Tuesday Teaser



Can You Believe It? 

It’s THAT time again!

Are you ready to amaze yourself with your powers of deduction?  Are you ready to impress your friends and neighbors with your ability to examine a photo and figure out WHERE the photo was taken???   GOOD – then you are TEASER material!  YOU just might have a chance to win.    As always you must look at the photo and tell me what town/city and what state/country the photo was taken in………….easy right?   Well yes it is and you can do it – I know you can.   Ready?


Two photos – same place – neither one of them very good quality (Mom!!!!!) but WHERE were they taken???

If you are the FIRST PERSON to leave a comment on this blog today, you get this:


If you are the FIRST PERSON to guess the Teaser photo location correctly today, you get this:


If you guess correctly but aren’t FIRST, you still get this:


And if you are woefully, and sadly, deficient in the geography department, and don’t know, you get this:


GOOD DEAL YES???  Why YES it is!   You don’t leave empty-handed and these days that’s pretty danged wonderful!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you who wins what!   Now get to it…………

Also, don’t forget the clock is ticking on the Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest……..you have until the 28th my friends to send me your Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest entry for BEST COSTUME.   There will be a surprise package for the winner – no matter where you live or what kind of creature you are – if you are the one with the most votes (voting on 29th and 30th) then YOU WIN!

Entries to me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com


Hugs, Your Pal Sammy



90 responses »

    • Easy! Good Morning……………..Bacon beat you to it this morning my friend………Sorry about that! I bet you were taking care of your Mom right? Did she get her stitches out yesterday? Nurse Easy to the rescue!

      Love, Sam


    • Hi Seville! I’ll let you know tomorrow – Giverny is a nice guess – I do know they have BEAUTIFUL gardens there……we’ll find out tomorrow though how close to right you might be!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  1. LadyMum says thiss cottage iss inn thee Cotswold, Great Britian!!! Shee says shee iss firm inn her answer Unccle 😉
    here wee go again! An onlee 10 A.M.
    Amazin! Mew mew mew….
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx


  2. This is probably way off, but this really reminds me of Old Deerfield in Massachusetts. I see some other really good guesses on here though, and one that’s not too far from where I’m guessing, so we might not be too far off! 🙂


  3. I’m going with Scotland because I’ll get a wing chewed off if I miss another Scottish teaser-down, dogs, I guessed Scotland for you. If it isn’t Scotland, I’m gong with Scarsdale in Westchester County, New York State.


    • I can’t blame you for going with Scotland if a WING is up for grabs! YIKES – the dogs don’t cut you any slack there do they?! Good luck…….Scarsdale is a nice “second”……we’ll find out tomorrow if you’ll be “one wing down” or “flying high”…….tee hee

      Hugs, sammy


  4. dood…..iz thiz yur nayborhood ? yur houz haza grate garden & lotz oh treez sew we think purhaps yur mom just stepped out side N took a snap shot oh de nayborz houz, down de street…how awesum ta haz gardenz like thiz !!! ♥♥♥ { burd free two !! : )


    • 1980s it was! Mom and Dad had a trip to New England and stayed in Salem, MA for a night or two. A very “witchy” spot to be as it was around Halloween and the whole town was decorated!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Flynn! Glad you made it my friend…………..how about SALEM??? Yes indeed……my Mom and Dad were there during Halloween time and it was a GOOD place to experience “spooky” !

      Love, Sammy


  5. I have NO IDEA as usual, so I’m going to guess wildly and say Williamsburg, Virginia. The house looks kinda Federal in style though the flowers are sorta English cottage-y.


  6. Hummm, is it the house of the lady that writted Peter Rabbit? It looks like a place that nefarious bunny would hangs out. Sammy, mes is the happiest cat on the planet! Mes is getting to sleeps in my favorite spot (cuddled to Mommy’s chest) and Mommy is helping mes to visits my furrends (and to leaves kisses for the extra special man cats in my life) Please tell Sundae mes is just a furrend!
    Extra Special Kisses to yous dearest Sammy
    Oh and to your Mommy too!
    Kiss X Kiss X
    Your Nellie Bellie


    • Nellie my heart was SO FULL when I saw that you were with your Mommy again. I just wish it was permanent….but one day maybe it will be. Meanwhile, stay close to Mommy and get lots of snuggles in – I wish I could give you one too. You look even TINIER and more fragile than when I last saw you dearest girl. I’m sending you most special hugs……very gentle Sammy hugs. Enjoy your stay with her in her new home – I know she misses you tons and so do all of us……..believe me……….nothing would make me happier than to know you are with her again full-time (same for Koz, Cinni and JoJo the WILDGIRL!).

      Kisses and hugs,


  7. Good Evening Pammy and Sammy….I’m sneaking in at this late hour because I was crafting all day. That house looks like something you’d see in America, very Colonial looking or do they call it Shaker? Anywho, I’m going to guess Canterbury, New Hampshire since they apparently have a whole village of Shaker Houses and pretty gardens there. Hope I’m a wiener 😀 ❤ ❤ Boomdeenoodle


    • You’re CLOSE – New England is a gorgeous place and the style of homes is similar for sure…..you get half a point for your guess (hahahahahahahahaha). You are a wiener – you’ll always be one as far as we’re concerned (tee hee).

      Love and smoochies, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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