “email” holiday cards this year because – well – we’re CHEAP!   HAHAHA    Just kidding.   This is our Christmas card for this year though – if you’d like to have a copy of it – please feel free to copy it.    We love all of you to bits – you’re our friends – and we are hoping you have a really wonderful holiday……………..just do me a favor – KEEP AN EYE ON THE VACUUM CLEANER!



Sammy, Santa’s Elf


56 responses »

    • Easy I promise to let that train go around JUST FOR YOU!!! I just love this train we have – it makes all kinds of cool train noises – “woo woo” and “chug chug” and a bell clangs too!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. I bet those little snow guys get worried when they see the monster approaching. My mum has sent out loads of email cards as well and still has a few more to send. She has sent out lots of snail mail cards too.


    • Hi Flynn! Mom is careful with the snowmen for sure………they have carrot noses which are tempting for the monster to suck right up! I’m keeping an eye out! We are doing mostly ecards this year – postage is just so darned expensive any more!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oh indeed Sammy there is a change in monster day with Xmas fru fru everwhere..i love your cardie and will print it out to hang by our non lit due to heat chimney..with care 🙂 i still have lots of email cardies to do as well..i think we all need secretaries 🙂 nighty nite sweet Sammy 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xxxx


  3. I think your Mom should listen to you and skip the vacuuming, it would be awful to suck up a snowman or a present. I love the collection of Santa snowmen. I have the same kitty that is on the left 🙂 XO


    • Mom vacuumed today in spite of my objections. She really INSISTED……she had cleaned out my toy box/wagon AGAIN and discovered that most of the stuff with feathers had “feather stuff” flying around loose. I guess after time those feathers kind of disintegrate – made quite a mess but NOW my toy wagon is CLEAN and nice! All my crocheted toys are RIGHT ON TOP TOO! 😉

      Hugs, Sam


  4. Sammy I’m feeling your pain today. There are painters all over inside my house painting our new windows. Mom and I are sequestered in my blog office for the duration. You’d be proud of me I’m being good…every so often I break into a chorus of Don’t fence me in.
    Sincerely Madi your bfff


    • That DOES come in handy – I hadn’t thought of it that way…..Mom says I shouldn’t learn any of “THOSE WORDS” she tends to say while monsterizing so it’s good it doesn’t have a muffler on it!

      Hugs, sam


  5. LadyMum vacuumed yesterday again…because Unccle Jon was vizitin today. Like hee caress about a bit of fluff n stuff, mew mew mw…..
    But itiss cleen so me not complain! An mee asked LadyMum to look out fur a toy train fur mee…..
    Wee LUV yur Katmass eCard an have saved it to Pee Cee. Once Chanukkah iss dun LadyMum iss goin to PiZAp an Katmass card frum us. Wee had to cut down on sendin papurr cards; thee postage iss reediculuss! An LadyMum has been so busy doin seppyrate eCardss did not happen 😉
    Yur card iss SO-O you with thee train inn it!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


      • 😉 Trust mee Unccle Sammy there ARE still dusty bunnies here, mew mew mew……at leest mee space iss cleen tho’……
        An wee still have to do our Katmass card to post on bloggie fur efurryone! Wee did send out sum cardss>>>LadyMum sayss 30… which iss a lot an then shee told mee how shee used to send out 75-100 cardss befur mee came to live with her!!! PICKERELL that busted have busted her bank 😉
        **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


        • We all follow more and more blogs every year and make more and more friends – before you know it, it costs a fortune to do snail mail cards!!!! Anyway, it’s fun to hear from friends even if it’s once a year at holiday time isn’t it.

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wolf herring sounds like a most interesting fish! I’ll have to google that one!!!!! Bacon strips from the tree sounds interesting but I think I’d rather smell balsam than bacon if you know what I mean!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • YES my Mom said “NO” to me once and that was enough when I was a kitten. I just love lying UNDER the tree now but there’s no room since Dad sets the choo choo under there now!

      Stay OUT of time out Cupcake!
      Love, Sammy


  6. Mom has the same problem here with the vacuum monster, but it’s all good as long as she doesn’t get our tails.

    We would love to send you one of our cards too, but we need your email address. Can you send it to us at theoppackATgmailDOTcom?

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  7. Aaaaaw Sammy you know weez always dun da ecards. Weez been blest this year and are makin’ an exception and sendin’ real to da scouts, but dat’s all we can do. Luv yous twee, it’s so bootyful. glad da carpet monster didn’t suck it up along wiff da furbunnies. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • Hi Girls………I’m glad you are able to do “real” cards this year – we did a few but mostly ecards. Yes I’m keeping a VERY CLOSE eye on our tree and everything else……..the sucky monster is a very HUNGRY monster and I don’t want any of my Christmas stuff to be lost!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Us too Sammy. Only to da Cat Scouts, but hey, dat’s way more than we usually do. Those carpet monsters can swallow everyfin’ can’t they?. Weez sure you will purrtect your fings tho’. Have a blest day.

        Luv ya;

        Dezi and Lexi


    • I have to guard our tree very carefully and closely – it’s up against a wall so no sucky thing can get behind it either BUT it’s the stuff in FRONT and UNDER that I’m worried about! Keep watch over things CK!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Sammy, your card this year is super adorable, just like you. Did you ever climb the Christmas tree in your youth? Inquiring minds want to know! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Mom says she thinks it’s some kind of minor miracle because as a kitten I was all over the place but I NEVER climbed the Christmas tree! Never – didn’t even whack an ornament off of the tree! I was happy to lie UNDER the tree and snooze………Amazing isn’t it?

      Love, Sammy


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