Teaser Tell All



Oh boy was that a goodie!    It generated a lot of great guesses that’s for sure!   But before I tell you who won what, let’s take another peekie at this great photograph – Mr. Mystery Man, would you please post the photo for us one more time??

Certainly......here it is!

Certainly……here it is!


I want to take a minute to thank my GUEST TEASER, my good friend Gracie from “Goodness Gracie” and her Mom Miss Stephanie who sent this photo of (drum roll please)……..The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazia in Milan, Italy which is where “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci was painted on the wall of the dining room in the church from 1494 until 1498!   Now that’s what I call a great wall decoration!    Here’s where you can learn a bit more about this beautiful church and the history it enfolds just CLICK HERE.    Gracie and Miss Steph, this GUEST TEASER badge is for you!

Thanks Gracie and Miss Steph!

Thanks Gracie and Miss Steph!

Now for the awards……………..my FIRST COMMENTER was the dynamic duo of Calvin and Oliver (here is their FACEBOOK page link).   BRAVO BOYS!  Here’s your badge:


Who was my FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?   Yesterday it was my good friend Kolytyi who popped up with the details first!    Flynn’s Mom ALMOST got it…..but Kolytyi had the whole guess right!  This is for you!


Did you ALSO guess correctly?   There were others of you who did and you get this badge!


Wrong again?  Clueless?  Not any idea at all?  OR maybe you just wanted another Greenie?   Here you are!


THAT WAS BRILLIANT……………..thanks for playing along with me this Tuesday………………..it’s always tons of fun to see who gets what!!!!

Now before I go, I want to acknowledge that today is Veteran’s Day…………….I have posted a post in the Tabby Cat Club (going live at 4AM Eastern Standard Time) about my Grandfather’s service in the Air Force since he’s my FAVORITE Veteran, but no matter what – I want to thank ALL veterans everywhere in the world who have served in the past or are currently serving because WE LOVE ALL OF YOU and we APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU and we HONOR ALL OF you on this day.


Thankful for all the brave

Thankful for all the brave

Hugs, Sammy the Teaser!

55 responses »

  1. Now we are very embarrassed as we’ve been to see the Last Supper and didn’t recognise the church! Must be due to the amount of people usually queuing up 😉 Great teaser and well done Kolytyi 😀


  2. Well done to the first commenter Calvin&Oliver and the first right guesser Kolytyi! 🙂

    We will join you, Sammy, and bow our heads and remember all those who served and gave their all during times of conflict. xxx


    • Hi Austin! We had some good guesses on the Teaser didn’t we…………..and I think we’re all honoring veterans of all kinds in all places (including the animals who serve) today – remembering.

      Love, Sam


  3. Well Sammy i am remiss again…what a lovely picture..it looks very similar to many buildings in town here! Though i am sure Davinci was never down under 🙂 we also thankyou for your tribute..i was silently thinking of all those Veterans including my great grandparents and grandparents at the 11th hour today…i may have been in the car but as i looked at the people walking in town and going about their day in freedom i was all the more aware of how much was fought for…lest we forget….much loves Awol Fozziemum xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Fozziemum! Without all our veterans, who knows what kind of lives we would be leading today. We are so fortunate there are those who sacrifice so much for the rest of us…….enjoy your day and take care of yourself – we worry about you!!!! 😉 Love, Sam and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree Sammy! We can take for granted the smallest things..even my Scottish granny did her part..she dtove trams in Scotland while the men went to war..and i thought of that as i waited at the lights while the tram went past…i am off to beddies soon but i am taking care Sammy..i am winding down from all the hours preparing for the market..i can step back a bit now and pace myself…please do not worry…i am making sure i behave my sweet friends and will be back soon to normal transmissions 😉 Loves Fozziemum xxxx


  4. Concats Calvin&Oliver and to Kolytyi!
    My mum is kicking herself now that she didn’t check her photos for the name of the church and relegated it to a museum. She always checks but was in a rush yesterday. There was a sign outside saying there was a 2 hour wait to go in so they didn’t stop.


    • Your Mom was SOOO close and when we were checking in the afternoon to see if anyone had guessed, Mom saw YOUR post first and thought “if nobody gets any close than museum in Milan, we’ll give it to her!!!!!”…………..tee hee

      Love, Sam


  5. That was a great submission by Gracie and her mom. Yet another place our mom now wants to visit. Paws up to all veterans worldwide. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo


  6. Firstly, we must pay tribute to all the American veterans. They have given up much to serve their country.

    NOw, for the teaser! We did get this right but mom is so slow, we were probably 87th. One day we’ll get it right again.



  7. Such a beautiful church! I had a darn dentist appt. yesterday morning, but still took a look at your post later…I didn’t have a clue (what else is new…LOL?).
    Happy Veterans Day and thank you to your grandfather for his service.


  8. darn! I couldn’t find the teaser post yesterday. my computer must have gone wonky. oh, well. it sure is pretty and I never would have guessed right!


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