Voting – Day Two!

Sam Wearing His Halloween Scarf

Wearing my Sam-O-Ween scarf!!

Hello Voters!   Yesterday voting was fast and furious and I checked in all day to see how things were going.  It was tough to choose as I knew it would be…………so many fabulous costumes!!   Everyone outdid themselves I think, don’t you?

Let's hear it for all the entrants!!!!!

Let’s hear it for all the entrants!!!!!

Well today the fun continues with Day Two of voting.   A lot of you told me via email that you had such a tough time that you were going to WAIT to vote until Day Two because you wanted to visit and see the costumes again and again before choosing.  WOW – talk about taking the job of voting SERIOUSLY!!!!   Well, good for you because today you should be READY to cast your votes – you can pick all your favorites – voting isn’t limited to one or two – vote for your favorites.  Remember there will be TWO WINNERS – the top two receiving the most votes will win a surprise package from yours truly, Sammy Scissorpaws (hahaha).

Tomorrow at my Sam-O-Ween party (which lasts ALL DAY LONG) I’ll announce the two winners – AND we’ll have a lot of fun too!

Ready to vote?   Good!

So it’s a date?  Tomorrow you come by my place and have some “WEEN” fun and I’ll have some foodables for you to enjoy and I’ll also have a slideshow of all the entries AND tell you who the top TWO with the most votes were!   Meanwhile HAPPY FRIDAY!

Halloween Hugs,

Sammy Scissorpaws



55 responses »

  1. Sammy outstanding entrants again…we voted last night then fell into bed without commenting..yikes! It was SUPER hard..and the guys here are not impressed that i did not enter them..there will be trouble here i am sure! Loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. Ghoul Morning to you Sammy!!
    What a fun and exciting contest!!
    Bravo to you for hosting and bravo to all the creative furiends pawticipaing
    hugs madi yourbfff


  3. Whew mee just got here to help LadyMum vote. it iss past 8 Pee Em. It sure has been fun doin thee contest tho’…
    Mee hopess to see you an efurryone tomorrow.
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Dearest Sushi – I have wondered how you are doing! Thanks for coming by to see the costumes in the contest – aren’t they wonderful???? I’m going to see if you have an update on your blog about you and your Mom, but if not, I’d love to hear from you!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, we can’t wait for the party tomorrow. None of us have done very well in the contest, but we really did expect to. We just think it is lots of fun, and are so happy we got to enter. You look quite handsome in your Hall-o-ween neckerchief. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I was SO happy you all entered the contest!!! Seems to me that the brave (!) animals who actually WORE a costume this year fared best in the contest. No way would I ever allow Mom to dress me so I’ll be virtually outfitted forever and ever………!! Glad you like my neckerchief – I’ve had that since I was a wee boy – I’ll wear it for two seconds then I’m off and running! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR POP………what a great day to celebrate a birthday – I hope he has a lot of fun and thanks again for being in my contest – it was wonderful this year!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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