Pre-Tease Monday



Teaser Coming Tomorrow!


Consider this your early warning wake-up call because tomorrow you’ll need your wits about you (and your glasses) so you can figure out the Teaser photo.   The photo I’ve decided on is not the toughest one in the world but because you have to tell me more than just what country or state it was taken in, it might be TOUGH.   We’ll see about that!

Did she say TOUGH???  Uhoh.....

Did she say TOUGH??? Uhoh…..

I know some of you think it would be a lot easier if I just had you tell me what country or state the photo was taken in and NOT make you tell me the city/village.   Well, you’re right – it would be easier, but wouldn’t you rather have a BIGGER challenge??????   You know BIGGER CHALLENGE like when we’re trying to wake our humans up in the morning to feed us??????


I’ve been promising some newly designed badges for a while and haven’t done them.   Shame on me.   Seems I’m up to my eyebrows these days in blog stuff and Cat Scouts stuff………between those things and trying to allow my Mom to get OFF the computer and read or take a drive with my Dad, the day is FULL.   No time for designing badges………BUT I will get around to it I promise.

Meanwile, you’ll have a chance in the morning to get one of these little gems!

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The post will be popping up in your inbox at an UNKNOWN time………..a SURPRISE time…….we all love surprises right?

I also want to remind you not to wait until the last second to send me your Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest entries……….I’m sure you’d just LOVE to have the surprise prize package I will have for you if you are the winner of the BEST COSTUME contest right?   You have until OCTOBER 28TH to get your entry to me – just email me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com.   I’m getting some real doozies!    Then on the 29th and 30th YOU will get to vote for your favorite/best costume…………………I’ll announce the winner at my party on the 31st!


I haven’t decided what my costume will be this year.  Last year Mom dressed me as a lobster in a pot.  Can you believe it?   Who knows what indignities I’ll suffer THIS year!

Guess you’ll have to wait and see!

Happy Pre-Tease Monday

Love, Sammy

48 responses »

    • I will continue to send PoTP and purrs…………..Hoping she continues eating……’s tough sometimes – Mom gets upset at me when I go for a day or two without eating. I have to remind her I’m OLD!

      Love, Sammy


  1. I can’t wait to see what your Mom comes up with for your Halloween costume. I really need to get working on the ones for my cats so I can get photos sent for your contest. We love Halloween 🙂 And how nice of you to let your Mom have some well deserved time off for reading. XO


    • I love Halloween too…………Mom is like a 5 year old and Dad is like a 95 year old. HAHAHAHAHA Seriously though, Mom loves decorating and finding treats for the trick-or-treaters, carving the pumpkin, the whole nine yards!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Double squeals – Tuesday Teaser and I gotta dress up that little rascal Houdini for you for your contest. I have a couple in mind. Nah – I don’t think he will mind me dressing him up – evil snorts! XOXO – Bacon


  3. Oh boy, now that the S’mooresapalooza is over, we’ve got to get Mom working on our costumes. Mau says that you should wear your s’mores costume as it was super cute. And he really appreciates all your support. If Mom remembers it is Tuesday when she gets up in the morning, we’ll try to get here in the morning for the Teaser. Love and hugs to all from Mom and XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Excellent s’moresapalooza event!!!!! Tons of fun……..I just might wear the s’mores outfit BUT then again everyone at Scouts AND at the blog have SEEN it. Might do something a bit more – SCARY!

      Love, Sammy


  4. OMD, I would have loved to see Sammie in his lobster-in-a-pot costume! Miss D was an angry jack ‘o lantern last year. “Angry” because that’s her attitude to wearing costumes. BOL. Not sure what Mommy will force me to wear this year…


  5. Mee mee-you???? A lobster inn a pot Unccle??? That iss…mee not sure what theat iss…LadyMum showed mee that foto an mee was shocked. Mind you yur lookin cute inn thee costume….
    Mee had LadyMum PiZap Purrincess Phoebe an mee together so mee ask her to send that foto to Lady Pam today.
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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